Attitude VS Riches

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It was a pretty place, the Jade Chamber. The sun casting its' light over the flying structure, and the people standing outside it. The noble looking lady Ningguang then spoke up to the guests at the Chamber.

"I have been awaiting your arrival, returnee from Jueyun Karst." she spoke to Aether. Her snow-white hair shone in the sun with the hair ornament in it reflecting the light.

"Ah, it's Ningguang!" Paimon said with awe, and (Y/N) had amusement in her thoughts of how easily swayed the child was as long as someone was successful. "Since this is our first meeting, we've, um, prepared a gift!" she floated up to the lady and gave her the neat box, and when she opened it to see the sugar-frosted-slime, an interested smile came to her lips.

"For me? Why thank you. It seems I gave you quite some trouble in finding your way up here."

"Oh it's nothing." Paimon assured her, with a polite smile. Why couldn't she always have a polite smile instead of a child's mischievous grin?

"This is a nice place." Aether looked around with wonder in his eyes.

"I am glad you like it. The Jade Chamber floats in the skies, higher than the peak of any mountain. From this vantage point, one may survey all of Liyue. I have been gathering the funds necessary to build it from the time I began learning the merchant's craft. And since becoming the Tianquan, I have spared no effort in hiring the best craftsmen to constantly extend it... At first, it was but the size of one room. Now, it is large enough to blot out the moon in the skies above Liyue." she spoke of her creation as a proud mother bragging about her child. "I believe one day, it will overshadow all the seven nations." Aether sweat dropped my hearing her massive dream, and well that was understandable, it was one which seemed impossible to grant with just manpower. But, it was her funds.

"Not many from outside Liyue earn the right to ascend to the Jade Chamber. But I have been in correspondence with the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonious, who spoke highly of you." Lady Ningguang continued. "As such, I have been putting my eyes and ears out ever since you reached Liyue..."

"What?!" Paimon exclaimed, half shocked, half terrified. A stalking Tianquan... how pleasant.

"And I finally got wind of your movements when you were on your way to Wangshu Inn." she did not let herself be disturbed in her explaining.

"... Wait. Was Verr Goldet one of your people?!" the child asked, even more surprised.

"Just Verr Goldet?... No. Everyone at Wangshu Inn is one of ours." okay, this woman was someone to watch out for, even though right now she only tried to impress the trio so they would have more respect for her. She was probably telling them of her greatest things in one for the travelers to decide she was too much of a powerful woman to not befriend. Well, now Paimon was frustrated, but luckily Aether kept his cool a while longer.

"We met the Yuheng not long ago..." he mentioned, and Ningguang knew exactly when.

"At the Guizhong Ballista, yes?"

"You weren't looking at us from up here all along where you?!" the child asked.

"Haha... I fear peeking would be hard from this high up." was her answer. "Our eyes and ears are much more than sufficient. You two are very interesting people, after all. It would be natural to take interest." (Y/N) noticed her saying you two instead of three, and soon got an explanation. "Sadly, as for you, we have no need for knowing anything. You are an open book." Ningguang said to (Y/N), not mean but very honest.

"I guess so." the girl kept her steady eyes on the Tianquan. "Favorite hobby?"


"Wrong. I do not have any hobbies. Work-line?"


"Also pretty wrong. Right now I am working on a book, and will not leave before it is done, and not switch job either. How about homeland?"

"Mondstadt." Ningguang gritted her teeth, the opponent had attitude.

"Hah, that's the most funny of them all. I was a simple baker there, only trusted in their lands for five years before I was out again. I have no home land, as I am more moving than the waves by the harbor. Tell me something about me that you are certain of."

"..." she thought for a while, then knowing what her answer was. "Ganyu is your friend of whom you haven't seen in a while."

"Ganyu is not my friend, as harsh as it sounds. I am more of a shielding companion to her, a mother of sorts." (Y/N)'s ever so cold eyes were now colder than Tsaritsa herself. "Please, if you try to impress me by how good companions and underlings you have, don't try it on me first. Confirm the intel and make sure everything is in order. And if you want me on your side, know that my side..." /(Y/N) turned to look out in the sea. "Lies in my birthplace." she then turned to the Tianquan again. "May we get started now?"

Ningguang gritted with her mouth closed and fierce eyes. It was very clear for her that all (Y/N) wanted, was to show that the lady was not her superior. She had her mission accomplished without flaws, and without a second of faltering.

"Let us go and clear up some misunderstandings." she simply said with a masked hostile voice, something like a panther, befriending a rabbit just to then put its claws in the animal 'friend' it made. (Y/N) nodded, Aether and Paimon once again agreed to never get on their friends' bad side, and Ningguang looked out over the harbor.

"I believe you've heard of the Archon war?" she started, asking Aether it was clear she did, and not the others. Her best chance was him, since he was still polite while Paimon was a mistrusting child who would follow (Y/N) whom she looked up to, and (Y/N) was already certain she had no place to interfere with neither Adepti or Qixing until one of them accepted her and didn't try to kill her or prove that they were better. Aether thought for a while before choosing his words carefully.

"Only the broadest of strokes." Ningguang smiled a little.

"Then, I will tell you."

(Y/N) be badass b*tch...

Heyo! Just wanna say that I don't plan to write this story for longer than Chapter 1 Act 3 a new star approaches ends, and then a little longer when Aether finds out about everything (Y/N) has been through. In the end, you'll understand who the locked voice lines belongs to.

Hope you enjoyed~!

1,154 words, 3.3 pages ผ(•̀_•́ผ)

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