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Today is the Grand Opening of Tzuyu's new company. Of course, all of her friends were invited. Sana also invited her girlfriend with the permission of Tzuyu. She hesitantly accept it at first but Sana insisted to. Sana knows that there was something between Tzuyu and Miyeon, maybe because of the day they met.

"Are you ready for today, Tzu?"Sana asked as she watched the latter struggling to fix her necktie. She chuckled and went closer to her.
"Let me fix it for you"she then started to fix it while Tzuyu is looking down on her

"I-I can fix it. It's just, I'm nervous"Tzuyu muttered

"Yeah, you seems like it"Sana said the moment she finished it
"You look absolutely gorgeous for today"she complicated

"Thank you"Tzuyu looked down and put her blazers on
"You too"she added

Sana on the other hand, can't help but to felt her cheek heating up. She don't know why but maybe because that was the first time Tzuyu complimented her.

"Papa is not going?"Sana asked so it can lessen her hot red cheeks

"He's not going to any important event that I have. I'm used to it"Tzuyu replied

"I don't know if I'm in the right position to ask about you and Papa"Sana said as she rubs the skin of her temple

"Actually, they didn't planned to have me because Mama have a weak heart. Papa even decided to abort me. When I have an event in school, it was just only me. I always do my best, for him to attend any of my achievements. I waited for him, to the point that I didn't go for a valedictorian speech, no matter what they say. I just wanted him to be there. But the event ended and I didn't saw any glimpse of him. Even in one thing, he didn't attend for me. Sometimes I wished, I didn't exist from this world"Tzuyu stated. She don't want to cry, but her eyes betrayed her. Her tears started falling. And there Sana, she went close to her. She gave her a hug and Tzuyu did the same.

"Shh don't cry, Tzu. I'm sorry you had to experience that thing. And don't think about you, not existing in this world. Just remember that, you may have not experienced a complete and happy family, but you have us. You have your friends that are always here for you and of course you also have me"Sana smiled as she caressed her back. She then hold her face and caressed it.

They stared at each other and didn't even realized that they are already leaning their faces closer to each other.

That didn't end when someone suddenly knock on the door. The two hurriedly step back. Sana pretended to fix herself and Tzuyu's stares are not helping.

The knock outside got louder so Sana quickly walked near the door and there she found her girlfriend, Miyeon.

"Hi love!"Miyeon greeted her with a kiss

Tzuyu saw that.

"Your stepsister is here?"Miyeon asked as Sana turn to look back and found Tzuyu

"She slept here. Her car got broke down and my Condo was the only one that is close so she decided to sleepover here instead"Sana explained

"Alright. Are you ready? Can we also bring Tzuyu to her company?"Miyeon asked

"No need. Mina unnie asked me to pick me up"Tzuyu said as she walked passed Miyeon
"I'll see you later, I guess?"she kissed Sana's cheek before she leaves

Miyeon on the other side got surprise, so as Sana. She didn't do that kind of things so she's not used with it.

Did she do that on purpose or what?

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