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Sana got woke up with the alarm of her phone besides the table. She lazily tapped it still with her eyes closed. She still wanted to sleep even if she's tired for no reason.

She took a nap for a minutes but got woken up again. She realized she got alarmed her phone to school so she immediately open her eyes and about to sat up when she saw Tzuyu's face.

She was mesmerized by her beauty. She even forgot that they are going to school early this day as their friends have said.

Her hand got move by itself and got over Tzuyu's face. She caressed her face with that smile of hers.

Her feelings for Tzuyu are really different. She was falling too much and she didn't know if Tzuyu would catch her.

Suddenly, she removed her hand away from her when she remembered the words she have said yesterday, that she's going to take away her feelings for her so she could be her sister for real.

It made her sad but it is also for Tzuyu. She knows she badly needs a family right now.

A few moments of thinking Sana felt that Tzuyu is now moving. She turn her head to the side and saw Tzuyu looking at her. She smiled.

"Good morning"Sana greeted, Tzuyu just nodded. Maybe she is still not in her mood.

She sat up and check the time.

"What the-we're late"Tzuyu hurriedly went her way to the closet and find her clothes
"You didn't wake me up. You're just spacing out there"she uttured

"I'm sorry"Sana apologized

"We're already 30 minutes late"Tzuyu said and throw the clothes over the bed

"Let's took a shower together"Sana said out of the blue as she also got a clothes for her. Tzuyu stared at her before she answered.

"Okay"Tzuyu shortly replied


Soon Tzuyu and Sana got to school using Tzuyu's father's car. They didn't borrow it in personal, of course Tzuyu isn't talking with her father, but Sana do texted him that they were using his car. He always say yes to her so there's no problem.

As they step in inside the school, they immediately went to the their meeting place, the garden.

Well, that was not school matters but a friendly bonding since they got busy these past few days so they decided to have some bond there.

As soon as they got to the said place, there they saw their friends at the end. They are not just seven but there are also someone who joined them.

It was Elkie Chong.

"Oh there they come"Nayeon said the moment she saw the two heading towards them

"What took you so long guys?"Jihyo asked as Sana and Tzuyu sit besides each other but someone suddenly took Sana's place

"I got woke up late"Sana answered as she glanced at the girl who just took her place. That is her place. Who the hell is she to do that.

"Okay then let's eat"Momo said and get ready to eat. What a food monster.

"You know we didn't start to eat yet until you guys arrived"Chaeyoung said while munching her food

"We're hungry, actually. We haven't took our breakfast because you guys said that we'll do it together"Dahyun said

"I'm sorry then"Sana said

"Nah it's okay, really"Dahyun smiled

"That's what our rule is. Don't eat until we're not complete yet"Mina uttured

"How sweet of you guys"Elkie giggled

"I didn't know you're also like that"Chaeyoung suddenly said

"What do you mean?"Elkie asked, confused

"I mean you're always with your stank face when I'm—"Chaeyoung didn't finish her sentence when Jihyo covered her mouth

"I'm sorry, Chong Elkie. She's saying so many things"Jihyo awkwardly laugh

"No it's okay. It's true though, I'm like that when I'm not used to people I'm with. I'm just showing this emotions when I'm with my friends and also you can just call me by my name, Jihyo"Elkie smiled

"Hmm? We aren't your friends though"Dahyun said

"What the hell is wrong with the two of you?"Nayeon half shouted

"You small girls are being mean"Jeongyeon said, clicking her tongue

"We're friends now, right"Jihyo slyly glared at them

"Yeah"the two answered

As they got finished the girls are now with their own businesses. Mina who was playing with her phone. Jeongyeon and Nayeon who is teasing each other. Momo who is still eating the foods. Jihyo who is now away from them as she needs to take care of something on the student council office. Chaeyoung who is taking that time to stare at Mina. Elkie and Tzuyu who is next to each other. Lastly, Sana and Dahyun who are next to each other.

Sana was watching how Tzuyu and Elkie talk that she didn't notice that Dahyun, who is besides her is now judging her silently.

"I don't think you can take away your feelings for HER"Dahyun started to spoken up

"Oh please. Don't get me started"Sana said with a frown

"Hmmm do you still want to be her- what do you call that? Her SISTER?"Dahyun teased that made Sana frowned even more. She don't like the fact that, that girl is really close to Tzuyu. They also studied in Taiwan together. She's jealous, indeed.

"I hate this"Sana mumbled so they can't hear her

"So? What's your answer?"Dahyun asked with that teasing smirk again

"No. I don't fucking want it"Sana replied, determined to her answer

"You won't change your mind anymore?"Dahyun asked

"I told you"Sana frowned

"You will fight your love for her from now on?"Dahyun throw another question

"Sure I am"Sana replied

"How is that? You're not confessing to her yet though"Dahyun shrugged her shoulders

"I'm still not ready. But I will assure you when that time comes I won't hesitantly tell her the truth"Sana said

"You're just saying that because your jealous"Dahyun teased. Sana just gave her a glare.

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