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Sana woke up so early in the morning as she promised to herself that she will. Tzuyu was still sleeping by her side. She stare at the latter's face and examined how cute she is even when she's asleep.

She stood up and wash her face through the washroom. She all did her morning chores before she went downstairs.

There she saw her mother cooking foods for their breakfast. She smiled and hugged her mother from behind.

"Oh! Honey Ohayō"her mother greeted her as Sana let go of the hug

"Ohayō, Okasan"Sana smiled as she stood besides her

"You woke up so early?"she asked

"Yeah I want to go to school together with Tzuyu since she always got school so early"Sana said getting the other stuffs that was needed in the kitchen

"But it's still early. You're so excited"she chuckled

"Right. I can't wait to be close to her"Sana smiled

"Good morning ladies! The smell is nice, what is that?"Tzuyu's father asked

"Your favorite"

"Oh and Sana knows how to cook?"he asked in surprise

"Yes. She was still a little kid when she learn how to cook"

"My cooked foods are not that good though"Sana scratches her nape

"Only for you. Your cooked foods are my favorite"her mother smiled

"Let me taste it then"he said with a smile

"Watch and learn"she grinned

After a few minutes of cooking.

"Breakfast is ready!"Sana with her mother then take the foods over the table

"Wow this looks nice"he commented as he taste the foods
"You impressed me, Sana. You really cook so good"he said and continue to eat

"Thank you, Papa"Sana said as she sat across her mother

"I told you. She's nice with that"her mother said smiling

"Just like you"he said making her mother giggled

Sana stared at them lovingly. She saw how happy her mother is whenever she is with her love one.

They talk about a few more stuffs until Tzuyu came.

"Oh Tzuyu chan! Good morning. Come on let's eat"she gestured for her
to seat beside Sana

The latter just do what she wants to do while staring at her father. The two continued to laugh at each other's silliness while Tzuyu was preparing her food.

"They are sweet, right?"Sana whispered through her ears. Tzuyu didn't bother to answer and just continue to eat.


Sana and Tzuyu were walking until they got to the bus stop. Their walk was quiet as no one dare to talk. Sana don't know but everytime she say one word, Tzuyu will just pretend that she didn't heard it even if she does.

The latter was really confusing as hell.

She just got so sweet--no she was just doing it because she is her oneechan.

The bus finally stops and Tzuyu didn't even bother to look at Sana from behind. There was so many people getting inside so she got pulled by the others and she got away from Tzuyu.

Until they got to the school she didn't saw Tzuyu's shadow.

What the hell?

She got off the bus and there she waited Tzuyu until she saw the latter. The latter just continued to walk and she just followed behind.

"I didn't saw you inside. What seat did you take?"Sana asked but she got no answer
"Nevermind. You're being weird for today"she mumbled

Tzuyu didn't mind her and got as fast as she could. Sana didn't able to follow her since she walk-no she seems running.

"God! that girl is really pissing me off"she frowned

"Sana!!"and here we go again with that voice

"Hey? Can you please lower down your voice? Why do you need to shout my name"Sana seriously said making the latter pout

"You're so mean"she pouted
"Let's have some lunch together with my friends"Momo smiled

"With Tzuyu?"she asked

"Yes why?"Momo look at her in confusion



"Where is Momo?"Sana asked. They are now at the cafeteria without Momo, Mina, Nayeon and Jihyo.

"Mina and Jihyo unnie need some help for some student council works so I think they can't come here"Chaeyoung answered

"But don't worry because I'm here"Dahyun said showing her a widest smile

"Thank you"Sana also smiled

"Don't be shy we are friends, right?"Jeongyeon said

"Right. And me as your future wife"Dahyun said earning a slap from Chaeyoung

"You're disgusting"Chaeyoung frowned

Suddenly, someone came.


Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung immediately stood up and block Tzuyu's sight.

"Dude, she already told you to stay away from her"Chaeyoung said giving the guy a death glare

"Are you stupid or what? She's not interested in you so why are you still sticking yourself from her?"Jeongyeon said raising a brow

"I just wanted to be friends with her okay? Why are you always interfering?"said the obsessed admirer of Tzuyu, Sehun

"Really? Do you think we're believing that?"Dahyun also stood from her seat

"Wait, Tzuyu who is that guy?"Sana asked many questions after that

"Why don't you just let me?"Sehun said

"We're just warning you, Sehun"Chaeyoung frowned

"How come a little freshman like you talk like this with your senior?"Sehun said making Chaeyoung step forward and about to hit the taller when Dahyun stopped her

"No Chae. That was a violation"Dahyun said and Sehun chuckled from the other side

"Shut up"Tzuyu said as the three turn their heads to look at her. She's telling Sana to shut up since she's asking to many questions and that pisses her off more.

"I told you to stay away from me, but you're not listening"Tzuyu stood from her seat same as Sana who was confused by the scene infont of her.

"She's into girls and she already have a girlfriend"Dahyun whispered with a smirk

Tzuyu was now about to came closer when Sana stops her.

"Wait you're not answering my—

Sana's eyes widened when Tzuyu kissed her by her lips. Also the students who was around them. The other three was too stunned to speak. They couldn't believe Tzuyu will do that kind of thing.

Sehun just leave them without any word. Tzuyu just let go of the kiss and also leave the opposite way to Sehun.

Sana was froze to her place still thinking of what just her step sister did to her.

She just stole my first kiss.

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