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"Ya, Sana!!"Tzuyu shouted as she is chasing Sana who is now running away from her

"Leave me alone!"Sana shouted back, annoyed

"Why are you being like that?"Tzuyu asked and took a hold of Sana's arms to stop her

"You just kissed me!"Sana exclaimed, trying not to look onto her eyes

"It's just--


"You know, you can just leave her and be with me instead"Sehun said that made Tzuyu frowned

"Are you serious?"Tzuyu scoffed

"Do really you love her?"Sehun asked

"Of course, I do love her"Tzuyu replied

"Then I want you to kiss her infront of many people, infront of me"Sehun smirked

"Why the hell would I do that?"Tzuyu asked, frowning

"Or I will consider it as a lie"Sehun look dead straight into her eyes

"Fine then"Tzuyu started to walk

She don't know, but her feet find it's way over Sana's direction. He said to find her girlfriend, her girlfriend that she loves. She wasn't lying to the part that she loves her because she really does.

She do really loves Sana.


"Why the hell did you do that when you know that I already have a girlfriend"Sana frowned

"I don't have any choice, I—

"Please, Tzuyu"

After that, Tzuyu just let her be. She's right, she shouldn't have done that. She's wrong, she's so wrong.


"Are you alright? You're not talking since ealier"Miyeon started

Sana look at her apologetically without saying any word. She doesn't know if Miyeon saw what happened. And she was afraid to see her reaction. But for how the latter acts, it feels like she doesn't know every single thing.

"Hey? Why are you looking at me like that? Are you tired? I'll bring you to your Condo"Miyeon said. She's so innocent. She shouldn't be doing those kind of things to her. She's so precious to get hurt. She don't deserve her.

"I'm sorry, Miyeon"Sana said looking straight into her eyes

"Aishh, don't say sorry. You don't need to"

"No, Miyeon. I'm really sorry, I—"Sana held back her tears

"You still love her?"Miyeon suddenly asked. Sana's gaze went on the steering wheel, everywhere just to avoid her gaze.
"It's fine. I already know that this day will going to happen"she said as Sana look up and found her smiling, but you can't see it onto her eyes

Miyeon knew everything about Sana, even her feelings for her step sister. She accepted it because she loves Sana. No matter what it was.

That's also the reason why she's so envious to Tzuyu. She's getting jealous to her. Because she knows that only one move and Sana will fell out of love for her.

Miyeon is a great girlfriend, yes but that's not enough if she's not the one that Sana really loves. Maybe Sana loved her, but not like she loved Tzuyu before.

With her great love for Sana, she is ready to get hurt if that is the only thing that can make her happy.

For these past few days she let Tzuyu and Sana together, for her to know if what she's feeling is true and then it turns out to be right.

That day, she were there when Sana kissed Tzuyu's cheek and saw how she smiled at the very first time. No one has been able to make Tzuyu smile like that, only Sana. They do really love each other.

That was enough for her, that she knew that Tzuyu felt the same way. You can see the concern and love into Tzuyu's eyes.

For all those days, she realized that it wasn't right. She decided to let her go.

"So now, it’s time to take you back to the person who truly owned your heart"Miyeon caressed her face, trying not to tear up infront of her
"Don't forget that I'm always here as your friend. I love you"

"I'd loved you too"

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