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It's also been a months and Tzuyu was always fetch by her soon to be husband slash fiancé slash soon to be love of her life. That was just based on Sana. She always think negative anyways.

And for these passed few months, Tzuyu and Taehyung become more close than they first saw each other. Just like Sana, Taehyung is also a friendly guy so it's easy for him to be close on Tzuyu.

Also, They always got to mall or restaurants together, the three of them.

First of all, Sana wanted to saw how this guy treat her Tzuyu. Second, she want to know more about him so she's confident enough for what's Tzuyu's future will going to be. And lastly she don't want them alone, she wanted to protect Tzuyu at all cost.

Taehyung also prove that he is a best men for Tzuyu. Sana was there and she's happy for that atleast. But still Tzuyu is Tzuyu, she always got her cold aura and cold personality.

Back to reality, here they are at the living room watching some boring movie on TV. They are not even watching, just doing each other's business.

Their parents are not here because it's Sunday. They got to work in company for some important meetings. It always happens to them so they are used to it.

Sana on the other side got bored on playing with her phone so she just move closer to Tzuyu to cling onto her arms. Her head resting onto the latter's nape, sniffing her addictive scent.

"Why are you suddenly being clingy, Sana?"Tzuyu asked out of the blue, making Sana caught off guard. She can't answer that question. She really thought she can confess her heart out actually.

"B-Because"Sana choked on thin air as she watch Tzuyu's stare first
"I—"she didn't finish her sentence when someone open up the door

"Jagi! Are you busy?"a man's voice was heard

Sana knows who it was. That voice that always interrupting their bonding—as always.

"I'm not"Tzuyu replied

"Okay then, can we go outside for a lunch? You can bring your sister with you"Taehyung said with a smile. Tzuyu look at Sana with a 'are you coming look' and Sana just shook her head.

She just don't wanted to witnessed Taehyung's sweet gestures to Tzuyu for today. Yeah, she admit it he's sweet to her. It's not easy for Tzuyu to fall for him and she hated that fact. Taehyung is really a boyfriend material that anyone would really look for.

"I still have something to do so I can't come"Sana force a smile

"Yeah sure. Let's eat together in some other time. I guess?"Taehyung patted her head
"Let's go, Jagi"he held out his elbow for Tzuyu but the latter just stared at it so Taehyung got her hands onto his elbow and then got leave

Sana on the other hand just throw her body to the couch. She will not do anything so she will just sleep here all day long.

"What a bad day indeed"Sana mumbled

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