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"So how was the food here?"Jihyo asked

"It's really good"Momo showed a thumbs up

"Of course it's always good for you"Dhayun rolled her eyes

"You—"Momo was about to stood from her seat when Sana held her arm, stopping her

"Just don't mind her, it's not like it's new to you"Sana said showing Dahyun a teasing smirk. Yeah here we go with that again. She really thought Dahyun likes Momo but the truth is it is not.

"By the way, after this where are we going?"Chaeyoung asked

"At my house"Mina smiled

"O-okay"Chaeyoung look away with a slight blush. The way Mina smiled was just--

"Let's finish this and buy some wine!"Jeongyeon said earning a hard slap from her girlfriend

"Alcohol is not allowed to you"Nayeon crossed her arms showing her a death glare

"Okay"Jeongyeon pouted

"Under"Dahyun chuckled from the other side

"Kim Dahyun—"Jeongyeon frowned

"Okay enough with that. We're done eating so let's get going"Jihyo then stood up

"Let's go"Nayeon followed Jihyo from behind

"Eh? She just left me"Jeongyeon said also following her

"That's how you got when you have a girlfriend"Dahyun chuckled taking Chaeyoung along with her

"Let's go, hon"Mina said as she take Tzuyu with her

Sana watched them leave and followed from behind.

"I'm not yet done with my foods!"Momo said with a frown


"Stop running around Chaeyoung, Dahyun!"Nayeon shouted but that didn't stop the two. They were now currently at Mina's house.

"Just don't mind them, Nayeon unnie"Mina said putting her head onto her girlfriend's shoulder

On the other side, Sana was watching them with eyes full of jealousy. She wished she was in Mina's position.

"I'll just get some water"Sana then stood up and went her way towards the kitchen

"Sana is being weird for today"Jeongyeom whispered through Nayeon's ear

"Maybe she was just stress for some reasons?"Nayeon replied

"What is the reasons then?"Jeongyeon asked

"We don't know? Let's just let her be and whether she needs us then we'll be right here to comfort her"Nayeon said


Sana and Tzuyu are now at the kitchen. Sana didn't expect her to went here too, she was just here to have a peaceful place since her friends are loud as fuck. But it wasn't peaceful anymore as when Tzuyu walk in here.

"Sana"Tzuyu called in a low tone. Sana don't know what to do but she's now sweating real hard and Tzuyu is the reason.

"Y-yes?"Sana stuttered and she almost run her hands out of hair for stuttering. What the fuck!

"Nothing"Tzuyu called and came back to her business. Sana glance at her as if she was crazy.

Seriously? She called my name for nothing? What the hell is wrong with her.

Or maybe she was just assuming something?

And Sana came back to her world when she saw Tzuyu infront of her. She was so close, her breath hit the smaller's lips. Sana watched how her eyes darted from her eyes down to her lips.

Sana immediately closed her eyes, awaiting for her next move. Her lips fell near her ear, that made Sana open her eyes and saw Tzuyu already far away from her. She frowned.

"For real?! Is she teasing me?"

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