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"It has been a years, what are you planning?"Dahyun asked

"Are you seriously planning on proposing to Tzuyu next month?"Jeongyeon asked, amused

"Why? Are you not with it?"Sana asked, raising a brow at her

"W-what? No! It's just-- uhh what do you call this. It's nothing!"Jeongyeon stuttered as the girls look at her in full confusion

"You're acting weird these days"Nayeon looked at her girlfriend with a death glare
"Are you cheating on me?!"she asked out of the blue

"What the hell?! Are you out of your mind? Why would I cheat on you?"Jeongyeon frowned

"Excuse me? We're here to help Sana chan with her plan, not to fight with some nonsense things. And Jeongyeon will never cheat on you Nayeon unnie"Mina stated

"Right. Mina is on my side"Jeongyeon smiled

"I suggest you to propose to her in my restaurant! That's fun. You're proposing to her while I'm eating at the corner. O-Oh I mean yeah! You gotta hire some musicians and play a romantic music. That's it, that's so romantic!"Momo happily said

"That's great. I liked it"Dahyun agreed to her

"What about, you propose to her when we're on our vacation at the beach"Nayeon excitedly said

"It's great if you'll propose to her near the waves"Mina suggested

"Or on the yacht. Just the two of you.  Invite her into a date then after that you're going to ask her to marry you!"Dahyun exclaimed

"Thanks for the ideas, really. I appreciate it"Sana smiled

"What do you think Jihyo, Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon?"Nayeon asked, but the three of them just scratches the back of their heads
"These three are acting weird, seriously?"she added

"You're just overthinking. It's just that, I don't have any idea. I'm stressed out these passed few days"Jihyo said

"Yeah whatever you say"Nayeon said, not buying her

"So I think I need to take my leave now. Tzuyu's waiting for me, she invited me into a date"Sana then stood up and bid a goodbye to them


"I'm sorry. Have you waited for too long?"Sana said, apologetically

"Not really. I just got here 5 minutes ago"Tzuyu assured her with a smile
"How's the place? Do you like it?"she asked as Sana roamed her eyes around the place. Tzuyu fixed this as early as she can and bought foods after.

"It's amazing. I really love it"Sana's gaze suddenly went on someone's familiar

"Here's your wine! I'm sorry, I'm late! Sorn kept on bugging me"Elkie showed an apologetic smile

"It's fine"Tzuyu tapped her shoulders

"Bye! Enjoy your date!"Elkie said before she glance at Sana with a straight face

"Hey? Why change of the mood all of sudden?"Tzuyu asked

"You really love to take Elkie in our dates"Sana sounds jealous

"Yes I love to. She's the only one I can because the others are busy"Tzuyu said innocently

"You love her?"Sana raised a brow

"Yes, I love her"Tzuyu said, making Sana glared at her

"Are you two timing us huh?"

"What no!"

"Stop denying it"

"No way! There's no way I'll date my cousin"Tzuyu said, making Sana's mouth agaped


"Yes. She's my cousin and you're my future wife"

"Then why is she acting like she likes you?"Sana tried to asked those words because it's confuses the hell out of her, plus she's blushing like a mad tomato at the same time.

"She's just being protective that she really is. She's acting like that everytime someone is hitting on me. She already have Sorn, her ex who she still loves. They are close for going back together. Don't get jealous, okay?"Tzuyu smiled sweetly at her as she caressed her face

"She doesn't like me?"

"Of course, she likes you. She's just giving you that look because she's so strict when it comes to me, but I'm telling you, she do really likes you"

"I love you"Sana smiled

"I love you too"

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