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Days have passed

"I can't believe we almost spend our break here"Chaeyoung stretched her arms

"The time is really fast. We are now going home. I still wanted to stay here"Momo said dramatically

"Then stay here alone"Dahyun replied making Momo throw the small bag onto her face
"You shi—

"Dahyun ah- she's still older than you"Jihyo clicked her tounge

"Right. You better atleast have some respect"Jeongyeon patted her back

"Just be thankful"Dahyun frowened

"Can we roam around here for a while? This day is not ended yet so?"Nayeon asked

"Sure but I will buy some souvenirs"Mina said and seperated her way

"Unnie! Let me go with you!"Chaeyoung then followed her

"What about you guys?"Jihyo asked

"Let's buy Eomma that shirt?"Jeongyeon said to Nayeon which the latter agreed

"You better pay that for me"Nayeon said making Jeongyeon giggled and mess her hair

"Of course"then they got to the said store

"Sana ya! Let's go to the water for a while?"Momo was about to took Sana away from them when Dahyun stops her midway

"I also want to go there!"Dahyun said and pulled her along. Momo tried to remove the smaller girl's hand away from her but she just gripped it more.

Soon they got to the water and the other girls can see that they were fighting.

"That two, really"Jihyo shook her head

"I don't have somewhere to go so I'll just pack my things"Jihyo said then leave

"So what do you think we're going to do?"Sana asked

And instead of answering Tzuyu take her to somewhere.


Soon the girls now got to their cars and get ready to go home. Same as the way they got to Jeju, Sana and the company are at Tzuyu's car.

They got to Seoul for almost an hours.

Jeongyeon and Nayeon got to Jeongyeon's house and let Sana and Tzuyu go home since it was not that far from their house when you use a car.

A few minutes they already got to their house and parked the car inside.

As when Tzuyu and Sana got inside their house, there they saw their father on the couch without any emotion. Sana don't know but that look of him was intimidating.

What's with that look? Did he already knew her feelings over her stepsister?

So many thoughts comes inside her mind and she swear she almost shake in fear as when he headed towards them. Of course Tzuyu on the hand was still with her calm face. It seems like she's used to it.

"Let's go"Tzuyu forcefully pulled Sana along with her when her father calls her name

The two got stop and face their father once again.

"Tzuyu, we need to talk"he said without showing any emotions. That feels so damn dangerous.

"Why do we need to talk?"Tzuyu asked that offended her father

Why the hell she acts like that?

"Stop with that attitude of yours. We'll talk about something important"he said as Tzuyu let go of Sana's hands

Sana was about to go upstairs when her step father stops her.

"You need to stay here and teach your sister a lesson"their father said, making Sana froze from her place. His voice was serious and it feels like she was going to explode in nervousness.

"Just be straight to the point"Tzuyu said with that boring look on her face. Her father shook his head before he continued.

He took something on the table. A white paper that Sana don't know what it was.

"You fail on one of your subjects. That never happened in your entire life. Now you better explain why this happened?"her father said, making Sana widen her eyes. She slammed the white paper through the table and Tzuyu take a look at it.

How did she fail? Is there anything wrong with her?

As far as she knows Tzuyu was really working hard these past few days.

"My grade was fine—

"You think it's fine? You always got an A but now you only got B? I don't want to consider this"her father said furiously

"Why do you care by the way?"Tzuyu said as her father step back. But Sana held onto Tzuyu's arms making him control himself.

"I'm your father, Tzuyu. Can you atleast have some respect?"

"Respect? Seriously?"

"Tzuyu--"Sana was trying to stop the said latter

"Are you really that insane? You always notice my mistakes, but you don't notice the good things I did. What kind of father are you? Have you ever cared about me?"Tzuyu said

"Is that what you learned in volleyball? To disrespect to parent?"he said

"Volleyball is nothing to do with this"

"I told you not to join that game but you're so stubborn. That will just ruined your future"

"That's what I want. Why are you always interfering my whole life?"Tzuyu said that made her father slapped her. Sana didn't able to saved her because she's very confused with their conversation.

"I'm telling you to leave that stupid game of yours"he said before he leaves

"T-Tzuyu are okay?"Sana asked, caressing her redden cheeks

Tzuyu didn't answered instead she walked out of the house. Sana just followed her from behind.

"Tzuyu! Come back!"Sana said and almost got tripped while chasing Tzuyu

"Why are you following me?!"Tzuyu yelled but that didn't stop Sana

"It's dangerous if I leave you here all alone"Sana said

"Go home. I'm fine. I can handle myself"Tzuyu said. Sana can still feel that she is not okay. She still followed her.

"If you need someone. I'm here"Sana said as Tzuyu turn to her back. Sana didn't expect it but the latter suddenly hugged her. She was not crying, just hugging her.

"Will you go with me?"Tzuyu said that Sana nodded in an instant

"Of course, Tzuyu. No matter what"Sana smiled feeling Tzuyu's embrace. She don't care if there are so many people around watching them. She wants to comfort the latter why would they care.

"Thank you"Tzuyu said and Sana smiled. She was not used to it but her small thank you makes her heart flutter.

"Let's go?"

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