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Tzuyu, Sana and their parents are now at the airport as they just got arrived here in States. As of that, they were going to choose a Church for Tzuyu's wedding. Her fiance is not here yet due to his busy schedules.

They got pick up by a white limousine. And for that, they also have a lot of cars here in States as they also stayed here for years.

Now, they are heading through their house.

"If Taehyung can't come then you can just take Sana with you to choose a good church that will suit your taste"Tzuyu's father said

"After that, you can also roam around here"their mother said

"What car we'll use and who will drive?"Sana asked

"I just brought a new car for our stay here, you can use that and Tzuyu can drive"their father answered

"But she's still 15"Sana replied

"Here in states it's allowed for teenagers to drive so no need to worry"he said


"It's still too early to do this, isn't it?"Sana asked, they were now currently infront of a Church

"Yes, but they said it's better when we do it early. I can still change my mind this coming years"Tzuyu said

"Do you think Taehyung will like what you choose?"Sana asked

"In these passed few months, we've talked about the things we liked so I'll just base on that"Tzuyu answered

"What about this church?"Sana said watching her reaction, she think she didn't like it
"You know you can choose a church that has a particular, profound meaning for you, choose the church to which you are most connected, or maybe you can decide together with your partner, but he's not here so"she explained

"I don't think I can feel something from this Church"Tzuyu replied

"Okay! Let's find another one then"Sana smiled

Soon they got to found another one and another one but that still didn't passed Tzuyu's taste.

And then they got to their last destination. They got inside and the place was good as for Sana. She don't know if Tzuyu will like this.

"Just think that I am the one who you will marry"Sana said as she went to the red carpet
"What do you think?"she asked the as Tzuyu just stared at her without showing any emotion

That mystery emotion of hers confused Sana day by day. For the long time of being together she can't read that side of hers like- is she staring at her with amazed? with a disgust? or with a lust-no how would she do that.

Sana shook all her thoughts and came back to her own senses. And still Tzuyu was staring at her.

Wait! did she just spaced out?

"Hey Tzu. Now tell me if you feel something on this church"Sana started

Tzuyu look away and stared at the whole place. Sana felt like she got uncomfortable for what she just said ealier.

"I'm just joking ealier though, I'm sorry if I—"Sana didn't finished her sentence when Tzuyu got spoken up

"I think I like this place"Tzuyu answered, making Sana smile

"Then let's tell this to Papa and Okasan"

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