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Have you ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn't have fallen in love with?

Because Sana, herself fall in love with her stepsister, Tzuyu

And how can something so wrong feels so right?

The more she stops from falling in love with the latter the more she fell for her. She just can't stop herself from loving Tzuyu.

Back to the girls who are playing around the garden as if they are on a public picnic park but they are still at the school.

Sana was not enjoying. Why? Well, the reason was Tzuyu is with Elkie and she hated the fact that, she always gets jealous easily. Well, who will not? Elkie is so damn close to Tzuyu. Like girl, is Tzuyu a magnet that she's always clinging her body to her.

"Yo! Stop being such a jealous girlfriend. As if Elkie was going to take Tzuyu away from you. We all know that Tzuyu only cares for her study and for being a volleyball player"Dahyun interrupted her thoughts

"What if it came up to the point that Tzuyu already got a boyfriend?"Sana asked out of the blue, making Dahyun laugh out loud. It made all the gaze went on her. She's laughing like there's no tomorrow.

"I don't think that will happen"Dahyun finally answered the moment she overcome her laughter

"Why are you laughing? And why do you think that will not happen?"Sana asked, confused

"First, I'm laughing because of what you said. Second, Tzuyu is not straight"Dahyun replied

"So I have this 0.99% chance to her?"Sana smiled

"Maybe? Maybe not?"Dahyun just shrugged her shoulders

Sana was about to answer when she saw Elkie acting sweet towards Tzuyu. Like what the hell-

"Oh calm down, calm down! I think you might kill Elkie with that looks of yours"Dahyun chuckled

"I wish"Sana replied, making Dahyun laugh even more. Sana gave her a death glare.
"What the hell are you laughing at?"she frown

"Just the way you react- was just"Dahyun check Sana's face first before she continued
"So freaking funny!"she laughed


"Hey? I think the two of you have this secret that only the two of you knows. Mind telling me what it is?"Nayeon came out of nowhere, startling the two

"It's a secret so we will not tell it to you"Dahyun said, making the thing so obvious. What the heck.

"Hmmph, okay then. I'll find it out myself"Nayeon then walk away

As when her shadows are nowhere to be find, Sana immediately smack her head. Dahyun winced in pain.

"What the hell is that for?"Dahyun pouted

"You're not thinking!"Sana frowned

"No. Because if I said no. Nayeon unnie will just force me and I might tell her the truth"Dahyun paused watching Sana's reaction
"We can't just hide it forever. I know that someday- someone will find out about your feelings for your stepsister"she continued


"You guys are free later?"Jeongyeon asked, they were now currently at the classroom. They are complete except for the two soph.

"You know that I'm always free"Nayeon smiled

"I'm not, but I can reschedule my work for you guys"Mina uttured

"I'll finish this business later at lunch so I'm free"Jihyo said while working on some papers

"What about you, Momo?"Nayeon asked

"Is there any foods there?"Momo asked

"Yeah so you don't have to worry"Jeongyeon replied, making Momo's smile widened even more

"When it comes to food she can't say no"Mina chuckled

"So true"Jihyo also chuckled

"I'm in"Sana simply replied. She's still not in the mood because Elkie was still here.

"Can I join you guys?"Elkie suddenly said

Is she really going with us this whole day? Isn't it ealier enough for her? It's not that I hate her but I just hated her being close to Tzuyu.

"Yeah sure Elkie"Jihyo smiled

"What about you, Tzuyu chan?"Mina asked

"Okay"Tzuyu answered

"What about the two small girls?"Nayeon asked

"They are also in. I ask them first and they said yes"Jeongyeon replied

"Where are we going by the way?"Momo asked

"In our favorite place"Nayeon answered

"Here comes Ms. Oh"

The lesson now started, which stops them from talking to each other.


The girls are now at the said place the moment they finished their classes. They didn't get to call their parents with this because it will just be quick and all their parents knows that they are doing some important things like homework together at their friends home.

It's typically them.

Sana was still not in her mood, especially when she saw Elkie again coming towards Tzuyu.

"Hey, Tzuyu I—"Elkie didn't finished what she was trying to say when Sana got next to Tzuyu and cling onto her arms with a cute expressions

"You like some, Tzuyu ah?"Sana asked as she took the food near Tzuyu's mouth. The latter was just looking at her with full of confusion.
"Eat it or I will kiss you infront of them"she whispered, which Tzuyu quickly obeyed

"As if you can do it"Tzuyu whispered back

With that, Sana bite her neck with full force. The girls around them was amazed and the others are shock. Well, they don't take it seriously but just sisterly argument or whatsoever came into their minds.

A bite mark can be seen onto Tzuyu's neck and it seems like she's used to it. Like she just closed her eyes and let Sana bite her neck. Well, they don't know..

On the other side, Dahyun had her popcorn and she's sitting freely on her seat. Like she's watching a kdrama on TV.

"Kim Dahyun? What's with the popcorn all about?"Jihyo noticed her

"The popcorn tasted great! You want to try?"Dahyun offered her the popcorn, which Jihyo shook her head

"I'm not into sweets these days"Jihyo said as Dahyun gave her that smile and came back to the scene she's been watching ealier

"Tsk, I will definitely cut my fingers if this two will not end up together"

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