The Last Temple of Dishonesty

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The last temple was on the top of a mountain, so even if the three had spotted the temple, it absolutely did not mean they were there in a few minutes. It took them a good ten minutes before they were up, since Aether had to have Paimon on his shoulder and she would accidentally grab his braid whenever she thought she would fall.

"Can you try to NOT grab my hair for once? You won't fall!" the traveler sighed as his hair nearly was pulled out by the hungry-float-child-girl.

"Well, get a move on! (Y/N) is already by the edge of this mountain, she will be able to greet Lisa before us! AND SHE HAVEN'T EVEN TRAVELED AS MUCH AS YOU THESE PAST DAYS!!" the pixie for some reason thought that he would climb faster if she teased him enough. Aether looked up to the girl with red clothing but immediately looked down again with a face more ruby red than the said girls dress as he remembered why his sister always scolded him when he did so when they climbed mountains.

He finally climbed up to the edge and saw that (Y/N) had waited by the end of the rock to make sure they arrived at the same time. The poor girl was to scared to interact alone with anybody.

"Hey cuties." Lisa greeted them once they walked up to her.

"You're going to help me out too? How kind of you." that librarian loved to use a flirty voice, huh?

"Don't hesitate to come to me if you need anything."

"What kind of thing does a librarian do in the ruins?" Aether asked the brunette as she placed a hand under her chin while thinking.

"Hmm... good question. Well because Jean trusts me I will help out to." she turned her head over o (Y/). "So you should as well." she smiled nicely. they then walked to the temple.

The big door leading in to the Temple of the Lion opened and they walked in and saw yet another room of stone with patterns in the walls and floors, it was old and dusty as the other temples. This time it was an open space with lots of stairs however. They climbed them and everyone got tired only from that, and somehow Paimon was most tired of all.

"Ughhhh Paimon is tired..."

"But you float, do you not? how come you are tired then?" Lisa asked interested, but gained no answer from the whining child. Lisa sighed. "I guess I could give this a go." she said with a small smile. she took out her catalyst, one in the form of an old book and readied herself for the coming battles.

"I knew it. There is a strong elemental energy coming from deep within this temple. Paimon, are you able to float across?"

"And do what? Hmm? Can't do much even if she does."

"Good point. We'd better start looking for a way to get up there then." the witch walked to the left until she reached a wind current.

"Let's ride this wind current, shall we?" she opened a pair of old wings, just like the ones all the other knights had for what Aether and Paimon had seen. They all floated up and landed safely. They all came to a big room with a door and a small console beside it. When the door had disappeared stairs down was visible and a big Pyro slime.

"Leave it to me." Lisa said to the others.

"Pyro and Electro reacts strongly and the reaction is called overload, very effective to make opponents fall backwards and leave them shocked with hair and fur standing right up." (Y/N) explained and Aether made notes in his mind. They then turned their heads to the librarian.

Boy, she was effective. Her Electro catalyst handed out direct thunder to the slime and it was pushed backwards into the wall. Then Lisa gathered some power and a thunder ball came in her hand, and a purple line was drawn from two or three meters around her. Lightning over her, and once she released the electricity it became a three times bigger lightning than usual and hit the slime. It popped right away.

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