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A months have passed.

"Ya Tzu?"Sana called as she is hiding behind the door. She got here for the help of Dahyun. The said latter is going to her girlfriend, Momo and Chou's company is just inches away from where Momo was.

"Come in"Tzuyu said not minding to look up. She's busy with some papers

"I know you're busy. Sorry to disturb you"Sana then sat across her shyly

"You're not a disturbance for me"Tzuyu decided to stop from working just to have some small talk with Sana
"Why are you here by the way? Missed me already?"she grinned

Sana look down and played with her fingers. She's right, she missed her. But that's not exactly the reason why she's here.

"I'm here to ask you a favor"Sana said still not looking at her

"Okay go on"

"Can I sleep with you?"

Silence filled the room.

"Why are you asking me when you're always sneaking into my room and just slept there right away"Tzuyu chuckled, but she didn't get an answer from Sana. She checked on her.
"Hey, are you alright?"she asked, worried

"You just chuckled"Sana said out of the blue

"Why? What's wrong with that?"Tzuyu asked, confused

"It's the first time I heard you chuckled"Sana said, Tzuyu smiled

"You really like to count my first times huh?"Tzuyu teased

"Ya it's too precious for me"Sana pouted

"Okay then. Let me just finish this so we can go at my place early"

Soon Tzuyu's work already got finished. Her company didn't have much employee as they got their off earlier.

"The sky looks so dark"Sana commented as she watched the scenery out of the window's car

"It might rain later on so we have to be quick"Tzuyu said running the car in full speed

"Kyahh! Slow down"Sana said, which Tzuyu obeyed

"Sorry"Tzuyu said. Sana sighed and link her arm onto Tzuyu's

"Hey! I'm driving"

"Give me your hands"

"I told you—

"Just give me one of your hand"Sana said and Tzuyu immediately obeyed her

Now, she have one of her hand on the steering wheel and gave Sana one.

She didn't expect it and Sana intertwined their hands together, smiling widely while looking at the window. It also made Tzuyu smile slyly.

After a few minutes of driving, they finally arrived at their destination. Sana roamed her eyes around Tzuyu's place.

"Your new Condo looks better than the passed one"Sana uttered

"I got to choose this one now"Tzuyu replied

"Can we sleep now? I'm feeling sleepy"Sana yawned

"Likewise"Tzuyu said as she guided Sana to her room

They are now peacefully sleeping when Tzuyu heard Sana screaming.

"KYAAHHHH!!!"Sana screamed as Tzuyu checked on her. Her hands were at her ears covering them. She remembered, she's afraid of thunders.

"Hey hey it's okay"Tzuyu comforted her as Sana immediately pulled her into an embrace

"I'm scared, Tzuyu ah. Please don't leave me"Sana said and fear can be seen through her eyes

"It's okay, I won't leave you"Tzuyu hugged her close

They hugged, enjoying the warmth in each other's embrace. Tzuyu never felt completed as now. There's something in Sana that makes her feel alive and finally home.

Tzuyu don't know but her body is slowly leaning in and didn't even realized that their lips already touched. She felt the electricity the way their lips touch. It's really new to her. Everything about them is new to her.

"Goodnight, Sana"

"Goodnight, Tzu"

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