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Sana sniffles the fresh air of Korea. It was her first day here since her father told her that she will going to study here along with her new stepsister. She didn't met her step sister yet since she just got here now.

Making her way outside the airport, there she saw a white van that have full of body guards around. Her father have told her that she do have a body guards when she arrived here but she was not sure yet if that was hers.

A few minutes of just standing right infront of the gate. A woman suddenly came.

"Excuse me ma'am. Can I get your name?"she asked as Sana just look at her since she didn't get the woman's words very well. She can't still understood an English language anyway.

"Uhh—"Sana scratched the back of her nape

"Your name ma'am"with that Sana finally get it

"Mi- Chou Sana"Sana said with a shy smile. She's still not use with her new surname after all.

"Mr. Chou have told us that you are arriving today. So please come with us"she said and Sana didn't do anything but to follow her


Sana was watching TV when she heard the door from outside opened.

"Sana! Your Papa was already here!"she heard her mother's voice from outside so she immediately got up and run outside her room

"Okasan!"Sana gave her mother a warm embrace

"Your papa was here"she said pointing at the tall guy besides her

Sana just stared at him and didn't move an inch since she just got met her step father today.

"Your daughter is beautiful as you"he said opening his arms for Sana

Sana just gave him a hug. She felt happy because she is now going to have a new father.

She got a new father since last month but just got met today. Her step father was a busy person so he has no time of meeting her in person.

Sana's father leave her mother and her alone when she was still a little kid. They are still not married yet but Sana knew her mother really loves him and she's happy with that. Her mother's happiness was also her happiness.

"I got her a new school"her step father started

"When will I start?"Sana asked

"Tomorrow. And don't worry because you're not that late"he said as Sana nodded her head

"And don't worry about your stuffs because we already brought it for you"her mother said with a smile

"Thanks Okasan"she look at her step father
"Papa"she added a smile


Today was another day and today was Sana's first day to school. She was not that nervous since she always got transferred to a different schools since then.

But now she is transferring to a school in another country. She is not that used for their language since she studied Korean a few months ago.

Sana was walking around with an amaze look. The academy was indeed big. It seems like many of the students here was came from a wealthy family since her father was rich. They are not that rich but they do can live happily and fine.

She was just walking around not minding where to go.

Her eyes was around the place and didn't even notice that there was an upcoming ball towards her direction.

It didn't took long and the ball hit her head so hard since the students there are playing volleyball.

She fell on the ground while holding onto her head. All the students gathered around her with a worried face.

"Oh my Gosh. Are you alright?"a small pale skin girl asked. Her face was not very visible because of the hit of the ball.

"Sure she is not. Have you ever saw a person that was got hit by the ball and they were alright?"a girl with a bangs said glaring at the other small girl

"I'm sorry. I didn't saw you coming when I threw the ball"another girl said with a shoulder hair length hair

"It was Momo's fault she is too excited for the game to start"the small pale skin girl said

"Not my fault. It is yours. I swear I will kill you"Momo defended and was about to hit the other girl when another small girl came to stop her

"Stop fighting you two"she said, shooking her head

"I am not a part of a volleyball team so why is that?"the pale skin girl said with a frown

"Let's just help the girl"another girl said but this time she was tall

"Help? It's not our fault. She is not looking at her way"another tall girl said

Sana already overcome her dizziness and stood up with a frown.

"What did you just say?"Sana asked

"Should I repeat it myself?"she asked back

"Hey hey hey! That's not how you treat a girl like her"a girl with a bunny teeth said stopping the other girl

"Whatever. Let's just take our practice tomorrow"the tall girl said then leave

The small girl with a pale skin then went closer to Sana and held her arms.

"I'm really sorry with her attitude towards you. She is indeed like that so"she paused
"Wanna have some lunch with me?"she asked earning a hard slap from the other small girl

"Stop hitting on a transferee students, Dahyun unnie"she said shooking her head

"Uhh. I think I got to go now"Sana uttered with a smile

Sana then leave them and headed to the said office. She is going to ask where class she is going to be.

Other girl's side

"How do you know that she's a transferee, Chaeng?"

"Yea you're right, Minari. Maybe Chaengiee's new girlfriend"the girl with bangs said, which is Momo said putting an arm over the latter's shoulder

"No. She's not. She's just not familiar to me so I assumed she was a transferee"Chaeyoung defended

"The transferee was kinda cute you know"Dahyun, the small pale skin girl said

"Well, you are Kim Dahyun. What do we expect? All of the transferee girls here always comes to your hands"the bunny girl, Nayeon said

"No. I mean all the beautiful transferee students"the tall girl, Jeongyeon said

"Well, I'll leave you all here. I'm gonna invite Tzuyu for a lunch"Momo said and about to leave when someone with a short hair stops her

"You're always sticking yourself with Tzuyu even though she don't care to you"Jihyo said

"Love is really strong"Mina uttered

"Whatever y'all say I don't care"she said and finally leave

"She was so unlucky"Dahyun mumbled

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