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Sana was at the kitchen cooking something. She is not with her own self since she's putting the vegetables into the wrong pot. Her mind was full of worry about what happened that night.

She don't know, but she felt guilty. Not knowing her step sister's pain.

Is it really her fault?

She has been so close to her step father and that made Tzuyu insecure.

But she's also thinking about the things they did. How would a step sisters do that kind of stuffs? No one was even doing it, but them?

Or there was a romantic feelings involved with the two. For Sana she's sure that she loves the latter, but Tzuyu?

Her thoughts was interrupted when she heard someone's voice.

"You're doing that wrong"Sana turn to her side and found Tzuyu

Tzuyu stared at her before she helped Sana to fix the things she's doing. She just realized the foods she's been holding was now gone. She put the others on the sink and the others to the wrong pot.

How stupid of her.

"I'm sorry"Sana looked down

"No. You don't have to say sorry"Tzuyu shook her head and do Sana's work instead

"No. It's not that. I'm sorry for not understanding your feelings. I don't know that you and Papa have that thing"Sana said as Tzuyu glance at her

"I'm also at fault so I think let's just stop doing those things. I think I put you in that situation so you're being like that. I'm sorry because I didn't realize that I was already hurting you"Tzuyu said. Sana's heart broke into pieces.

Seriously? Why didn't she get what's my hints everytime we're together, everytime we do that thing.

It's not that I will just accept what is happening to us when I have no feelings for her.

Why she didn't get that I loved her. Is my actions not enough? Why is she so numb?

"I-it's okay"that was all she can say

"You're my step sister after all"Tzuyu continued

Of course you're MY stepsister, just my stepsister. Why is it so painful to hear that. Why love is so painful.

For all the girls and boys around her, Why her? Why Tzuyu? Why her stepsister?


Here we go again with Tzuyu avoiding Sana. Sure, it hurts her but maybe this is also the way for her to take her feelings away from her. It's for the best after all.

But why did everytime Tzuyu treat her like an air she feels like she can't breathe, can't breathe as she's holding back her tears everytime the said latter is around her.

"Are you okay, Satang?"Momo asked, making Nayeon and Jihyo also glance at her direction. They were currently at the same class today so as Tzuyu.

"Y-yeah. I'm okay. I'm fine"Sana forced a smile

"You don't look like it"Nayeon uttured

"You're not a good actress as well"Jihyo said

"If I said I'm not okay, can you understand me?"Sana said and took a last glance at Tzuyu

"Of course, Sana. We're here. We're ready to listen"Momo smiled

"Is it because of—"Nayeon glance at Tzuyu and about to open her mouth when

"Ms. Im and Ms. Hirai? What is the gossips all about?"Ms. Song said raising her two eyebrows

"Sorry Ms. Song"Momo apologize

"Let's just talk about it later"Jihyo whispered that only four of them can hear

An hour later.

"So what is it all about?"Nayeon started to spoken up. They are now at the end corner of the hallway so no one will interrupt or heard them.

"My problem is not that big"Sana replied

"Then why are you like that?"Jihyo raised a brow

"As what Jihyo said a while ago, you're not a good actress"Momo crossed her arms

"It's just about me and Tzuyu"Sana look down

"What about you and Tzuyu?!"Of course, Momo was the first one who reacted

"We just fought"Sana replied

"Oh? I think that was just normal for sisters?"Nayeon said

"You sure it's nothing serious?"Jihyo asked

"Yeah that's all. I just wanted to be a good sister to her"Sana said, which is actually half true

"So I think we could just say some advice to you since you grew up as an only child so you're not used to have a little sister"Momo said

"Well, base on Tzuyu's emotions-- I whatever she's just showing same emotions so I can't tell"Nayeon weakly said

"Maybe you two could start with sisterly bond?"Jihyo suggested

"Or maybe a sisterly date? So you two can bond and fix that problem"Momo said

"But you know it's just normal for us to have a sibling fight. You shouldn't always be sweet to each other, sometimes we also need to fight"Nayeon chuckled

She's not just sweet to me. I can't even explain to them what is really the meaning of why am I being like this. I just can't. When I know that Momo has a crush-no she loves Tzuyu.

And as they said she waited for Tzuyu for almost years and now.

"That problem will end soon. You're on the same roof so I know you can fix that"Jihyo patted her back

Yeah that's the case. We're on the same roof so I can't just take away my love for her. It's difficult.

"Jihyo is right. So you don't need to worry too much. I know Tzuyu can't resist you. Even if she's cold sometimes I saw that she really loves you as her sister"Nayeon smiled

Don't just slap right into my face that we're just sisters. I already know that. That hurts me so bad, really.

"We'll also help you to fix your problem with her"Momo said

"No thank you. As you guys said that will end up soon. We're going to be okay so thank you"Sana smiled even when she's in pain

"Okay then. If you need help just call our name and we'll be there"Nayeon winked

"Thank you guys"Sana smiled. Thanks to her friends, they are there to atleast ease the pain she felt right now.

"No problem"

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