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"Tzuyu ah!"Sana was now following her step sister since ealier

Well, Sana is just throwing some disgusting words from her so the latter was avoiding her.

"Okay. I'm sorry? Come on, I'm tired"Sana whined while stomping her feet

Tzuyu finally stops and turn to her back and gave her a boring look.

"Where is Mama?"Tzuyu asked and got seated

"They have some important meeting. I don't know what it is"Sana answered as she sat next to the taller
"Let's shower together"she added as she cling onto the latter's arms

"Okay"Tzuyu shortly answered making Sana squish her arms in excitement

Tzuyu glance at her with a frown, but Sana just gave her a sweet smile so she immediately look away.

Is she blushing or what?

Sana giggled.

"I--"Tzuyu started to spoke up again as Sana turn to look at her
"I'll cook our food. Mama said I should try atleast"she continued

"Okay then. Shall I help you?"Sana asked with a wide smile and Tzuyu just nodded her head starting to stood up.

"You know how to cook?"Sana asked and followed the latter

"Not really, but Mama have taught me"Tzuyu replied

"I'll guide you"Sana smiled

The two then stared and Sana who was guiding her step sister with her work.

She said she's not that good at cooking? Then why I see an opposite of it?

Sana was just looking at the latter while she's cooking. Well, that becomes her hobby. When Tzuyu was doing something, she would just watch her. That really shows how whipped she is to the latter. Even if she do some simple things, Sana will find it attractive.

She didn't even notice that the latter was already talking.

"Hey? Can you get that one for me?"Tzuyu said pointing at the pan that was just inches away from her

Sana hurriedly take it without even minding it was hot since Tzuyu just cooked with it. It made Sana shock and drop the pan on the ground. Tzuyu hurriedly run to her with a wet towel on her hand. She put it right onto Sana's hand making Sana winched in pain.

"It hurts, Tzu"Sana closed her eyes

"It's going to be okay"Tzuyu calmed her down

It didn't end long and Sana finally overcome the pain.

"Be careful next time"Tzuyu said

Soon the two finally finished cooking and eat. It's still early for school so Sana decided to spent it to their house.

"I'm going to shower"Tzuyu stood up

"Wait! Wait me until I get finished washing these plates"Sana said as Tzuyu sat down again and waited for her

It didn't end long, Sana finished doing her business in a quick manner. Excited for their shower together or what?

Tzuyu then stood up without waiting for Sana so the older just followed her from behind.


Sana's voice can only be heard inside the shower's area. Tzuyu was annoyed indeed. Even if she's telling her to rest her talkative mouth the latter will just going to avoid it and talk even more. She was just talking about nonsense stuffs.

Sana was enjoying the water falling through her body while talking when she felt that someone was behind her.

She quickly turn to her back and found Tzuyu. It didn't end long when Tzuyu pinned her to the wall.

"Can you atleast be quiet for just a moment?"Tzuyu said in a cold tone, just like the water dripping down their skin.

"Then shut me up with your--"Sana look down at Tzuyu's lips then up to her eyes

Sana didn't say anything but to tiptoed and captured the latter's lips. Tzuyu's eyes got widen but she closed it after that. Sana smiled between their kiss and move her hands through the latter's shoulder.

She started to move her lips and used her tongue. She put her arms over Tzuyu's shoulder so she couldn't let go of the kiss. She felt Tzuyu's warm palm got onto her bare back, making her moan through their kiss.

So this is what step sisters are doing?she said this is just normal so—

Sana started to rubbed their naked bodies as when Tzuyu responded to the kiss. They started to move their mouths in sync, tongue battling for dominance.

Few moments later, they pulled out and Tzuyu rested her head through the latter's neck. Sana can feel her hot breathings, it made her shiver down her spine. She can also feel the latter's nails drugging through her back but she didn't mind it at all.

It didn't end long and Tzuyu moved away, leaving Sana on the shower alone. Sana bit her lip as she imagine the latter's lips on hers.

"That lips"she mumbled with a smile


Sana and Tzuyu got to school without even talking. Well, Sana was trying to start the conversation but Tzuyu will just ignore her.

I thought that was just normal for a stepsisters like us?

"What's up Sana chan?"Momo suddenly came which have blocked her sight for the taller

"Sky"Sana replied, which Momo look at her confusly

"What? What do you mean by sky?"Momo asked

"You asked me what's up so I answered the sky"Sana frowned

Momo went in silence as Sana's words sink in through her mind. It made her laugh.

"You're so funny!"Momo laughed

"Wait! Can you excuse me for a seconds? I need to find my step sister"Sana said and about to go when Momo pulled her by her hand

"Wait. I just wanted to invite you later lunch at the restaurant since we don't have same class today"Momo said and Sana just nodded her head

She didn't replied and hurriedly find her step sister. It didn't end long and she find Tzuyu to her favorite place, the rooftop. Well, she said it was a peaceful place so she's always there.

"There I find this tall cold woman"Sana mumbled as she stand just right next to Tzuyu

Tzuyu turn to look at her without any emotion.

"Stop calling me a 'tall cold woman' will you?"Tzuyu frowned

"Then can I call you baby instead?"Sana said with a flirty tone making Tzuyu frown even more

"I'm done"Tzuyu said then leaves

"Hey! Wait!"Sana shouted but that still didn't stop the latter

This girl, really.

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