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As months passed by, nothing has changed. Sana's feelings for Tzuyu are still the same. And it's somehow growing because of some actions that Tzuyu have made towards her.

Like she got even more weird than ever, sometimes she will act sweet towards her. It's confusing Sana day by day. Did she have a feelings for her already? No-she don't want to assume.

"A penny for your thoughts?"someone suddenly interrupted

"Why ask when you know she's thinking about Tzuyu"Dahyun chuckled. The girls are now currently at the library, together with Tzuyu who was just meter away from their table.

"Look there Tzuyu is"Jeongyeon said pointing at the said latter's direction

"What about her?"Sana asked

"It's a good timing if you confess to her"Nayeon answered

"No, I won't"Sana hurriedly said

"Yeah you always said that. You haven't tried yet though. I told you when you keep it to youself, it will only get worse"Nayeon patted her back

"Yeah I agree. You better try atleast?"Dahyun smiled

And after that, Sana find herself walking towards Tzuyu's table. She has this shaky breath as she was getting close to Tzuyu. The latter didn't notice her since she was busy reading a book. Well, she's always like that. Nothing is new.

Back again, Sana was now inches away from her.

"Tzuyu?"Sana called as Tzuyu hummed in response. She's not even giving Sana a look.

Sana was fidgeting with her fingers as she was trying to compose that word, that three words she's been struggling to say.

"Uhh--Tzuyu?"Sana called once again, that made Tzuyu look up at her with a face full of confusion

Sana opened her mouth to say something but got it close again after that. She don't know but it feels like her mouth can't even let out any words from this time.

"You're going to say something?"Tzuyu asked, raising one of her brow

Sana got to look at her friends, waiting for her to confess but her mouth is not cooperating. What will she do?

"N-nothing. I just wanted to invite you for a dinner later, are you in?"Sana said and glanced at her friends who have their dissapointed looks. Sana sighed.

"Is that so? Okay"Tzuyu nodded

"I-I'll get going now"Sana then stood up and headed towards her friends direction

"What a waste"Nayeon crossed her arms

"You should took that chance to confess to her, Sana"Jeongyeon shook her head

"It's just--I can't"Sana look down

"Nayeon unnie, Jeongyeon unnie I think we shouldn't forcing her to confess to Tzuyu"Dahyun said

"Nope we aren't forcing her to confess, we--us we wanted the best for her. If she will not confess that feelings will hunt you. Just try your best. If Tzuyu reject you, it's okay, it's fine. Atleast you let out the words that you wanted to say. We're just here, we're here to help you heal"Nayeon said, that made Sana run to hug her

"Thank you, Nayeon unnie. Don't worry I'll try it again next time. I hope I can say it to her when that time comes"Sana said

"Great, so we're looking for that"Jeongyeon smiled

"It's now or never, girl!"Nayeon said tapping her back

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