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"Hey, Tzu! Have you already brought your things?"Sana asked

"Yeah"Tzuyu simply replied

"Can we go together at school riding Papa's car?"Sana asked with a puppy eyes, hoping Tzuyu will say yes

"Talk to him then"Tzuyu said and got downstairs without even waiting for her

Well, Sana was used to it so she just followed the latter behind, taking her things with her.

Tzuyu went outside first and Sana headed towards their father to borrow his car.

"Papa? Can I borrow your car for today?"Sana uttured as her father lift up his head to look at her. He smiled.

"Of coure, Sana. Here's the key"he then handed her the key

"Thank you, Papa!"Sana kissed his cheek

"Soon I'll buy you your own car"he said but Sana shook her head. Not because she don't like it but because she's not really a good driver.

"If you're thinking that you can't drive then ask your little sister to teach you. Well, it's not that hard to drive"he said, which Sana respond with a smile

"Thanks, Papa. I'll get going now"Sana then left

As soon as she went outside, there she saw Tzuyu leaning her back to the car, waiting for her. She looks so cool with that.

She's now wearing a Skinny jeans, Gucci belt, over the knee boots and a black top that really suits her hourglass body. She's indeed gorgeous with that outfit of hers.

"What took you so long?"her daydreaming was interrupted when Tzuyu suddenly spoke up

"Ah yes. I'm sorry. We got talk for some stuffs and Papa wants to brought a car for me. Do you mind if you can teach me?"Sana said trying to look cute

"I will"Tzuyu answered before she took the key for Sana and got to the driver's seat

Sana expected something. Like Tzuyu would open the passengers seat for her, but it's not. She just made it on her own and got inside the car.

Soon they got to the school with the students around them starting at their direction. Well, they may always got to school together but it's still early and the students was not already there so they are kinda surprise to saw them together.

Speaking of the students who was starting only at Tzuyu. They are giggling and their smiles was annoying-as for Sana. They kept on eyeing her until they got inside the campus.

And with that Sana immediately cling her arms onto the latter's arm, that she didn't even mind since Tzuyu was used to it. And oh-the students are starting to gave her a death glare, but she don't care after all. Only her, can do that thing to Tzuyu.

How funny she act as if there was a 'them' but the truth is she's just her stepsister who acts as a possessive girlfriend.

Tch, they are still not removing their freaking eyes off Tzuyu.

"Just don't mind them. It's not that you're used to it"Tzuyu suddenly spoken up. Like what the hell? Did she just heard what she's thinking?

"D-did I think that loud?"Sana asked and Tzuyu just shrugged her shoulders without an answer

They continued to walk until they separated their ways to their first class. They didn't have the same class today so.


"We're going to have an exam this upcoming weeks. We don't know when so you need to review"Tzuyu said. They were currently at the locker getting some things.

"I don't need that"Sana simply answer, making Tzuyu frown

"You think you will pass? Your performance was not enough. You also need to pass the exams"Tzuyu explained

"Yeah exam is just—

"No. You need to review. Have you forgotten? You're a graduating student"Tzuyu crossed her arms

"Okay fine! But in one condition"Sana smirked. Tzuyu just nodded motioning her to continue.
"Let's review together"she smiled

"Is that all? Okay fine"Tzuyu have no choice though

"That will be great"Sana excitedly said

"Why so excited?"Tzuyu asked, confused

"Why? Isn't bad?"Sana asked, which Tzuyu shook her head

Soon they got to the library to review there since it was only the peaceful place for them to review.

They were already reviewing for almost an hour. But Sana's laziness suddenly came over her quiet soul so here she goes again. She got lazy from reviewing.

She got bored while looking at nothing so she decided to stare at Tzuyu who is now busy reading her notes.

She's almost staring at her for a minute but she still didn't saw her. That is because she's too focused reviewing so she will definitely not notice her.

Honestly, I'd rather review her beauty than to read this fucking books.

But seriously, she love to study Tzuyu's face. You can really see that she's too flawless. Her beauty is so insane. You will not get tired of looking at her as always.

She loves all her features, her cute nose that she wanted to pinch, also her dimples that she wanted to poke when it was coming out sometimes and her favorite-her lips that was very soft and addictive.

She also love her eyes, her eyes that sparkling every time she stared at it. Her eyes speaks a lot. She's her stepsister but she can't really read her eyes. Usually, she always got her no emotion face so you can't really tell what she feel.

Going back, Tzuyu caught her staring at her and not reviewing.

"Why are you not reviewing now?"Tzuyu asked raising one of her brow. Sana smiled.

"You look so beautiful"instead of answering her question she said that, that made Tzuyu frown

"Do you really want to pass?"Tzuyu said

"We're almost reviewing for an hour. Isn't that enough?"Sana pouted

"It's not enough"Tzuyu stood up

"Hey where are you going?"Sana asked and also followed her

"I'm going now. You can review here. I'll see you later"Tzuyu then disappeared, leaving Sana with a pouty lips

"She's so mean"

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