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Today, Chou's company will be helding an appointment. Tzuyu's father is included there. As Tzuyu's father, he really needed to be there.

Tzuyu is on the way to the conference room with all the gaze on her, including her father. The gaze of her father was telling her that he's so proud of her. She become so successful after all the hardwork she did. Tzuyu really deserves to be the Ceo of the company. She had all the qualifications of being a great Ceo.

Sana held Tzuyu's hands to cheer her up. She seems so nervous because this is a very important meeting they will be having.

"Good luck. You can do this, baby"Sana smiled. That made her feel at ease.

Soon the meeting went great. Tzuyu really did a great job. Sana's energy is really a help for her.

After that, her father excused her to talk somewhere. They talk privately at her office.

Her father inhaled as he went on Tzuyu's side.

"I just wanted to say sorry, Tzuyu. After all, I won't go into details of my shortcomings, the bad things I did to you. Because from the start, I thought you were the reason why your mother died, Papa didn't mean to. It just took me while it lasted. I know sorry isn't enough, I've done too much for you. I didn't support you when you really needed me and I also didn't showed the love of a father. I will not ask you to forgive me either"her father explained. It made Tzuyu speechless, after so many years for asking herself if her father really love and cares about her, this is it. It made her speechless.

Tzuyu wiped off her visible tears and took a deep breath.

"You don't have to say sorry, Papa. I understand you. I still love you because you're my father and don't really ask me to forgive you, because I've already forgiven you"Tzuyu answered, that she didn't even realized that her tears are now falling

"I'm happy to hear that"he then turn to the side, where Sana was. A smile immediately slipped from his lips.
"It seems like you're really happy with Sana. I'm happy for that. Sana really changed you into a different person. I'm telling you, keep her"he tapped the latter's shoulder

"I will, Papa"Tzuyu smiled

"We really have same taste huh. I love the mother and you love the daughter"he teased

"Papa"Tzuyu shook her head

"I just wanted to ask if when are you going to propose to her? Are you planning of that? You know, I'm here you can ask me for some advice"

"As of that, I don't really know"

"Don't worry, I'll help you"he smiled


"How's the talk with Papa?"Sana asked, they are now currently at their place

"Honestly, it made me feel at ease. I feel so happy"Tzuyu said and you can see the smile through her face

"It's visible through your eyes"Sana also smiled at her

"I only have this one problem with me"Tzuyu said that made Sana stopped and worriedly look at her

"What is it?"Sana asked

"It's a secret"

"What? Are you serious? Your problem is also my problem, right?"

"I won't say it"

"I hate you"Sana started to walked out

"Ya! Sana!"

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