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"Are you two okay there?"Sana's mother ask as the two nodded their heads

"Okasan said that you're not going outside with Papa so I guess this is your first?"Sana asked the girl besides her

Tzuyu glance at her and quickly look away with a slight nod.

"Why aren't you going outside together, Papa? I'm just curious"

"Sana, honey"her mother called and gestured her to stop

Maybe it is because Tzuyu seems uncomfortable with that question so she decided to stop being so talkative.

"I'm sorry"she mumbled

"You don't have to say sorry. That was true though"Tzuyu's father said glancing at the mirror

After that silence filled inside the car all along the ride.

Inside the restaurant.

"We are going to announce something"Tzuyu's father started while holding onto his partner's hand

The two girls got quiet and waited for him to continue.

"We are going to get married this coming months, 2 or 3"he said making the taller girl stops from eating

"I know this sounds cheesy but when I met him I know he's the one for me and—

"You're getting married again?"Tzuyu interrupted

"Why? Isn't that great? You are going to be my official step sister"Sana smiled as Tzuyu glance at her with her cold aura

"Tzuyu we've talk about this before"her father said

"I don't want to have a new family"Tzuyu look away as her father stood up

"Chou Tzuyu"Sana's mother held him by his arms, stopping him

"I'm sorry. I just can't replace Mother to anyone"she then left

Her father was about to follow her when his partner stops him.

"Let her be. She's still 15 years old. I'm sure she will understand it as soon as possible"she then glance at Sana who just motioning her to follow Tzuyu
"Come on honey. I think you can atleast help Tzuyu"she said

Sana can't do anything but to stood up and find Tzuyu.

Why would she needs to do this? I mean why her?

They are not that close though.

A little while, there she found Tzuyu right infront of their car. She immediately went there and stood besides the latter.

"I know we just met the other day, but I will prove you that we are deserving to be your family. I promise"Sana smiled


"Sana chan! Let's go watch our practice!"Momo yelled making the other students look at them

This girl really.

"I'm busy, can't you see?"Sana said flipping the next page of the book

"I can but please! I want you to be there"Momo pleaded

"Fine, let just fix this"Sana stood up

"Okay! I will help you!"

Soon the two arrived at the gym. Many people are there also watching the said practice.

Her eyes was roaming around the place until it got landed to a familiar eyes.

Oh it's my step sister.

"Hey! Don't stare at her like that"Momo pouted

"What?"she realized who is she talking about
"Can't you see? She's glaring at me"she added

"Huh? How can you say? She always have that kind of emotions"Momo chuckled
"Be used to it"the latter then pulled her by her hand, taking her at the front seat

"Momo! You're late!"Nayeon glared at her

"That's okay. Atleast she come 15 minutes before time"Jeongyeon defended

"You're always defending her"

"It's because she likes Momo unnie"the small girl said

"Stop that. You should atleast introduce yourself with my new friend"Momo glance at Sana

"Oh! Hi Sana! I'm Son Chaeyoung!"she said reaching out her hand

"How did you--

"Momo unnie was always talking about you"Chaeyoung smiled

Momo then turn to look at Mina who was just quiet like she don't want to introduce herself.

"I already know her"Sana uttered

"Oh then that's good! What about that small girl there!"Momo pointed Jihyo

"We also did"

"Great. Y'all are meant to be friends"Dahyun suddenly came with a foods on her hands
"And we meant to be together"she added making the others look at her in disgust

"Be used to it, Sana. She's just really like that"Chaeyoung said earning a glare from the older

"The practice will now start. Are you guys ready?"Jihyo came with Tzuyu

"Yes!"they said

"Let's go Sana. Let's have a seat right here"Dahyun sat besides her

"If you're wondering. We're not part of the team. We can't play volleyball"Chaeyoung chuckled

"But we do play basketball"Jeongyeon said

"The practice will start for just a minutes. Players please do prepare yourself"Jihyo's loud voice was heard. Even if she's not using a microphone for sure her voice will be heard.

Soon, the game already started. All the girls and guys there are cheering for Tzuyu's team when they are receiving the ball.

It seems like she's famous here.

Suddenly, the ball was about to got outside when Tzuyu saved it. All the girls scream and cheer for her name.

It made Sana look up to the girls who was just cheering for her. They are giggling and kept on squealing. Sana for sure can feel her eardrums broked. They are so loud.

"That girls from the back are so loud"Sana frowned

"Well in every games they are there, especially when Tzuyu was there"Dahyun replied

"I think everyone has a crush on Tzuyu"Chaeyoung said

"What?"Sana asked and she don't even know why she asked that

"What do you mean by what?"Dahyun asked in confusion

"T-that's nothing"Sana look away

"Even Chaeyoung has a crush on Tzuyu"Jeongyeon said earning a slight slap from the smaller

"No! She's just my friend!"she defended

"Why are you mad then?"Dahyun joined the teasing

"Why are you always teasing me with her? I like someone!"she half yelled

"And that someone is Tzuyu"Jeongyeon teased more

"Yah!!!"she yelled

"Son Chaeyoung, be quiet"Jihyo scolded making the other two laugh but not so loud, they might get scolded.

"No matter what you say you like Tzuyu"Dahyun stuck out her tongue

I don't know how they got a crush on that tall cold woman but I don't know why I got this unexplainable feelings when I heard that she got many admirers.

What is really happening to me?

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