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"I don't think I can feel something from this Church"Tzuyu replied

"Okay! Let's find another one"Sana smiled

Soon they got to found another one and another one but that still didn't pass Tzuyu's taste.

And then they got to their last destination. They got inside and the place was good as for Sana. She don't know if Tzuyu will like this.

"Just think that I am the one who you will marry"Sana said as she went to the red carpet
"What do you think?"she asked

Tzuyu just stared at her without any emotion, just like she always did. But deep inside her, for some reason she felt something that she never felt before, she felt weird inside her stomach. She never felt this before, to anyone, to someone she just didn't.

Tzuyu was still staring at the said latter while thinking those weird stuffs.

She didn't even realized that she has been staring for so long until the said latter spoked up again.

"Hey Tzu. Now tell me if you feel something on this church"Sana started

Tzuyu look away and stared at the whole place for some reasons, like she think she might gonna melt with those stare. She don't know but that stare of hers is making her unconscious at some matters.

"I'm just joking ealier though, I'm sorry if I-"Sana didn't finished her sentence when Tzuyu quickly cutted her off

"I think I like this place"Tzuyu answered to eased the weird feelings she has been dealing with, and Sana smiled after that. That smile that she only showed to her.


That's when the time Tzuyu started to found her feelings for Sana. She didn't mind it at first, but it got bigger and bigger. She fall harder.

Her life in States was a mess. Her heart is always finding a missing spot. Just like Sana, she suffered a lot.

And now that she's back, Sana was no longer inlove with her. She hated herself that she only found her feelings to her when she's already too late.

Now, she's here outside Sana's office where she can saw into the window how Sana treating her girlfriend. Sana can be really a good girlfriend, just like she thought. She's happy with Miyeon, she knows that. Her mind is telling her to give up but her heart is saying otherwise.

She wanted to know if Sana still loves her for a few months and if it's not, then she's going to Canada. There was an opportunity waiting for her there and she would not hesitate to accept that when she proved that she was no longer the one that Sana loved.

"It's hot, isn't?"Tzuyu can heard Sana's voice from outside. She is now leaving because she don't want to interrupt Sana and her girlfriend.

"I told you to buy a new AC"Miyeon said

"Out of budget"

Tzuyu is now near the window when Sana open up the curtain at Tzuyu's exact direction. They stared at each other a few minutes, but Sana quickly hid down the wall with a red tint on her face.

"Love? Where are you?"Miyeon said as she came out and met Tzuyu's gaze. And there she found Sana hiding.
"What are you doing?"she asked and Sana quickly stood up as she saw Miyeon, that got her stumbled but luckily the latter quickly grabbed her arms

It hurts her, but it hurts more if she stumbled on the ground. They stared at each other as if no one was watching them.

Tzuyu on the other side is watching them and just decided to headed outside without them knowing it.

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