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Sana was still hugging her knees when she felt something got put over her head. It was someone's jacket.

As when she lift her head up, there she saw Dahyun looking at her with full of worry and concern.

"Why are you here? Aren't you and Tzuyu together? Did she left you?"Dahyun asked many questions and Sana can saw it through her eyes that she's mad. She knows Dahyun really cares for her as a friend.

"S-she didn't come"Sana look down as Dahyun helped her to stand up

"Why?"Dahyun asked, Sana shrugged her shoulders as she continued to cry

"I don't know. She promised"Sana cried

"Don't cry. I'm here"Dahyun was about to gave her an embrace when Sana back out a little

"You might get—

That didn't stop Dahyun and she gave Sana what she needs right now, a hug.

Sana felt a little relieved with that hug. She was sure she badly need it right now, in this kind of situation.

She cried even more.

"Let it out"Dahyun caressed her back

Sana cried and cried, she don't care if she looks childish. Finding a comfort with someone who is younger than her.

"Are you now okay?"Dahyun asked, which Sana nods
"Let's go. Before the rain poured so hard"Sana just let the said latter bring her somewhere

A few minutes and they finally arrived at Sana's house. It was still raining and Sana is now sleeping on the passenger's seat.

"Sana, wake up. We're already here"Dahyun shook her body

Soon they got inside and was met by Tzuyu who was standing right at the kitchen.

"You son of a—"Dahyun was about to hit her when Sana blocked her way, telling her not to

"It's okay Dahyun ah"Sana patted her shoulder

"That's--"Dahyun stared at her
"You're really unbelievable, Sana"she shook her head in disappointment

"Thank you for bringing me home"Sana said

And with that, Dahyun also finally went home. Sana and Tzuyu was now the only people inside their house.

Sana glance at Tzuyu but just found her running upstairs.

"Chou Tzuyu!"Sana yelled, making Tzuyu stops but didn't even bother to look at her

"Just took a shower"Tzuyu said as she continued to walk


Sana got already finished washing herself and got to Tzuyu who was now sleeping on their bed. No she wasn't sleeping yet. She knows she's still awake.

"Tzuyu why are you doing this to me?"Sana started but didn't get an answer from the latter

She don't want to cry again. She just wanted to know what was really her reason so she can atleast understand what's really up to her or did she do something wrong.

"Tzuyu, I know you're still awake. Let's talk"Sana tried again

She didn't get an answer again so she decided to got up and went to the other side of the bed without Tzuyu noticing it.

And there she saw the latter is still awake. Her eyes are still open but she's not replying.

"Tell me, Tzuyu. Why are you doing this to me?"Sana tried to held back her tears

"Please let's just sleep"Tzuyu averted her gaze

"No. I won't. Unless you tell me what's really the answer. What is really wrong with you or it is me? You're so damn confusing, Tzuyu"Sana's tears fall down but she quickly wiped it off

"I'm tired"Tzuyu was about to turn her back when Sana grabbed her two hands and place it just above her head

"Stop being like this. Just tell me what's really up to you. Tell me why are you doing those kind of things to me"Sana uttered

"Just be straight to the point"Tzuyu's face is cannot be told, it was hard to guess

"Tell me why didn't you came ealier. Tell me what's really the meaning of those things we are doing. Why are you being so sweet to me and got cold the other day. And why are you kissing me all of sudden?"Sana said as Tzuyu look away

"There was no reason for it so don't assume things"Tzuyu coldly replied

"Is that all?"

"Why are you asking me that? Of course I'm your sister. That's what family for, right?"Tzuyu said. Sana smiled bitterly

"You just stole my first kiss"Sana said

"I told you I did that because of that guy"Tzuyu muttered

"The next days we have done that? What's really the meaning of it, Tzuyu ah?"Sana swears she is so close for crying

Tzuyu didn't answered after that. Sana sighed and gripped onto Tzuyu's hands tightly.

"Why didn't you came ealier?"Sana asked

"Do you really want to know?"Tzuyu finally look at her

With that Tzuyu sat up and averted her gaze again.

"I'm insecure of you"Tzuyu started

It is because of her father?

"I'm insecure because my own father treated you as her real daughter even if you're not blood related. While me, he treated me like an air. He doesn't even care about me, but you. You just met her a few months ago and what? You two finally get to close to each other. He sometimes brought you to school, he always ask if you're okay, doing great. But me, he didn't even ask me if I'm okay. If I'm fine with the things he wanted me to do"Tzuyu wiped off her tears as she continued

"I'm insecure to you knowing that my own father couldn't do that things to me but he can do it with you. I hate you, I hated all of you. You all doesn't care about my feelings"Tzuyu said

"No, Tzuyu. We care about your feelings. You don't understand—

"No. You don't understand me and you will never understand because you are not the one in my situation"Tzuyu turn behind her

After our conversation, here I am still sleeping besides her. What a shame after that talk I still have the guts to sleep here next to her.

Because of that. I think I should really step aside my feelings for her. For now she needs a family who can understands her and that is me.

This will not gonna hurt. I will try to be a sister who can understand her.

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