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"What's your plan this break?"Sana asked. They are now currently at their room. Sana was just watching Tzuyu while the latter is reading a book.

"None?"Tzuyu answered not even glancing at her

"I thought you want to come with us?"Sana pouted even if the latter didn't saw her

"What?"Tzuyu asked

"You can't easily forgot the lessons but you're forgetting that we are having a vacation this week"Sana crossed her arms

"Oh? That? I still have something to do so I can't come"Tzuyu replied making Sana whined like a kid. The latter stared at her with a boring look.

"Why are you like this"Sana was still whining

"Okay"Tzuyu replied

"What do you mean by 'okay'?"Sana asked

"I'll come"Tzuyu said as Sana hugged her from her side

"You better fix your things now"Sana then stood up

"After this"Tzuyu said as Sana came to doorstep

"Let's watch a movie together later please"Sana pleaded

"I'm not int--okay"Tzuyu said as she saw Sana's pouting face

"Yay thank you!"Sana walk downstairs happily



"I thought we're just going to watch a movie?"Tzuyu asked. They were now roaming around the mall as Sana insisted to.

"I want to have some sister bonding with you"Sana smiled, Tzuyu didn't answer after that as Sana dragged her somewhere

Soon they got into a store to buy some good clothes for their vacation in Jeju.

Sana suddenly dragged her to the swimsuit section. Tzuyu had her eyes widen when Sana started taking it closer to herself.

"Is this good for me?"Sana asked referring to the red bikini. Instead of getting an answer Tzuyu just stared at her.
"Well, whatever I'll buy this"she then grabbed Tzuyu again

"What was that for?"Tzuyu ask with Sana holding a two sexy dress

"We're going to swim so I'll buy this two"Sana smiled and take another one again
"I think this looks good on you"she said

"That was too short for me. I'm not wearing that kind of clothes"Tzuyu frowned

"Eh? Then you're wearing some pants and shirt that was that long? Well, whatever you can wear what you want"Sana turned around and bought that clothes leaving Tzuyu near the fitting room

As when Sana got to bought that clothes, there she saw someone talking to Tzuyu. It made her frown. She was more like flirting to her. With that look on that face and the smirks she gave to Tzuyu. Sana find it annoying and got to Tzuyu in a fast manner.

"We need to go"Sana startled the two

"Oh is she your sister?"the girl asked

Tzuyu was about to say yes when Sana grabbed her hands and whispered to the girl's ear.

"She's my girlfriend"Sana whispered as they got out the store leaving the girl dumbfounded

What a flirt. And how dare this girl let that fucking girl flirt with her. Tsk.

"Hey?"Tzuyu started

"What?!"Sana asked obviously mad at the scene earlier

"Why are you so mad?"Tzuyu innocently asked

"Because—"Sana look behind her and found Tzuyu's cute features
"Don't talk to strangers like that. They might do something bad to you"she said in the calmest way

"She just asked me something"Tzuyu replied

"Ask you something? But what I saw is she's flirting with you"Sana frowned

"It's not that deep"Tzuyu said

"What? Not deep? It—

"Why are you being like that all of sudden?"Tzuyu cutted her off catching her off guard

"I just wanted to protect you"Sana reasoned out

"That's not how—"Tzuyu got stop when Sana suddenly hugs her. All the stares are at them since they were at the middle of that place.

"I'm sorry for being like that"Sana hugged her tightly

"O-okay let's just go"Tzuyu said as Sana let go of the hug with a wide smile

"Let's go"Sana said pulling her hands

Soon they headed inside the cinema not knowing what the movie is all about. Sana just find the title good so she decided to watch that. Tzuyu was just following her all the way since she's not used with this kind of stuffs.

The movie now get started. Sana was watching it quietly while Tzuyu was just reading something on the magazine she get on the store. She's really not into movies.

There were just few of people here and they were at the back since Sana wants that seat.

Sana caught Tzuyu not paying attention, but still she's greatful because the latter came with her. Sana got back to the movie after that.

"There's a kissing scene"Sana uttured but Tzuyu didn't even take a glance at the screen

Sana glance at Tzuyu and to the screen.

"Hey look at me"Sana said which Tzuyu obeyed

The next scene that Sana have did, made Tzuyu widened her eyes. Sana connected both of their lips, just like the scene on that movie. She don't mind about the people around them and continue to kiss Tzuyu. Sana pulled away with a giggle.

Tzuyu just stared at her not blinking as Sana got their lips connected again. But this time their lips are moving. Sana find their position hard so she made her way to Tzuyu's lap not minding that they were still on a public place.

And with that Tzuyu pulled away before their kissing session turn into something worse. The latter rested her head to the crook of Sana's neck as she catch her breath.

Suddenly, Sana stared to lick Tzuyu's neck causing the latter to cover her naughty mouth.

"What do you think your doing? We're on public"Tzuyu said panting heavily that Sana finds really sexy

"I need you, Tzu"Sana seductively said. Tzuyu just stared at her without any emotion before she put her back on her seat making her pout.

"The movie is done so we need to get home"Tzuyu then stood up leaving Sana froze at her place

Sana finds something wet inside her clothed skirt. She frustratedly sighed and just followed Tzuyu from behind.

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