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"Before these witnesses, you have pledged to be joined in marriage. You have now sealed this pledge with your wedding rings. I now pronounce you married! I ask you now to seal the promises you have made with each other this day with a kiss"

With that, Tzuyu leaned in and kiss Sana's lips. All the people cheered for them as they smiled between the kiss.

"I love you"Tzuyu whispered

"I love you too"

On the other side-

Maybe our happy ending was never ours, just yours.

After all, now I know that she's safe and happy I'm fine with that.

"Don't worry, Mina unnie. Soon you'll also find the one for you. Don't be sad anymore"Chaeyoung stated

Mina almost forgot that Chaeyoung is right here besides her.

"I'm actually happy for them, Chaeyoung ah. Tzuyu and I were already done, but I'm still grateful to her because even for a short time I was genuinely happy. I really didn't expect them to be together in the end. They started as step sisters and now"Mina smiled and you can see the pain between those smiles.

"Me too. I hope I can also find the right one for me"Chaeyoung said staring at Mina with full of sincerity and love. The latter caught her and they got an intense stare before Mina look away with a slight blush on her cheek.

"Chaeyoung ah"Mina called as the smaller hummed in response
"Can you wait for me?"she asked, that lightened up Chaeyoung's mood

"Of course, I can wait for you any time you want. Rest your heart first and I'm just here. I'll help you to move forward, Minari"Chaeyoung smiled


"Congratulations on the newlyweds!"Jeongyeon showed her drinks up


"Where do you want to held your honeymoon?"Nayeon asked with a teasing grin

"Maldives"Sana answered

"Maldives? Why Maldives?"Momo asked

"I just search this place and I find it very interesting. Based on my research the place is so great!"Sana said excitedly

"Ooohhh I guess you two will have so much fun there"Momo smirked

"Make nine babies"Jeongyeon teased

"Tzuyu has no dick"Nayeon said, which made them laugh
"But for sure they will be having a good time there"she grinned

"Yeah we will be having a good time there, especially when you guys are not around"Tzuyu said that made them all speechless

"You're so mean!"Chaeyoung pouted

"I know"

Meanwhile on the other side

Jihyo is now crying as they all look at her in full of confusion.

"Why are you crying, hon?"Sejeong asked

"It's just--I can't believe these two were finally married now"Jihyo wiped her tears off

"You're being so dramatic, Jihyo ah"Nayeon chuckled

"You guys better prepare yourselves for our upcoming wedding"Jeongyeon uttered

"After so many years"Mina chuckled

"Yup. After so many years, she finally proposed to me"Nayeon shook her head

"I wanted a great timing, okay?"Jeongyeon snuggled on her

"To be honest, Nayeon unnie really planned to propose to you"Momo laughed

"And her pride stopped her"Sana joined

"Gosh! Let's just celebrate this day! Again, cheers to our newlyweds!"

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