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Sana and Dahyun decided to go home since the sky looks so dark, it may rain later. And as when she went inside their room, there she found no glimpse of Tzuyu.

She didn't mind it since she knows Tzuyu is in the safe hands with Mina.

That didn't end long and she heard her mother screaming downstairs. She hurriedly run and found Tzuyu got wet by the rain.

This girl is always like that.

She hurriedly help her mother to bring her to the washroom.

"Help her take a bath, Sana"she said

After that Sana helped Tzuyu took a bath and removed all her clothes. Tzuyu looks so pale and her body was burning hot.

She washed Tzuyu's body with hot water. She looks so weak. She couldn't bear to see Tzuyu like that. She don't want her to suffer. She loves the latter very much, that she is willing to take the pain she feels right now.

A minutes later Sana finished and got Tzuyu onto her bed. She left her there and find some good clothes for her. She was glancing at Tzuyu every minute while she's choosing a clothes. Tzuyu was sitting on her bed with her weak body.

"It's so cold"Tzuyu uttered hugging herself

Sana then hurriedly find a clothes and run towards Tzuyu. She help her get dress and wet her hair.

"It's still cold unnie"Tzuyu said. Sana can't do anything but to sat in the bed with her and gave her a warm hug. That helps her since she can't feel Tzuyu shivering in cold now.

They stayed like that until Tzuyu didn't feel cold anymore.

"Are you okay?"Sana was about to let go of the hug when Tzuyu held the hem of her shirt

"Don't leave"Tzuyu said hugging her side. It made Sana smile.

Sana hugged her even more.


"I bought some egg sandwich, chicken soup and orange juice for Tzuyu chan"her mother said as she stood at the doorstep

"What about me Okasan?"Sana pouted

"Of course I also brought some for you. Tzuyu chan can't eat all of these"her mother chuckled taking the tray over the table
"Okay then I'll get going now"she said before she leaves

As Sana's mother take her leave, Sana then immediately went towards Tzuyu and put the tray on her lap.

"Come on eat this"Sana said but Tzuyu just shook her head

"I don't have an appetite to eat"Tzuyu replied

"No. You need to eat even if it's just a little"Sana said crossing her arms but still Tzuyu didn't take the food
"What do you want to eat?"she asked

"I don't want to eat"Tzuyu said

"I said what do you want to eat? Sandwich, soup or"Sana smirked before she continue
"Me"Tzuyu choked on air making Sana chuckled

She then picked up the sandwich and put it near the latter's mouth. Tzuyu blinked a few times and frowned.

"What are you doing?"Tzuyu asked

"I'm feeding you"Sana smiled

"I-I can feed myself"Tzuyu was about to take the sandwich away when Sana moved it away

"I want to feed you. No complaining"Sana said and continued to put the sandwich near her mouth. But still Tzuyu didn't let her. So Sana got a naughty idea.
"Open your mouth before I kiss those lips of yours"she said as Tzuyu obeyed in an instant

Tzuyu slowly opened her mouth. Sana smiled as she continued to fed the latter.

"It's not that I'm paralyzed. I can do it by my own"Tzuyu uttered as she look up and found Sana having a bite to the sandwich she have bitten too. It made her frown.

"Hmmm-sandwich is delicious when it's comes to your mouth"Sana giggled

"I'm sick. You shouldn't eating what I'm eating"Tzuyu frowned

"So what?"Sana leaned dangerously close, making Tzuyu back out a little. She smirked
"Eat again"she fed the latter again

Sana fed Tzuyu and herself until it got finished. Sana was fixing the mess they made.

Soon Tzuyu was now asleep while Sana is just watching her across her bed.

Later on, the door suddenly opens revealing her mother with a basin over her hand.

"She's already sleeping?"her mother asked

"Yes Okasan. She just got sleep"Sana replied

"Wipe all of her body with this to lessen the heat on her body"her mother said handing it to her
"Take care of your little sister"she said and left

Sana then headed near the sleeping latter and sat right at the edge of the bed. She started with Tzuyu's forehead and arms. How can she wipe all the part of her body when she is still wearing a clothes. Her hands find its way at the edge of the latter's shirt, but she back it out.

She just removed the blanket out of her body but that wake Tzuyu up.

"I-I'm cleaning you. Okasan said I should do this to you so you can lessen a heat in your body"Sana scratched her nape

"Okay"Tzuyu shortly replied

"Hey uhh-- can you take your shirt off?"Sana asked a little bit shy

With that Tzuyu slowly take off her shirt leaving her with her sports bra. Sana got froze staring at the latter's body.

"What are you waiting for?"Tzuyu said that snapped Sana out of her daze

Sana then started to wiped her upper body with the towel as Tzuyu spoken up again.

"Should I remove my undergarments too?"Tzuyu said with that husky sexy voice of hers. Sana just nodded nervously as Tzuyu removed all of her garments leaving her naked.

Fuck why did I agree.

"Lock the door"Tzuyu said making Sana widened her eyes

"W-what? I- I mean why?"Sana asked

"Clean your mind sometimes. Give me that and I'll just do it myself"Tzuyu said taking the towel with her, leaving Sana dumbfounded

Sana just watched her do that until she get to sleep again.

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