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I'm still here, loving you silently. Still loving you even though I know you can't be mine.

All the things I want are the things I can't have.

How unfair the world is, right?

Sana was just watching Elkie and Tzuyu together. She just got to washroom to wash her hands and then she found this.

"You're being a possessive sister huh"Nayeon suddenly got next to her

Sana wasn't paying attention and was just watching Tzuyu's direction.

And Nayeon took that opportunity to smack her head.

"What the—"Sana turn her head sideways and found Nayeon

"Why are you being so possessive to your sister?"Nayeon asked once again. Sana averted her gaze, thinking what will she do.

"I-I just don't want her to be hurt. Tzuyu is so sensitive. She—

"As if that two will end up to each other. I'm telling you it's a no for me. Tzuyu was only focused with two things in her mind, volleyball and study"Nayeon said, gladly she believe that excuse of hers

"Yo! What are you doing?!"Dahyun came and put her hands over their shoulders

"Talking"Sana replied

"Aside from that?"Dahyun asked

"Why do you need to know?"Nayeon said with a teasing tone

"N-nothing"Dahyun stuttered. Nayeon stood up while staring at the latter.

"Yah~ You really like Sana huh?"Nayeon whispered, that made the small girl blush
"HAHAHA! You're so red. I'll get going!"she then leaves

"What did Nayeon unnie say?"Sana asked curiously

"That's just nothing. She's teasing me"Dahyun pouted

"Cute"Sana pinched her cheeks. Dahyun's cheek got red, not because Sana pinched it but because of what she said.

"Look, Tzuyu is not with Elkie anymore. Come on and get her"Dahyun said pointing at Tzuyu. She said that not only for the latter but also for her embarrassment.

Sana then hurriedly went towards her and pulled her along.

"Come with me"Sana smiled as Tzuyu just let her do what she wants

"Hey Tzu"Dahyun smiled as Sana make Tzuyu sat besides her

"Why did you bring me here?"Tzuyu asked

"Nothing"Sana answered

"Sana, I think you need to open up some topics for her to not to be bored. If not then she will going to leave you with Elkie"Dahyun whispered through her ears. Sana look at her with a puppy eyes asking for some help. Dahyun jusy sighed in defeat. She can't say no to her though.

"How's your friendship with Elkie, Tzu?"Dahyun ask out of nowhere

"When did you care about her?"instead of answering, Tzuyu asked her back.

"Uh-I just wanted to know? Isn't that wrong?"Dahyun chuckled awkwardly

"Still the same. She's asking me out. She's always saying weird things to me"Tzuyu look away

"Like what?!"Sana ask in a high pitched tone. The two had their gaze on her.
"Uhh-Ehh-- I'm sorry for that"she awkwardly laugh

"What do you mean by weird things?"Dahyun said

"I don't know I just find it weird"Tzuyu shrugged her shoulders

"Give me an exact example"Sana said, eager to know it

"It's always different. She's always asking if I'm ready for a relationship and somethings"Tzuyu replied

"She's asking you to be her girlfriend? Or not exactly like that"Dahyun asked

"She's acting sweet to you?"Sana asked, Tzuyu just shrugged her shoulders

"You guys are asking weird questions"Tzuyu said

"Hehe, sorry if you find it weird"Sana scratched her nape

"What do you feel about Elkie?"Dahyun asked again

"What?"Tzuyu asked with a raised brow

"Do you treat her as a friend or more than that? Do you love her?"Dahyun straightly said

"Love? I don't believe in love. Love is just a series of chemical chain reactions from the neuro system inside the brain. The lust, affection and infatuation. There is nothing magical about love."Tzuyu shrugged her shoulders

"I-I don't understand"Dahyun chuckled

"I also don't understand"Sana joined her

"It's just love is not real"Tzuyu said as the two look at each other

"Maybe you don't believe in love because you haven't felt it yet?"Sana said

"True. You're so innocent about love. You will understand that when you already felt that with someone"Dahyun said staring at Sana. It has been a months and her love for the latter is still here.

"I still don't believe in love"Tzuyu look away

"As you said Ms. Chou"Dahyun chuckled

"Tzuyu ah!"Elkie suddenly came

"What's up Elkie!"Dahyun stood up and put an arm over Elkie's shoulder. The said latter just stared at her confusly.
"You know let's go somewhere! I want to know more about you"she then pulled the girl along with her

"Dahyun really likes Elkie"Sana chuckled

"Okay"Tzuyu replied without any emotion so Sana's smiled got widen. She just said that to know if Tzuyu really had a feelings for the said latter. And it seems like it's not. She's happy for that.

Sana suddenly hugged her from her side with that smile of hers. Gladly Tzuyu just let her.

"Look at them"Jeongyeon said pointing at the two

"What's with them?"Chaeyoung asked

"They look like a couple"Jeongyeon chuckled

"What the? It's normal for sisters like them though"Jihyo frowned

"True. You and your sister are always bickering so you can't even relate"Chaeyoung teased

"The sky is now dark. I think we should go home now?"Jeongyeon said

"Jeongyeon ah! Buy me foods please"Momo pleaded

"It's on me"Mina said bringing Momo along with her. The latter was so excited, indeed.

"Such a food monster she is"Dahyun came with Elkie who walked out

"What happen to her?"Jihyo asked

"I suddenly confess to her"Dahyun face palm

"What!? HAHAHA! you're so fucking funny!"Chaeyoung laughed

"Eh? Why? I thought you like Sana?"Jeongyeon said in full of confusion

"It's just for some important matter"Dahyun scatched her nape. She's wrong for saying that thing.

"Weird"Jeongyeon walked out same with the other girls

"Phew! It's fine with me if they find me weird atleast I saved Sana"

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