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As when that scene happened, Sana immediately got upstairs. She's worried for the latter. Her situation is worse right now. And all she needs to do was to comfort her.

A few moments and she finally got inside. But there was no glimpse of Tzuyu so she check the terace and there she found the latter.

She's sitting on the chair staring at nothing but the view infront of her. Sana can see through her eyes that she's sad. That's one of her emotions Sana knew. She's calm and cold sometimes but she's hiding this kind of problem.

All Sana knows was their father is kind and smart but what is this? Her own father can't even understand his own daughter's pain. Maybe it has something to do with her partner, Tzuyu's mother or whatsoever reason but she knows it is not right. Whatever reason it is.

Back to Sana who just got seated next to Tzuyu.

And as when Tzuyu noticed that someone just sat beside her. She rubbed her eyes and pretended as if a dust went on her eyes. But Sana already knew that she was crying.

"Let it out"Sana uttured, Tzuyu glance at her but remove it after. Sana got her hand onto the latter's back, patting it.
"Don't hold it back, just let it out"she added

As when Tzuyu heard those words, her tears fell infront of her. Sana pulled her into her embrace as Tzuyu cried onto her shoulders.

This was her third time seeing her cry and it hurts her.

Maybe I should take away my feelings for her for now. Today and maybe in the other days she needs me as her older sister. She needs me as a family. My feelings doesn't help for her situation so I'm going to put aside my feelings for her, even if it hurts me.


"How are you, Sana?"Dahyun asked, they were currently walking through the park

"I'm fine? I guess?"Sana said more like questioning herself

"You sounds not sure. Have you and Tzuyu fight?"Dahyun asked, concern

"No. It's just- some family matters"Sana look down

"It has something to do with Tzuyu?"Dahyun asked as Sana nodded in response

"I-I want to be an older sister to Tzuyu"Sana suddenly said which got surprised the other girl

"Wait? Did I heard it right?"Dahyun frown in confusion
"Why so sudden? What makes you change your mind?"she asked

"Papa and Tzuyu fight twice. I just realized that she's acting like that because of her father. She have a conflict with her own father. And I wanted to make her feel that I'm here, I'm here as her older sister. I wanted to be a good older sister to her"Sana explained

"Can you really do that?"Dahyun asked

"There is nothing wrong if I try, right?"Sana look at her

"How about your feelings for her then?"Dahyun asked, Sana averted her gaze before she got to answer

"I'll put aside my feelings for her for a while"Sana answered

"I don't want to interfere anymore so if you need my help I'm just here. Call me whenever you need someone to talk to"Dahyun smiled so as Sana

"Thank you, Dahyun ah"Sana smiled

"I'm happy I made you smile"Dahyun said with that bright smile of hers, making Sana giggled
"Let's have some ice-cream there!"she said pointing at the ice-cream stall

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