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"Speaking of cheer dancer. Lisa's parents don't want her to join that anymore so you will going to maintain to be a cheer dancer"Momo said. They are now at the hallway waiting for their next class.

"It's okay. I don't mind"Sana smiled

"She's inspired by one of the players in volleyball team"Chaeyoung said with a teasing smirk

"Who is it?"Jeongyeon asked

"Me!"Nayeon suddenly came with Tzuyu and put an arm over the latter's shoulder
"I'm her inspiration"she said showing her bunny smile

"Disgusting"Jeongyeon mumbled

"I heard that"Nayeon said glaring at her

"My class was about to start. I need to go"Mina said and bid a goodbye to them

"I think I should go. Dahyun unnie let's go now"Chaeyoung said pulling the small pale skin girl

"Bye! See you later!"Dahyun shouted

"Did we got the same class?"Tzuyu asked approaching Sana

"We have"Sana replied and with that Tzuyu pulled her with her

"Oh? You guys didn't even say goodbye to us!"Jeongyeon shouted from behind

"Take care!"Nayeon shouted and laugh after that

"I forgot! Bye!"Sana shouted back as she take a look at Tzuyu
"You startled me, Tzu"she said

"We're getting late"Tzuyu uttered

"Nope. We still have 15 more minutes so let me use a comfort room. Come on"Sana said before she pulled Tzuyu to an opposite direction. The latter just let her guide the way.

Tzuyu just waited Sana outside the cubicle patiently. That didn't end and Sana got out of the cubicle. She went onto the mirror and put a light lipstick on it. She take a look at Tzuyu.

"How's my lipstick?"Sana asked

"Good"Tzuyu shortly replied

"It tasted good. Go and try this"Sana reached her the lipstick

"I can't--"Tzuyu stared at it but look away after
"I don't know how to use it"Tzuyu scratched her nape. Sana chuckled.

"Okay look at me"Sana put a lipstick on her lips once again

Tzuyu bent her knees a little so Sana could reach her height. Sana put her two hands on her shoulders and captured her lips. Tzuyu didn't saw that coming.

It didn't end long and Sana pulled away with that widest smile of hers.

"There"Sana winked at her

"Can I have one again?"Tzuyu said startling Sana. It was her first time saying that thing.

Sana was about to leaned in when Tzuyu stops her.

"Kidding"Tzuyu then left leaving Sana pouting


All the way lesson, Sana's hand was over Tzuyu's thigh caressing it. Well, Tzuyu didn't even flinch. So she assumed she liked it too.

Suddenly, Sana felt like Tzuyu was tapping her hand that was over her thigh.

"Enjoying it too much?"Tzuyu started making Sana look around and find no one but them

"Oh? Sorry!"Sana chuckled

"You didn't even listen to Ms. Lee"Tzuyu stood up

"Kiss me then I will listen to her lessons"Sana cling onto her arms

"Your face"Tzuyu started to get her hands off her but she didn't won

"No!"Sana hugged her from her back tightly

"Okay? Don't be so clingy too much"Tzuyu said as Sana smiled and cling onto the latter's arm once again

Soon they got to the cafeteria with the other girls. Chaeyoung and Dahyun aren't there yet as they still have another class. Seniors and Freshmen don't have same free time today.

"Hey! You guys will take a bus later?"Nayeon asked

"No. I'm gonna use my Ferrari"Mina answered

"Rich things"Momo chuckled

"What about you Tzu? Why aren't you using Papa's car or why didn't he brought one for you? You can drive, right?"Sana asked

"I can, but I'm still 15"Tzuyu answered

"But Mina is still under age and she already have cars"Momo said

"Money. Money is the reason"Jeongyeon said

"Of course I'm a good driver it's not that"Mina frowned

"Okay so let me say what I want"Nayeon interrupted
"Let's hang out this coming week after the game. We have 2 weeks break so who's in?"she said

"I'm in. I got the van"Mina smiled

"I'd loved to"Sana said in happiness as she bumped on Tzuyu motioning her to say yes

"Okay"Tzuyu replied

"If Tzuyu is going then I'm in"Momo said

"You know what is it"Jeongyeon smiled

"Even if I don't want to, I can't say no. You will just force me"Jihyo said

"Ooh! That's right, you can't say no to us"Nayeon smirked

"Bring Kang with us then"Jeongyeon teased

"OH SHUT UP YOO JEONGYEON"Jihyo said giving her a death glare

"Don't make Park Jihyo mad"Momo chuckled

"If you're just not my friends--"Jihyo glared

"What? You will report us?"Sana asked with a pout

"No"Jihyo denied

"She loves us so she can't do that"Nayeon smiled

"Wait!"Momo yelled which startled all of them

"What happened?"Jeongyeon panicked

"I'm hungry"Momo said holding onto her stomach

"What the hell Momoring? I thought something really bad happened to you"Sana frowned

"Tsk. You think it's funny?"Mina glared at her

"I'm sorry. I'm just hungry"Momo pouted

"Let's just eat"Jihyo said interrupting them


Their class got now ended and Sana was about to ride the bus when someone suddenly held her by her hand. She take a look if who it was and found Tzuyu.

"Don't ride a bus today"Tzuyu started as Sana look at her in confusion

"Why?"Sana asked

"Walk with me"Tzuyu continued, making Sana look away with a blush on her face

Tzuyu continued to pull her by her wrist as they walk together. Sana take a look of the way the latter's hands over her. It made her smile slyly.

Sana took all of her confidence and intertwined their fingers together. Tzuyu turn to her back to check on their intertwined hands and got back to walk again. So Sana assumed it was okay with her.

Sana didn't lose her smiles all the way home.

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