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"Dahyun ah! Wait for me!"Sana stops from running to catch her breath

The said latter continued to run and she's laughing because Sana can't even catch her. She's as slow as turtle.

Dahyun was about to go with her when she saw Tzuyu went closer to her.

"Water?"Tzuyu handed her the bottled of water and Sana gladly took it with a small smile plastered across her face

These weeks Tzuyu become more sweet to her. Yes, Tzuyu's gestures was sweet as for her thoughts.

Tzuyu's gaze went on Dahyun and went on Sana again.

"You shouldn't playing with her. You're a grown woman, Chou Sana"Tzuyu said intently

Sana swears she almost jumped in happiness. Her name was more beautiful when Tzuyu was the one who is saying it. She never called her by her name but now it's was her full name. She was sure Tzuyu was scolding her.

"She took my phone"Sana pouted and Tzuyu gave Dahyun that look so the latter gave Sana's phone back

"Sorry hehe"Dahyun awkwardly laugh

"I'll get going"Tzuyu was about to walk away when Sana got a hold by her wrist

"Where are you going?"Sana asked in a sad tone

"Don't overreact too much, Sana. She will just do something important, right Tzu?"Dahyun said

"Right"and with that Tzuyu finally took her leave

"I thought you're running away from her?"Dahyun asked the moment Tzuyu's shadow can't be seen from their place

"I'm not running away, I'm swimming and Tzuyu is in the bottom of the ocean it's like— I'm drowning in"Sana looked down

"And you really have the guts to go with her fiance's date"Dahyun shook her head

"I just wanted to check if Tzuyu is okay with him. I wanted to be sure if he's really the one for Tzuyu"Sana said

"Okay but can I ask something?"Dahyun said, which Sana nodded
"Is he asking you to go together with them?"she asked

"He? Taehyung?"Sana asked and Dahyun just nodded her head. Sana continued.
"Sometimes. He's telling Tzuyu to like 'bring your sister with you' and sometimes he's asking me if I'm free so I can go with them. Why?"she asked, confused

"Nothing. Just asking"Dahyun shrugged her shoulders. Sana raised one of her brows, looking at her suspiciously.

"Is that really all?"Sana folded her arms over her chest

"Yah. It's just I find this Taehyung guy suspicious"Dahyun said

"He's not, Dahyun ah. I'm telling you he's kind and he's very protective over Tzuyu"Sana assured

"And you?"Dahyun asked. Sana find it weird but she nodded anyway.

"You don't like him, do you? Tell me so I know"Sana said

"No it's just- I don't trust men"Dahyun said

"Okay then. I'm not gonna force you to tell me. Tell me if you're ready"Sana said

"No no no. That's all I can say"Dahyun said shooking her head

"I'm not gonna buy that"Sana walked away

"Aish! I'm sorry if I can't tell you yet. I don't want to judge when I don't have an evidence yet"Dahyun mumbled

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