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A months have passed, Sana and Tzuyu have become closer to each other even more. They don't do that kind of things anymore. Sana just can't. Tzuyu's words kept on repeating inside her mind the moment she said to stop doing those things to her.

And as days passed by Sana noticed that Tzuyu become more sweet to her unlike the passed few months. It's not like as sweet as the girlfriend and boyfriend did but just her sister.

Yes, you read it right as her sister. But as Sana herself, she assumed that, that things have meaning even if it's not. Don't blame her, blame her stupid heart.

As of the moment, Sana and Tzuyu were currently at the kitchen cooking something for their breakfast. There was no other people than them as their parents already got to work.

It also become their hobby, that they will stay at the kitchen to cook their breakfast whenever their parents are not around.

Tzuyu and her father's relationship is still improving with the help of Sana and their mother. But it can't still removed the fact that Tzuyu really hated her father for not treating her better. Sana can't blame her though.

But as of Tzuyu's father, he also wants to fix his relationship with his daughter, but not now.

Back again, Sana wrapped her arms around the tall girl while she's cooking.

Tzuyu's warmth was her favorite place. Sometimes when she needs a comfort zone, there she will hug the latter and all the stress she felt will go away. That's the power of Chou Tzuyu for her.

"Do you love me?"Sana suddenly asked out of nowhere

"Yes"Tzuyu answered shortly, making Sana smiled

"I love you too, Tzuyu ah"Sana hugged her tightly

"Of course I love you as my step sister"Tzuyu faced her to hug her back

Ouch that hurts her, but okay? Atleast she learned how to love her even if it's just a sisterly love. She's also happy to hear that.


"So you're happy that Tzuyu already loves you AS HER SISTER"Dahyun emphasized that word with her teasing tone

"That's totally fine with me for now"Sana uttured

"For now? So you're still expecting that SHE WILL LOVE YOU BACK not only as a sister?"Dahyun said as she took a bite of her food

"I have my patience"Sana turn to look at her

"When will you confess?"Dahyun suddenly asked, which Sana's world stops. She didn't think about that nor plan about it.

"I don't know"Sana look down

"I think you better confess to her"Dahyun suggested

"Not now, Dahyun ah. Not now that our relationship was okay"Sana said

"I'm just suggesting it to you though. You know your step sister, she's beautiful, smart, that many men and women look for. Have you know that she have a lot of secret admirers? Yeah she said that she wants to study first before doing some stuffs but what if her heart find someone? Or fell in love? Just like you, you just got fell for her that easily. It's not far for her to love someone so"Dahyun explained that sentences without even breathing

"I still need time"Sana replied

"Yeah. I'm just telling you this for some advice. I just don't want you to get hurt. You're my best friend after all"Dahyun smiled patting her back

"I promise I'll try"Sana smiled back

"Don't say it to me. Say it to yourself"Dahyun said, which Sana nodded

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