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"Where is Mina, Tzuyu?"Nayeon asked. The eight girls are now currently at the hallway waiting for their classes to start.

"I don't know"Tzuyu coldly answered

"What do you mean I don't know?"Jihyo asked, curiously

"We didn't go to school together"Tzuyu replied

"It's new. In these passed few days you two always got to school together"Jeongyeon uttured

"Right. Is there something wrong between the two of you?"Dahyun asked

"None"Tzuyu then walked out leaving them behind

"Maybe they got a little argument right Chae?"Dahyun elbowed her, which she came back to reality
"You've been spacing out"she added

"It's just-you know some works here in school"Chaeyoung look down

"You don't look okay"Momo muttered

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me"Chaeyoung showed them a smile before she take her leave

As when Chaeyoung was already out of sight, there Mina came. She's now with her cold aura, that when you made a wrong move towards her it feels like dying.

"Mina? What took you so long?"Nayeon asked

"I got woke up late"Mina replied

"What makes you woke up late?"Jihyo asked, raising one of her brow in confusion

"Wait! What happened to your eyes? It's swollen. Did you just cry?"Momo said. She knows Mina than they ever know and she can read Mina by just looking into her emotions.

"It has something to do with Tzuyu?"Jeongyeon asked, which Mina nodded

"W-we broke up"Mina look down, trying her best not to cry again. Yes, she do really cry ealier that it also got her late to school and she sleep late at night because of crying.

"How and why?"Dahyun asked

"I-I don't know. I'm also asking myself did I do anything wrong? Did I do anything that makes her broke up with me?"Mina let out a tear but she quickly wiped it off

"I'll talk to Tzuyu"Sana suddenly said, which all their gaze went on her

"Wait no. Tzuyu—

"I'll try to talk about it. For sure Tzuyu has a valid reason why she broke up with Mina"Sana said


And after that scene happened. Here Sana is. She's at the rooftop as she knew Tzuyu would stay here and she isn't wrong, she's here.

She got seated right next to Tzuyu without even noticing her. She's such a numb indeed.

Sana tapped her shoulder and that's when she noticed Sana sitting right next to her.

"I heard the news about you and Mina breaking up. Why?"Sana started. The latter glance at her before she averted her gaze.

"You don't need to know"Tzuyu coldly replied

"I'm your sister, Tzu. Of course I also wanted to be updated with your life"Sana said. Tzuyu sighed before she spoken up.

"It's because of Chaeyoung"Tzuyu replied. Sana stared at her confusly and asked

"What Chaeyoung gonna do about this?"Sana asked

"She loves Mina. She's in pain. I know Chaeyoung can treat Mina well than me"

"But Mina loves you"

"I don't feel the same, but Chaeyoung do"

"Mina is in pain because of you, Tzu. You just leave her behind without even saying any reasons. Are that numb not to feel anything?"Sana frowned

"So as Chaeyoung"

"I know but also think of what Mina's feelings right now. If you can't fight for her then you shouldn't enter into a relationship in the first place"Sana said before she leave Tzuyu alone

She's dissapointed. Dissapointed of what Tzuyu did.

And what makes her mad the most is Tzuyu is still the same when she leaves her on her place as if she didn't feel anything.

"Why are you so numb, Chou Tzuyu"

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