The Secretary Reappears

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The whole singing thing wasn't quite that easy though, just sing and let the flower thrive. Just as the last note from the red girl's home tune was sung, whopperflowers appeared! Icy blue mutations of flowers, attacking with Cryo. Paimon concluded that they might have appeared because the song wasn't from Liyue.

"Do I attack them, or will the Glaze Lily be ruined?" (Y/N) wondered, to which Zhongli said it was just fine to attack since the whopperflowers were not flowers but monsters. The elegant scythe appeared in her grip, and she dashed forward, slashing through all monsters at once. "Huh? No new opponents?" she said as she re-corrected her grip, and the flowers withered on the ground. "Huh."

"Those weren't Glaze Lilies! Glaze Lilies wouldn't hit people!" Paimon said upset.

"They are known as Whopperflowers." Zhongli crouched down, looking at the soil form which they appeared from. "Hm... these petals look interesting. The Glaze Lilies used as a disguise were buried with the Whopperflower for too long. The result seems to have surprisingly potent medicinal value. Let us gather what's left of the flowers."

"Qiqi will get a gift? I can almost hear Baizhu thanking you, saying something about a 'gentleman who shouldn't forget mora next time' with a laugh..." (Y/N) sweat dropped, gathering the light blue petals.

"Can't they become valuable for the Rite of Parting too?" Paimon asked.

"Sadly, no." then a voice was heard from behind the trio, a sweet one, sweet like apple pie.

"Excuse me... are you searching for Glaze Lilies?"

"Oh hey, it's her... the one with the face... Paimon can't remember her name." Paimon sighed. As for (Y/N), she kept quiet to see Aether's answer.

"Hi Ganyu."

"Right on the money." (Y/N) gave the boy a head pat. "Oh wait, you're not Xiao." she then realized, but then didn't seem to care. Good enough for the moment.

"Hello. How was your travel to the Jade Chamber?" Ganyu, the pale blue haired secretary asked.

"It was so pretty!" Paimon answered. "But it would have been easier if you told us how to get there..."

"Oh? But surely I did." she said, not getting it.

"Nope." Paimon shook her head.

"Maybe we should've asked..." Aether rubbed the back of his head.

"Oh, I see." she looked troubled.

"Now, you little mischievous child, how are you..." (Y/N) couldn't resist. She just had to sneak up from behind during the talk and grab the secretary's cheeks, stretching them softly. Though weirdly, she didn't even react to the attack.

"I am doing pretty well, thank you. How are you, Ms. Ruby?"

"Ah now now, would you drop the Miss? Am I that old." the red girl let go of the cheeks and had a furrow on her brow.

"A-ah no not at all! I simply just wanted to be polite since we haven't seen in a while-" the emissary took up her hands in protection while backing away slightly.

"But who have known you ever since you were smaller than a sunsettia?"

"Y-you." the other girl approached as Ganyu kept backing, until she stood by the edge of the water.

"So formal titles are only a hassle, do you not think? I don't use titles to any of my friends, but mayhaps you do?"

"No, I do not."

"Now that is cleared up." (Y/N) put her hands on the side of her waist, looking firm as ever. "Why are you out here, Ganyu?"

"I went to see the flowers." the secretary said, now with the same firm voice as her friend.

"Mhm, logically." (Y/N) nodded.

"What in the world do you mean 'logically'?! Why not just watch those in the garden on Yujing Terrace?!" Paimon was annoyed by being excluded.

"Haah. If I strolled through the place where Rex Lapis parted from this world, then I would not be able to bear it." she sighed and looked up in the clear blue sky, a darker color than her hair. "I have been avoiding even looking at it these days."

"Oh, umh, Paimon's really sorry..." she did seem sincere actually.

"Paimon, good job. Always apologize when doing wrongly, or making a mistake. Maybe even villains can be excused if they apologize, and the hero is kind enough. Scratch that, in that case all villains would be given a second chance to give up since all heroes are partly nice." (Y/N) muttered from the sidelines as Zhongli gave her a pat on her back to calm down her mother instincts. Two people in front of her of whom she was protective of. Now all that was missing was the Zombie and Bard-Batos. Remember that nickname?

"It's quite alright. I just have to get used to my feelings." Ganyu talked some more, but not that (Y/N) listened. She just listened when Aether piped in.

"So that means..." he concluded, and (Y/N) just stood still, confused by his tone.

"Only Barbatos is the remains of the first Seven."

"Oh Khorne..." (Y/N) sighed.

"The others, included Inazuma's Raiden Shogun, are not the same friends from before." Ganyu finished.

"But who knows about the eight god, she might be alive, or she is gone without a replacement. Then the structure is just like it was said - seven gods, not eight." Zhongli finished, and Ganyu nodded.

"I do think the eight god is left, since the tales still tell of her. No one is gone as long as stories are in the hearts of her, and her protectors are all still alive I've heard." Ganyu seemed interested in the topic.

"Now, she'll bring us misfortune if we keep talking out in the middle of nowhere. Remember she's still walking all lands, without a home. She might right now be on this one marsh, hearing the cruel words of travelers, secretaries and alike..."

"Eek! Stop it, you're scaring Paimon!" the child seemed to be white from (Y/N)'s ghost story, causing the girl's goal to be achieved.

"To change topic, did you two know of Ganyu's origin?" (Y/N) asked, getting a nod from Ganyu as a confirm about how it was okay to be spoken of. Neither did, so she explained it all very fast. "She is both Adepti and human. Isn't it lovely? It means love can not reach any bounds, that what you are is of no matter. It's like an old fairy tale I used to hear, of a man meeting a wonderful and pretty creature in the waters, but they are not of the same breed. The man escapes with his beloved, and together they start a life in the water, beyond the helping hands of their earlier friends and foes. It's not only about love, but that everyone should be accepted so that no one has to choose side, or leave the other friends and families they have." (Y/N) touched where her heart would lie under the fabric of her dress, remembering stories told by the fire at late night.

"Oh? So you're a lot older than us? But how did (Y/N) know you that long in that case?" Paimon asked, and got a hit in her head.

"Never, do you hear me, never, call a woman old. Now, I am sorry Ganyu. Maybe we should drop the topic. All I wanted to talk of is about being the same as others even when you're different. That is the lesson you have to remember." (Y/N) concluded.

"So, you're here for Glaze Lilies? I just picked one myself. Why don't you have it, as a gift. I don't know what else I can do for you after all the hassle you went through to find a way up."

"That's alright and forgotten, but thank you." Aether took the flower. "What song did you sing?"

"A local Liyue ballad, one of my favorites." Ganyu responded. "I am afraid I have to leave for work now, but best of luck."

"Best of luck to you too!" and the secretary left the marsh.

"Now we are fully prepared for the Rite of Parting, it can begin now and we would have no trouble. Let's go to the venue now." and they also left Dihua Marsh.

No. I wasn't late...

Now, I am a big Ganyu lover and main myself, so I enjoyed writing this chapter. As soon as I'm done with this quest, I will begin writing some scenarios, love scenarios with all character (Y/N) would fit with including some of my own favorites. Look forward to it~

Hope you enjoyed~!

1,441 words, 4 pages ✍(◔◡◔)

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