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matured sexual content.



Sana got to the living room where the girls are. They are now complete except for Tzuyu.

"Sana chan! Did you saw Tzuyu?"Momo asked the moment she saw the latter. Sana just shrugged her shoulders.

"I didn't see her"Sana answered and sat besides Momo

"Where have you been?"Nayeon asked

"Comfort room"Sana replied

It didn't end long Tzuyu showed up and sit besides Chaeyoung.

"Where did you go, Tzu?"Chaeyoung asked

"Comfort room"Tzuyu replied making them all shocked

"Wait what?!"Momo reacted first

"Sana chan just got to comfort room too"Mina raised a brow

"Y'all are thinking too much maybe they got different bathrooms since we I got three bathrooms here"Jeongyeon said. Sana on the other side sighed in relief. She do got the same comfort room with Tzuyu.

"Yeah I got the bathroom inside the left room"Sana answered

"Wait is it just me or your pants was really like that?"Jihyo said pointing at her pants

"HAHAHA! Your pants is upside down girl"Nayeon laughed out loud while slapping the one who's beside her, Jeongyeon

"Ya!!! You're slapping me too much"Jeongyeon frowned

"What the hell! Wait I'm gonna fix it"Sana then run towards the comfort room

Sana glared at Tzuyu for putting her pants wrong. They just did some miracle inside the bathroom.

And Sana just got a boring look from the latter like she did nothing wrong.

"She acts so innocent like she didn't do anything. That girl, really"Sana mumbled as she washed her face with the cold water

After that she came back to them and found Tzuyu with Mina. Mina was clinging onto her arm while laughing. She's jealous yes, but she have no right to feel it. She's just her step sister. She just think of what Dahyun have said, that Mina treat her as a sister not more than that. She just wished it was true.

"Hey? Are you okay?"Sana turned her head and found Dahyun standing right next to her

"Yes"Sana replied

"Why not try to confess?"Dahyun said

"I can't, Dahyun ah"Sana look down

"You know Tzuyu changed a little when you came. She sometimes come with us because of you. I told you she's not a girl who was just going out if it's not important just having fun but now"Dahyun explained as she glance at Sana

"I don't want to think too much. Maybe she is just doing this as my step sister? I don't want to get hurt in the end"Sana said in a sad tone

"I just prayed Tzuyu will also loved you back. I mean it's not that hard to love someone like you"Dahyun smiled and look away

Sana smiled in response.

"Even me. You got my heart"she mumbled

"Hmm? Your saying something?"Sana asked in confusion

"Girls! What about let's have a sleep over here?"Jeongyeon said

"I don't mind. My mother is as busy as today"Mina replied

All of them then text their parents first before they agreed.


The girls were now sleeping out of tiredness. Who will not get tired, they are so hyper as hell. Even Mina who got force to dance and when she's trying to sit they will tease her and take her to the dance floor again.

They can't force Tzuyu like that because the latter will go home and leave them behind.

Back to Sana and Tzuyu who was next to each other. Sana got her hands onto the latter's waist hugging her from her side. It didn't end long and Sana's hand got inside Tzuyu's shirt caressing her toned abdomen.

"Unnie"Tzuyu groaned trying to remove the older's hands off her

Sana didn't mind her and got her destination upward. Pinching Tzuyu's left mound. Tzuyu tried herself not to moan, the others might heard her.

She tried again to remove Sana's hand and she won. But that didn't end and Sana put her hands back again, but it was now inside her pants. She's rubbing her fingers onto her clothed center. Tzuyu closed her eyes while biting her lower lip.

That was not enough for Sana and she got over Tzuyu. She didn't waste any time and attacked Tzuyu's neck leaving two hickeys on it. Tzuyu was holding her moan and trying to remove Sana onto her.

"U-unnie c-calm d-down"Tzuyu tried to compose a words, gladly she did

"Ealier wasn't enough yet, Tzu. I need more"Sana started to bite her neck harshly this time

"Ugh~ Sana!"Tzuyu accidentally moaned. The older then covered her mouth and continued kissing her neck.

"Be quiet"Sana whispered through her ears and gave it a long lick, making Tzuyu grabbed a fistful of her shirt

Sana's hand started to go down until it reached Tzuyu's clothed center. She gave it a slow rub before she sneaked her fingers inside of it. She put her panties to the side as she pushed her middle finger inside earning a loud moan from Tzuyu.

She hurriedly kissed Tzuyu's lips as she started pumping her fingers in and out in a slow motion. Sana once again attacked her neck. It's becomes her favorite spot, it was also Tzuyu's weak spot. She knows she loves the way her lips landed on the latter's neck.

"Hah-- S-Sana~ d-don't leave marks"Tzuyu uttered but Sana didn't mind it and gave her 2 more marks

Sana then covered Tzuyu's lip with hers as she pumped her fingers fast. Tzuyu moaned in between their kiss. Sana stopped from kising Tzuyu but rested her lips onto her. The taller took a hold of her shirt tightly and bite her lips harshly. It didn't end long and Sana's lips was now bleeding due to Tzuyu's intense bite. She can now taste Sana's blood.

Sana didn't mind the pain and continue on puming her fingers in and out as fast as she could, knowing the latter was now coming to an end.

Their heavy breathings and the pumping of Sana's finger can be heard inside the silent room. Tzuyu bite Sana's lip even more as she cummed on Sana's fingers.

"You got my pants dirty"Tzuyu spoken up the moment she overcome to her orgasm

"I'll get a pants for you"Sana was about to get away from her when Tzuyu stops her

Suddenly, their position got changed. And Tzuyu was now on top of Sana.

"My turn"

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