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"Sana are you alright?"Momo asked, the moment they got inside the room

Sana didn't answer instead she stare at nothing. Momo then shook her body which the other one came back to her senses.

"I'm sorry, What?"Sana asked

"You've been spacing out since I found you in the cafeteria. What is really going on with you?"Momo crossed her arms

"Right. You're not like that the last time I check"Nayeon interrupted as Momo agreed with her

"Tell me, do you have a problem? We're here for you"Momo smiled

"It's not that big. Don't worry I can handle this"Sana said as the two look at each other and decided not to force her anymore

How can I tell them that my own step sister just kissed me.

Soon they got to the cafeteria since Momo said she was hungry again. Sana and Nayeon can't do anything but to accompany her since they can't just let her alone.

"Want some? My treat"Momo asked

"No thank you. I'm full"Nayeon denied

"Me too. I just eat earlier"Sana said

"Okay then that was great. Come on let's go there"Momo then pulled them to the table

They just watched how the hungry girl eat. That girl was really a food monster.

"Hey, Can I ask you something?"Sana asked Nayeon

"Yeah sure what is it?"Nayeon asked with a smile

"If you're step sister/brother kiss you in the lips, isn't that normal?"Sana asked

"What? Who the hell will do that?"Momo ask with a foods inside her mouth

"Just kept on eating"Nayeon said shushing her up
"For me it is not? I mean I have a biological sister and we didn't do that kind of stuffs we just always fought"Nayeon chuckled

"Neither me. My sister was sweet and kind but we didn't do that kind of things"Momo said while munching her foods

"Well, a kiss is just a kiss not unless it means something to you or to her"Nayeon paused
"You have step sister/brother?"she asked

"N-No it's not that but my friend does. She didn't expect her step sister to kiss her. I'm just curious"Sana lied since she can't just tell them that it was really her

"What is the real reason why she kiss her?"Momo asked

"I haven't ask her yet"Sana said

"Or her step sister have feelings to her?"Nayeon said making Sana look up in a fast motion

"No"Sana denied in a high pitch tone


"I mean that was impossible since she and her step sister got knew each other for days"Sana look down

"Oh. That was just my instict"Nayeon said

"It's past an hour so I think we gotta go now"Momo said as she stood up

"Let's go home together?"Nayeon asked as Momo glance at Sana asking her if she will also come

"I'll go home alone"Sana said

"Aw. We also want to see your house"Momo pouted

"Soon"Sana replied

"Okay then we'll be going first"Nayeon said as they bid a goodbye to Sana

"Ugh! I don't know how to approach that tall cold woman after what happened ealier"Sana mumbled to herself

Soon she was just waiting for Tzuyu to finish her class. She waited there until they got finished their class.

All of the students were looking at her when they got off but she didn't mind it. And she assumed that it is because of the scene earlier at the cafeteria.

She heard their gossips.

"Maybe she was Tzuyu's rumored girlfriend?"

"Seriously? There was many girls here. Why her?"

"But she's lucky though"

"That was still not confirmed so I still have a chance to Tzuyu"

"That is a big no"

She closed her eyes and just waited Tzuyu patiently.

This is all Tzuyu's fault.

"Hey miss?"someone said as Sana turn to look who it was. It was a guy.

"Y-yes?"she asked

"Are you lost or something? You can come with me"he said with a smile

"Sorry. I'm here to wait for someone"Sana said but the guy seems not to care and still stood from his place

"You can just don't mind that and come with me"the guy was about to hold Sana's hand when someone suddenly took her away

She look at her intertwined hands as they got out of that floor. She didn't even realize that it was Tzuyu.


At their house.

"What was that kiss for? Tell me Tzuyu"Sana said forcing Tzuyu

The latter just stare at her as if she didn't heard her. It made her more furious. Can't she just give her a one short answer. Why can't she just say it. She can't understand.

"That kiss was just nothing"Tzuyu replied, making Sana frowned

Really nothing? She kiss me for nothing? What the hell.

"You're unbelievable, Tzuyu"Sana shook her head

"Why are you so mad? That was just a kiss"Tzuyu said as Sana look at her with full of anger

That was my first kiss and my first kiss just happen to be with my step sister.

"Yes that was just a kiss. How is that so okay with you huh?"Sana said

"Why? There's nothing wrong with that"

"Nothing wrong? How did you say?"Sana asked with a frown

"We're step sisters and that is just normal"Tzuyu said in a calm and stoic expression

It's okay because they are step sisters like what the fuck? Who the hell will kiss her own step sister in the lips? Even her mother or her father haven't kissed her in the lips. Now her step sister just kissed her in the lips. Wow just wow.

"Are you fucking serious?"Sana said as Tzuyu just stare at her with a boring look

"I just did that for that guy to stay away from me"Tzuyu said

"Why me? Why not the others?"

"He will not believe it if I did it to anyone. You're the only one who he still haven't known yet so you're my only choice"Tzuyu said making Sana frown
"Look I'm sorry okay? Also that's the way to shut you up. You're talking to much"she said

That was her longest sentence for now.

She widened her eyes as she realized what the latter have said.

Wait what? Did she just--

When Sana look up and the latter was now nowhere to be find. It made her frown even more.

Fuck that tall cold woman.

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