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"What's up? You said you saw signs that Tzuyu already love you too"Dahyun said as she sat right next to Sana. They were now at the practice room since Mina and Tzuyu are dancing. She needs to rest so she's just sitting here with Dahyun.

"Sometimes she's being sweet to me but sometimes she suddenly acts cold towards me. I'm confused"Sana look down as she watch Mina and Tzuyu dance

"Hey? Don't lose hope. I'm here"Dahyun said which made Sana turn to look at her
"I'm here to help you"she smiled

Sana then joined the three. Momo is also done eating so she finally joined now. The other girls are not part of the dance since they are the ones who will sing. Dahyun and Chaeyoung was not part of the team because that was just a senior's project. They are not the same.

"I'm hungry and tired!"Momo then sat on the floor

"You just got eat earlier though"Nayeon frowned

"That's not enough for her you know"Jeongyeon chuckled

"Let's buy foods then"Tzuyu said making all of them glance at her since this is her first time saying those kind of stuffs. She never invited or tell them any of those.

After a few minutes of silence someone suddenly spoken up.

"I'm coming with you"the three girls, Sana, Momo and Mina said at the same time. Momo stood up, Sana came closer to Tzuyu and Mina just stayed at her place.

"What's up with you guys? I will go with her instead"Jeongyeon then pulled Tzuyu along with her

"What's with that all of sudden?"Jihyo asked but got no answer from the three

"That's suspicious"Dahyun mumbled

Soon they got eat inside the practice room. No one will saw them so they can do whatever they want.

"Can you take the bottled water for me?"Tzuyu said pointing at the bottled water when

"Take mine, Tzuyu ah"

"Take this, Tzu"

"Here, Tzuyu chan"

The three Japanese girls said at the same time. The other girls had their mouth hanged open seeing the three girls being weird today. Jihyo then took the bottled of water instead and give it to Tzuyu.

"There you go"Jihyo smiled

They all came back to their senses and went back to eat. And after that no one dared to talk, especially Tzuyu.

"Okay so let's get started since we only have 1 hour left before going home"Nayeon said as they all went to their respective places

"I'm gonna play piano for a meantime"Dahyun suggested which they gladly agreed

"You know how to play a piano?"Sana asked, amazed

"Yes. Want to watch me?"Dahyun ask while smiling, Sana quickly nodded her head excitedly

They started to play a music while the other three girls sing. Momo, Mina and Tzuyu just watch them sing.

Suddenly, Dahyun stops from playing piano so as the singers who look at her questionly.

"I want to heard Sana sings so as the others"Dahyun said

"That's great. I didn't heard you sing for a years, Tzu"Chaeyoung said

"Mina too. She really has a great voice"Jeongyeon said

"What about me? Don't you want to hear my voice?"Momo ask with a pout

"Of course not"Dahyun quickly answered as Momo throw her shoe right into her face. Dahyun was about to threw it back when Sana stops her.

"No"Sana shook her head

"Let's start from Sana then"Jihyo said

"Wait what are we now?"Sana asked

"Last"Nayeon answered

Dahyun then started to play the piano as Sana sing along.

Why can't you hold me in the street?
Why can't I kiss you on the dancefloor?

Sana stopped and glance at Momo motioning her to continue.

I wish that it could be like that
Why can't it be like that?
Cause I'm yours

Momo stops and it's now Mina's turn.

Why can't I say that I'm in love?
I wanna shout it from the rooftops
I wish that it could be like that
Why can't we be like that?

Mina said while looking at Tzuyu. But her stare was telling a meaning that no one of them can't explain.

Cause I'm yours
Why can't we be like that?
Wish we could be like that

Tzuyu sing the last song. The others cheered for them like a proud moms. They are funny, really but sweet at the same time.

"You sing great, Tzuyu ah"Sana said while smiling

"You too"Tzuyu replied

"Tzuyu is great at everything"Momo said

Yeah that's what I saw. Is loving me is the only thing Tzuyu can't do?

"Yooo, what's wrong?"Dahyun asked the moment she noticed Sana's change of actions

"I just thought of something"Sana showed her a force smile

"About her?"Dahyun ask referring to her step sister, Tzuyu. Sana nods.
"Stop thinking negative. I know in the end she will love you back"she smiled

"Last practice! And after that we can now go home"Jihyo said as all of them go back to their places again

Soon the practice got finished. All of them are now fixing their things and theirselves.

The others was now finished doing all their things and bid a goodbye to them.

"Momo chan? You can also ride my car"Mina said which Momo accepted
"What about you Nayeon unnie?"she asked

"As far as I want to but I can't. Go on and I'll just go home by myself"Nayeon smiled and about to go when Jeongyeon suddenly block her way

"I can go with you"Jeongyeon said

"No your house is far from mine so—

"Come on, it's okay"Jeongyeon said dragging Nayeon outside

"That two really--"Jihyo chuckled putting her bag on her side
"I'll get going. Take care and get home immediately"she said before she got out

"I'm going with Chaeng"Dahyun pulled her
"Let's go bro"she said pulling Chaeyoung along

"Hey?"Tzuyu approached Sana. And here comes Sana's heart who's always beating only to her. Sana gave her a smile as she continued.
"Let's go home together"she said

"Just let me finish this"Sana said and Tzuyu just sat right next to her place

"Let's go?"Tzuyu said the moment Sana got finished

"Let's go"

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