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"Have you tell your father the truth?"her mother asked

"No, Okasan. No matter how I try to, he will never believe me"Sana look down
"I think he hates me now"she added

"It's just-- he's mad at what you did"her mother patted her back

"A-are you also mad at me, Okasan?"Sana asked, but her mother just shook her head with a slight smile

"You just got fallen in love"she said

"I know, and I know this is wrong"

"For the eyes of people it's wrong but for me it's fine since you two are not blood related. You know, I'm still here to support you, honey. To love isn't wrong"she caressed her hair as Sana hugged her


"Tzuyu is leaving?!"Nayeon can't believe what she just heard

"And she will not finish to study here?"Jeongyeon asked

"I-I thought after that fiancé thingy, I thought it will be better"Dahyun sounds dissapointed

"Do you think that's better than her to leave?"Sana asked, sad

"She's going back, Sana"Nayeon assured

"Papa said there was something planned for her in there"Sana replied

"Don't lose hope. I know Tzuyu will still visit here and you can also visit her"Dahyun smiled trying to lit up the mood

"There's another problem"Sana said as the three other girls exchanged looks and came back to Sana after
"Papa find out about my feelings for Tzuyu"she said with her head lowed down

"How?"Dahyun asked

"Mr. Chou has many resources, maybe he got to used that"Nayeon answered

"What's his reaction?"Jeongyeon asked

"He's mad, I know. That's also the reason why he was sending Tzuyu to states"Sana said

"How about your mother?"Nayeon asked

"She's not mad at me and she's there to support me"Sana replied

"That's good to hear then"Dahyun smiled

"What are you planning?"Jeongyeon asked

"I don't know. I don't have the rights to stop Tzuyu from leaving. I'm just here to accept all the things"Sana said in a sad tone

"You will be alright, Sana ya"Nayeon patted her back

"You know you can just stay with Tzuyu's side all the time since we don't know when will she leaves. Who knows? It might be tomorrow or today"Jeongyeon stated

"You know, you're right. What do you think about that Sana ya?"Nayeon glance at her

"But papa will definitely not like it"Sana said

"We'll help you then"Dahyun patted her back

"Invite her for some dinner ealier"Nayeon said

"I'll try"


"Hey, Tzu? Are you busy?"Sana said she is currently at the student council's office since Jihyo need some help from her. Sana glance at the door where her friends are.

"Now, Yes. Later, No"Tzuyu replied

"Are you up for a dinner later?"Sana said which Tzuyu only return her a questioning look
"Uhh you know, you're going to states that we don't know when"she added

"Okay, just meet me later at the gate"Tzuyu said, which Sana returned a widest smile

"Uhh Tzuyu"Sana called as the latter just hummed in response
"I'm sorry, Tzu. Papa send you to the states because of me"she looked down

"That's fine. That's also going to happen anyways. He just made it early too early"Tzuyu replied

"What? Even if he-

"Yes. He will send me to states for me to study there"Tzuyu cutted her words

"You will stay there for how many years?"Sana asked

"3 or 5 years"Tzuyu replied, making Sana's world fall

"O-okay so, I still have class. See you later, I guess"Sana said and Tzuyu just nodded in response

I'm really gonna miss her.

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