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Sana woke up without a glimpse of Tzuyu by her side. She didn't even know if Tzuyu really went home yesterday night since she excused herself for some matters.

She don't know but everytime she is with Mina her mood suddenly swings. She knows Mina just treated her as her little sister, but that feeling can't get out her. She had this feeling that Mina was somehow inlove with the latter.

But what is her place to interfere with that. Who is she? She's just her step sister nothing more.

Going back, Sana stood from her bed and got ready for the school.

After a few hours of fixing herself, she finally got finished and took a bus for school. As when she got in, there she saw their team captain in cheerleading, Jung Eunbi.

The said latter smiled at her, motioning her to sit besides her that she immediately accepted. For these past few days, she also got closed with the said girl. Sana was a friendly type of person so she will easily find a friends.

"You aren't with the school's volleyball heartthrob?"Eunbi started as Sana stared at her confusly

"Volleyball heartthrob?"Sana asked

"Yeah"Eunbi nodded

"Ahh Tzuyu? She's busy"Sana look away

"Yah she's always like that. She's cold as an ice. I don't know why almost of the students there likes her"Eunbi said making Sana glance at her

"That's true. I also don't know why I fell for her even if she's like that"Sana mumbled the last word she said

"Hmm?"Eunbi hummed

"Ah nothing"Sana said and there they finally got to the school

"See you around, I guess"Sana just smile in response as she continued to walk to find her friends

It's still early and she was sure that most of the students are still not in their respective classes yet.

A few moments of finding, there she saw the two small girls.

"Sana unnie!!"Chaeyoung then run towards her like a lost child. Sana giggled.

"You look cute today, Changie"Sana said as Chaeyoung hugged her arms

"Ya! What about me? Am I cute"Dahyun said doing some cute hand gestures infront of the latter. Sana just chuckled

"No"Sana said, making Dahyun pouted

"HAHA! serves you right"Chaeyoung teases

"You! I won't let you copy my notes and works"Dahyun glared at the other one

"Woah? My Changie are not doing her works and notes?"Sana crossed her arms

"She was just thinking of Mina unnie all day long, that she forgot that we have something important to do"Dahyun said with that annoying smirk of hers

"You like Mina that much huh"Sana smiled

"Yeah but sadly she likes someone"Chaeyoung sadly said

"And who is that someone?"Sana asked eagerly to know the truth

"She's y—

"Oh gosh Chaeng! I forgot my phone at the library! Come on let's get it before someone might took that"Dahyun was about to pull the small girl when Sana stop her

"Can I come?"Sana said

"We'll be right back, Sana"Dahyun said before she finally took Chaeyoung with her

"What's really wrong with Dahyun"Sana shook her head and just find the other girls

She roamed around the hallway but still she didn't find her friends. Her legs are tired of finding them so she stops right into the lockers area to have some rest.

"Satang-"Sana heard a familiar voice. She knows who it belongs to and turn her back to face her.

"Where have you been guys?"Sana asked

"We bought something outside"Nayeon said showing up the foods on her hands

"We thought you are not going to school for today since Tzuyu went here alone"Jeongyeon said

"You guys are not still in good terms, aren't you?"Jihyo asked as Sana slowly nodded

"Tzuyu is confusing sometimes"Momo said

"No, it's always"Nayeon corrected

"Speaking of Tzuyu where is she by the way?"Jeongyeon asked

"Playing volleyball with Mina"Nayeon answered

"Mina invited her to play volleyball so they are at the gym. Want to come?"Jihyo asked

"They also invited me to play but I'm hungry"Momo said

"Yeah we know. It's not like it's new to us. You're always hungry"Sana chuckled

"You guys better teach me how to play"Jeongyeon said as they all got their way to the gym

Soon they all got to Gymnasium and as usual there were many students staying there. Tzuyu and Mina's fans to be exact.

The students are gossiping about them.

"Look they both really look good together"

"Two introverts"

"If I can't have Tzuyu then I wished she will end up with Mina"

"There is this rumors that Tzuyu liked someone--and oh she is here"the girl was looking at Sana's direction. Sana swears she almost choked in thin air.

Did they just--what the fucking hell. I don't know but I also don't want to complain.

"If they just knew"Jihyo shook her head

"I ship Tzuyu with Sana"Nayeon said more like teasing

"Incest?"Momo chuckled

"I mean there's nothing wrong with that besides they are not blood related. But it's still wrong for the eyes of the judgemental people"Jeongyeon said

"Ya! Just don't talk about me when I'm around"Sana frowned, but Jeongyeon's words kept on repeating into her mind

"Let's go join them"Momo then hurriedly went her way towards them

The girls then started to join the game even if Jihyo, Jeongyeon and Sana doesn't know how to play the game.

Soon Dahyun and Chaeyoung also joined the game, they are now complete.

Here we go again with the ball about to hit Sana when Dahyun-oh and Tzuyu hurriedly hit the ball. Well, Tzuyu did. After that the taller got back to her position.

"Satang, just don't stand there and watch the ball hit you. You should atleast try to hit it"Momo said

After that they stop from playing before their class starts.

Sana on the other hand was wiping her sweats away from her body. And suddenly, her stare went on Mina who was wiping Tzuyu's sweat. They are just inches away from each other.

They got an eye contact but Sana decided to averted it.

Tzuyu was just there. They are on the same roof. They are close, but why can't they be.

She is near, yet so far.

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