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Everything went by so fast. It also has been a months after Sana did that confession. Sana don't know how Tzuyu still managed to talk to her after that confession and even do the same, like nothing happened.

Sometimes she think she already has a hope, that Tzuyu will returned her love. She don't want to ask her and force her to so she's just here waiting.

She can wait no matter how long will take. It was Tzuyu after all. She can do everything for her, she'll wait for her even for years.

"Yo what's up, Dahyun ah? You're acting weird these passed few days. Is there something wrong?"Sana asked as she noticed Dahyun being like that-again.

"It's nothing"Dahyun answered but Sana knows there was really up to her, she just don't wanted her to know. How unfair is she.

"I always tell you about my problems and all, but you? You're so mean you know that"Sana pouted

"Nope I won't tell it to you not until I'm ready"Dahyun shook her head

"No, you still need to tell it"Sana crossed her arms

"It's all about Momo"Dahyun look down

"What about her? Have you already confess to her?"Sana asked

"I actually don't like Momo the day you asked me. And now I don't know but I already learned how to love her"Dahyun said with full of honesty

"Why didn't you have told me right away?"Sana said, frowning

"Because I don't want you to know that I like you"Dahyun suddenly blurted out that words that she kept in a secret. Sana was speechless, she don't know what to say.
"But don't worry about it, I already moved on without even letting you know"she added

"So all this time you're—

"Yes. I don't want you to know because I know you're inlove with someone else. How funny I got to experienced it again"Dahyun look away as Sana look at her in confusion

"What do you mean?"Sana asked

"I confessed to her but she rejected me because she's into Tzuyu"Dahyun laugh sarcastically
"I don't know what did I do in my past life for me to suffer like this. I just love, right?"she said with a cracked voice

"Dahyun ah, I'm sorry if this is happening to you"Sana looked at her

"You don't have to say that. This will going to heal. Just like I did before"


"Yo Sana!"Sana heard a familiar voice as she turn around and found Tzuyu's fiance

"Hey?"Sana stopped

"Have you seen Tzuyu?"Taehyung asked

He's asking me, really? He's Tzuyu's fiance and as far as I know, Tzuyu is always informing what's her whereabouts.

"Uh no?"Sana raised a brow, totally confused

"Oh okay. I'll get on your house, I guess"Taehyung stopped and look back
"You can have a ride with my car. You're also going home, right?"Sana just nodded

"That's good then. I don't have to spend my money for a bus fare"Sana chuckled as the latter mirrored her action

"Okay let's get going?"

Meanwhile, on the other side. An unknown person was watching the two.

"I don't really trust Tzuyu's fiance"


"I'll tell it to you as soon as I get some good evidence"

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