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Weeks have passed Tzuyu and Sana finally got back to their house. It was because of Sana. She force the latter to go back to their house.

Now, Sana is doing her morning chores. Tzuyu is not here anymore since she got woke up at 5 since they got an early practice. She's used with that as a volleyball player.

She then went downstairs, greeting her mother and step father as she always does. Honestly, she didn't saw Tzuyu greeting her father, vice versa for once. That's the one she wants to know but she didn't get any answers for them, even to her mother.

"Sana since you can't be able to took a bus fare with Tzuyu, I will take you to school instead"her step father said but Sana shook her head

"It's fine, Papa. I can go to school alone since you got work for today"Sana smiled

"I'm your step father so it's okay"he said

And after that Sana can't say no to her step father anymore. They got to school and found the volleyball players outside, especially Tzuyu.

They stared at them in awe. Maybe it was because she got her step father here together with her?

As soon as Sana was about to go with Tzuyu, she walked out. Mina was about to follow her when she saw Sana going to the same direction as hers. She just let her.

She felt that Tzuyu knows she was following her so she walked as fast as she could. And Sana as slow as ever she lost Tzuyu. She decided to run so she can follow the latter.

As when she saw Tzuyu, there she got stumbled with her own feet. How clumsy she is, really.

It didn't end long and she got fall on the ground, face first. Now, her nose was bleeding as hell. She was sure Tzuyu saw that. But she just walked away and didn't even help her.

She wants to cry. Not because of the pain she felt, but because Tzuyu leave her like she don't care about her. For these past few days she really got emotional for the simple things Tzuyu did for her.

A moments later. Her friends, Momo, Nayeon, Mina and the other girls hurriedly run to her the moment they saw blood running through her nose.

"Oh my gosh! Sana!"Momo shouted out of shock

"What the hell happened to you?!"Nayeon asked putting some clean towel to lessen the blood dripping

"Let's bring her to the clinic"Jeongyeon suggested as they stood Sana up

But when they were lifting Sana up, she fainted. They got panicked and Dahyun quickly lifted her in a bridal style. They hurriedly run through the clinic and saw Tzuyu meters away from them.

Dahyun just gave her a death glare, knowing she's the reason why she got like that.

"It's not her fault, Dahyun. Let's just get her to the clinic first"Momo said

They all leave Tzuyu from behind dumbfounded. She didn't even move or get worried but she just stood still from her place.

Soon they all stayed at the clinic waiting for Sana to woke up. Their classes was not yet starting so they are here.

"How come Tzuyu didn't even brought her here or call for a help. She just let her suffer like that"Dahyun said in a mad tone

"Oh please Dahyun. Don't blame her"Momo defended of course

"She's right unnie. Have you seen the whole scene?"Chaeyoung said

"I saw them on cctv. Sana was trying to catch Tzuyu but she stumbled and her nose got bleed. Tzuyu saw it but she didn't even help her instead she walk away"Dahyun explained. They are all speechless.

"You don't know what is really going on to her. She hated--"Mina took a deep breathe before she continue
"She hated the fact that her own father didn't treat her the way he treated Sana. He's her biological father but Sana got treated well than her"she continued

"But that doesn't mean she can treat Sana like that, doesn't mean Sana was not complaining she can do all those hurtful things to her. If only Sana didn't love her, then I would have punched her face"Dahyun said mumbling the last sentence

"Wait what did you last said?"Chaeyoung asked in confusion


"W-what happened?"Sana have finally woken up

"Sana chan!"Momo immediately gave her a hug

"Are you okay? Is it still hurt?"Nayeon asked

"Have you felt something? How are you?"Dahyun asked

"I'm fine guys. Don't worry about me"Sana smiled

"Of course we will going to get worried. You're our friend after all"Jeongyeon said

"Stop being clumsy sometimes"Nayeon teased

"Can I get out here now?"Sana asked

"Yes but don't move a lot"Mina said

Soon they all got to their respective classes while Dahyun stayed with Sana.

"What was really the reason why Tzuyu treated you like that?"Dahyun asked. They were now walking through Sana's class.

"I don't know. I can't really understand her sometimes. I felt like I'm going to get used to it"Sana fake a laugh

"How stupid this love it is. They are right even when they do some unattractive things you will still love them"Dahyun look down and stare at Sana's side profile

Why it can be me? Why didn't destiny agree for us? I hope it can be us.

"Hey? Why are you crying?"Sana asked the moment she noticed tears falling down the latter's cheeks

"No. I accidentally hit my eyes with my hand"Dahyun lied wiping off her tears. Sana just nodded and didn't even notice that lame excuse of hers.

"I wish I could just-- hate her"Sana uttered making Dahyun glanced at her side

"But you can't"Dahyun said

"Did it make me look stupid?"Sana asked

"Love makes us stupid"Dahyun said. Sana just chuckled and got stop.

"Let's stop this drama. I still have a class"Sana said and paused
"See you later, I guess?"she added

"Yep. See you later"

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