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"You're going to have an arrange marriage with Namjoon's son, Kim Taehyung"he said

"Arrange marriage?!"Sana exclaimed

She's going to have an arrange marriage? What the- she just got broke up with Mina and this.

"It always happen with this kind of family, kid. And don't worry about this, Tzuyu. I assure you that my son here is responsible and a mature person. He will treat you well"Namjoon said

"I appreciate that Mr. Kim"Tzuyu replied

"You can also call me Namjoon or if you want just call me Papa"he joked but Tzuyu was still with her blank face. The three of them laughed except for Sana and Tzuyu. Sana was thinking deeply.

She will going to get married at the age of 15?

What if she got to learn to love her soon to be husband? What about her? Will she be left alone?

"And as of that. When you already reached the age of 18 you two will get married in states"their father said

"You have three years for the two of you to get to know each other. And it's not impossible for the two of you to fell ib love with each other"Taehyung's father said

"I hope we'll get along, Tzuyu"Taehyung said showing his cute smile

"I hope so"Tzuyu replied showing him a blank face

"I think you're more beautiful when you smile"Taehyung said. Tzuyu just shrugged her shoulders.

"It's not my hobby"Tzuyu replied

"You also got a cute step sister. Is she single?"Taehyung asked. He don't know that Sana was there listening to their conversation.

"She is"Tzuyu answered

"That's great then"Taehyung smiled and continued
"Abba said we should stay in one roof so that we can easily get to know each other, but I didn't agreed to it yet. I want to know your decision too. As your future husband I wanted to respect you with all my heart. So what do you think?"he smiled, such a gentleman indeed

"Let me think of it first"Tzuyu answered

"Okay then I'll respect that"Taehyung said


"What? She's going to get married with this man named Kim Taehyung? The soon to be owner of the Kim's company and the Kim's clothing line?"Dahyun asked in shock

"Yeah. I don't know what to do anymore. Even if I don't want that to happen, I have no other choice but to accept it"Sana sadly said


"You don't need to always help me, Dahyun ah. It's fine. I'm fine. This will going to heal someday"Sana force a smile

"But Sana—

"I told you. This is my own problem. I can fix it. My feelings for her will be gone as soon as she moved out with this guy"Sana said

"Always remember, Sana. I'm always here for you no matter what. Call me if you need me. I'll be right there"Dahyun smiled, trying to cheer her up

"Thank you for that, Dahyun ah. You're really the best"

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