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"I need your works this day so you better finish it right now"Ms. Song said strictly. The students started to murmured about that. She just made them do that work but then.

"This is no fair, really"Nayeon mumbled

"Dude I just got started"Momo rested her head onto the table, feeling tired as if she do something tiring today

"As far as I know you haven't starting yet"Mina said sarcastically

"I already have an idea though"Momo pouted

"HA. HA. HA. Is that what you called idea?"Jeongyeon teased

"Ya!!"Momo yelled

"What about you Sanaring?"Nayeon suddenly asked as they all got their stares at the said latter. Sana was just busy doing hers and her face was telling something that they can't tell.

Suddenly, Momo steal Sana's work from her table. Sana got panicked based on her looks. Suspicion is written in the other girl's face.

"Sun and the moon, why can't it come together? Ice and fire, why can't stay together? Joy and sorrow, why can't it go together? Me and you, why can't it be together? Sometimes life is so unfair"Momo paused as she take a look at the next page
"The sun's gone dim and the moon's gone black. For I love her, and she didn't love back"she had her mouth hang open while reading that work of hers

"That's a great work!"Jeongyeon complimented

"I didn't know you're good at this"Nayeon said

"Wait do you perhaps like someone? And who is your inspiration for that?"Mina suddenly asked that caught Sana off guard

She really made that for someone. Someone that she loves and that someone is her stepsister.

"I just realized it and it was a girl? It's saying 'her'?"Momo read it again as Sana steal it from her hand

"It just came out inside my mind"Sana look away but that didn't buy the girls

"Okay then let's just pretend you don't like someone, that is a girl"Nayeon chuckled

"Let me know who is 'her' Sana chan"Mina said wanting to know who it is

"I told—

"You're pretty obvious though. You can't fool us"Jeongyeon crossed her arms

"If she's not ready to tell it to us then let's respect her decision"Nayeon cutted them off

"We'll wait for it until you tell us"Momo smiled

How can I tell them that it was really my step sister. I don't want them to judge me for loving my own step sister.

Also, I know Momo likes Tzuyu, she didn't tell me but I felt that she likes her. I just don't want to ruin our friendship because we liked the same girl.


Outside the campus.

"How about we use Mina's car all the way to Gahoe-dong?"Momo suggested which they all declined

"It's far away from here and Mina unnie just brought her Ferrari"Dahyun shooked her head

"I think we should go to our usual place?"Jihyo said

"I mean the food there was good though"Nayeon said

"Yeah I think we can go there"Mina nods

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"Momo said pulling Mina along with her

"That girl, really"Dahyun shook her head. Sana then find it's way to the latter's and cling onto her arm with a teasing smirk.

"Acting as if you hated her"Sana said, still with the smirk across her face

"I hate her so much"Dahyun said which is definitely true

"Okay? I'll just pretend I didn't know that you like her"Sana gave her a smile, a sarcastic smile

"Yeah"Dahyun just nodded

They were still walking all the way to the said restaurant when someone called Sana's name. Of course all the gaze went to the owner of that voice.

"Sana!"as when Sana turn her head, there she saw Miyeon with a smile spreading across her face

"Aish, here she goes again"Dahyun took her hands inside her pocket

"Dahyun ah"Sana tapped her shoulder and got to Miyeon. She walk passed Tzuyu who is in the end.

"Miyeon ah! What are you doing here?"Sana asked cheerfully

"I'm on my way home and I saw you with your friends"Miyeon said as her gaze went on Tzuyu. The taller just raised her brow with a 'what' look across her face
"And that girl who just let you get soaked in the rain"as of that, Sana have accidentally mentioned the scene that happened that day to her

"What did you just say?"Tzuyu was about to step close to her when Jeongyeon block her sight

"Calm down, Tzu"Jeongyeon said holding onto her shoulder

"Miyeon"Sana was telling her to apologize. Miyeon sighed.

"Fine. I'm sorry. It's just- I can't help myself. You didn't know what Sana went for when you didn't showed up for that dinner"Miyeon explained, making them glance at Tzuyu

"It's none of your business, Cho"Tzuyu said in a cold tone

"Yeah what should I expect. You're always like that"Miyeon rolled her eyes. Tzuyu just shrugged her shoulders and nodded.

"Miyeon please don't mention that anymore"Sana said, pleading

"I'm sorry but this is the only time I can atleast talk to her"Miyeon said

As when the girls went their gaze at Tzuyu's direction, there they saw the said latter already walking away.

She's jealous or what? Well, she's confusing sometimes-no she's always confusing so they don't know.

"I think I ruined your day guys"Miyeon sadly look down

"That's okay, Cho Miyeon. You just cared for Sana so that's okay"Jihyo said with a smile

"I didn't know there's this issue happened for the two of you"Momo said

"Is this the reason why the two of you are in distant like that?"Mina asked

"Yeah but not literally the reason"Sana answered

"I'm going now. Have a good day"Miyeon then bid a goodbye

"I don't know, but I don't like Miyeon"Dahyun said straightly

"Maybe because you like Sana unnie?"Chaeyoung whispered right into her ear


"Shh if you don't want me to say it out loud"Chaeyoung wink at her

"What are you guys talking about?"Jeongyeon asked

"Obviously she's teasing me"Dahyun glared at her

"Minari also joined Tzuyu"Chaeyoung suddenly said as their gaze went to the said latter. She's right.

"Let's follow them"Nayeon said as they all went to them

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