An Old Language

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"The day's still not over..." the girl sighed. She looked out over the meadow. It was beautiful, the orange light shone on the green trees a little bit away, they were probably oak trees. She didn't sense Kaeya anymore, so she came to the conclusion that he had left when he saw the job was done to get to the HQ before her. Well, it was probably time to leave before the sky went completely dark, she had to report to the Cavalry Captain. She looked at the place once more before she headed west to the city.

She walked over the bridge that went over Cider Lake. Her movements were quiet and didn't even disturb the pigeons on the bridge (by which she received looks of awe by Timmy) and she took time to just look out over the Lake. She sighed, she was getting way to comfortable in Mond, it was best to leave soon before it felt like a home.

"Oh? You're back? So you managed to find the Ruin Guard?" (Y/N) nodded and put the Chaos Core in front of the navy-blue haired man. He stared at it a few seconds, and then looked up at her again.

"Thanks for that. I'm afraid that's all you can do for me. But if you want to, I heard Lisa complain that everything was a hassle and that she wanted to sleep, she would probably not mind some help."

"I'll go to her now... Th-thank you for letting me help..."

"Oh? You're thanking me? I was the one who got help, I should thank you." but the girl left before he had the chance to say "thank you". he smirked.

"How amusing. You've really catched my interest."

"If you wish to borrow something, please register it in that book, oh and please, don't forget to return it in- oh?" Lisa paused when she saw who the new guest in the library was. She smiled inviting at the red-dressed girl. "Why hello. I'm afraid that I can't help you right now if you need anything, I have tons of files to sort out. One of my friends from Sumeru sent me these documents, but they're all written in the old language... I can translate it to a certain degree, but it takes a while even with a dictionary in hand."

"I wanted to help actually... could I have a look at the papers?"

"You sure?" she sounded skeptical. "These aren't easy to translate and I'm not sure my own translations are right..."

"I had a friend who taught me in old languages, she had learnt them from an old book and I'm positive that a man from old Mondstadt would read the old language slower than me." all the shyness in (Y/N)'s voice was completely gone, like it had never existed.

"Then here you go." the witch handed her a paper from the stack beside her. The girl with (h/c) hair picked up a pencil and read the document. It barely took a minute before she justified the pen in her (s/c) slim hand and begun to correct the words written.

""Deaconess" is in fact "Marchioness" on page two, word 294. "Old money" should be translated as "inherited money" on page three, word 45." she continued like that and failed to see the librarian's shocked and impressed face. When she had read through each page and corrected it she looked up. "I'm sorry, that was probably horribly impolite of me, right out telling you wrong and right. Is there another document you would like me to take care of?"

"My, it's almost as if you have been in the old Teyvat and spoken to each merchant and commoner, learning their way to speak before going to the learned professors and asked them to give you a language class, then to the nobles to learn." the girl blushed red when she heard the woman's praise.

"P-please, you're flattering me way more than I am worth." she tried to let it go.

"No way I am, you must be a teacher in language or at least a scholar!"

"Haaah..." (Y/N) looked like her head was about to start smoking and Lisa noticed, and laughed at her face.

"I'm sorry, you are just too adorable! That face of yours, I just wanna pinch your cheeks!" and right after she said that, she did pinch her helper's cheeks.

"Mwiss Lisa... Mwy cheeksh... could yu stwop pinchin dem?"

"Heh, you are just too cute." the brown-haired woman let go of her cheeks. "Thank you very much for helping me with these papers." (Y/N) rubbed her red cheeks.

"Could I help some more?"

"I would love your help. Please, here is one I've already started on. Would you mind finishing it and fixing my errors?"

"I'm on it." she looked so determined to finish them, and when she had begun she didn't look away once. The librarian sat comfortable a while and just watched her. Se couldn't believe the girl was just a teenager, she was way smarter than your average teen. She found herself admiring her face, her lovely clear (s/c) skin, her silky hair, her slim body, her (e/c) eye, everything about her. She was so mesmerizing in the orange light from the candles. She smiled to herself, she really enjoyed the company from the girl, even if only she was there for a night. Her eyes widened as she realized something. She patted the girl's arm a few times to wake her up from her focused mode.

"I'm so sorry, but I realized that even if you know my name, I haven't introduced myself properly. I am Lisa, the Ordo Favonious librarian."

"I-I'm (Y/N). I am a baker..."

"Hello (Y/N). Though I'd like to call you something else. Could I?"

"I don't mind."

Yay~ fourth love scenario!

Lisa might appear older than (Y/N), but age is just a number, right?

This take place after the chapter before, so Aether has not arrived in Teyvat yet, just to be clear

1,027 words, 2.9 pages (〃` 3′〃)

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