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It was almost a week since the girls have this kind of bonding. A bonding in school. They were very busy the other times so they missed doing this kind of bond.

As of now, the girls are really enjoying the company of each other.

"Wait is it just me or Mina looks even more happy than I saw her a few hours ago?"Nayeon said pointing at Mina who is now talking to Momo

"Yup. Her smile was telling something that I don't know"Jeongyeon replied

"What's wrong with that? It's just a smile though?"Dahyun interrupted

"Okay so have you seen her smile like that?"Nayeon questioned

"No?"Dahyun replied not sure for her answer

"Mina was a bit weird today"Jihyo uttured

"And Tzuyu was always next to hers"Sana said

"It's not new though?"Chaeyoung smiled

"You're also weird for today, Chae"Dahyun frown in confusion

"What? What? Me? Weird? No way"Chaeyoung shook her head

"What's with you and Mina's smile all about?"Nayeon asked

"I'm smiling because I'm happy. That's all"Chaeyoung replied

"But it looks like a force smile though"Dahyun chuckled

"But my Changie is still cute"Nayeon said pinching her cheeks

"Ahhh! Nayeon unnie!"Chaeyoung yelled removing her hands off of her face
"It hurts you know"she pouted

"Back to Mina and Tzuyu. Look at them"Jeongyeon said pointing at them using her lips

"Mina and Tzuyu?"Momo asked and sat besides Chaeyoung

"They are just weird today"Sana answered

"Well, Tzuyu is always weird what do you expect?"Momo said, making them laugh

"Yes and she got even weirder today"Dahyun said

"Maybe you guys are just thinking that way? Who knows?"Jihyo said

"If you want to know then ask them"Nayeon said

"How?"Dahyun asked

"Ask them what's really the catch between the two of them"Nayeon answered

"You said it so do it"Jihyo said with a purse lips

"No. I won't"Nayeon shook her head

"You can ask them, Ji"Jeongyeon said pushing her over their direction but Jihyo did not let her

"What's wrong with that? You're just going to ask though"Sana shook her head

"Then do it"Nayeon said, folding her arms over her chest

"I'm doing it"Dahyun suddenly stood up

And the few minutes of bickering and thinking-

"What's the catch between the two of you?"Dahyun asked the two

"Yeah. You guys are acting weird today"Nayeon said

"Actually—"Mina started to spoke up, making all their gaze went on her waiting for an answer

"What is it?"Momo asked eagerly to know

"Tell me, tell me"Dahyun said as excited as she was

"Come on tell it to us"Sana smiled

"Me and Tzuyu are-"Mina paused as she took a glance at Tzuyu asking for a permission. The latter itself just nodded her head that made Mina continue her words.
"Are dating"she continued

It got surprised them all. They didn't expect that coming. Jihyo is amazed, Nayeon got happy and excited at the same time, Jeongyeon who got covered her mouth, Dahyun who is surprised but worried about someone, Momo who can't figured out her emotions, Chaeyoung who is just smiling and Sana who got her heart broke into pieces.

"Is this really for real?!"Nayeon excitedly asked

"Yes unnie"Mina smiled

"How is that?"Jihyo asked, smiling

"I-I confess to her and she gave me a chance. We decided to try. You actually don't know how much I am in love with her. It's just I fell for her"Mina shyly admitted
"I keep this as a secret for a long time"she added

"I'm happy for the two of you"Jeongyeon smiled

"C-congratulations"Momo suddenly said, making all the gaze went on her. Checking if she was okay.
"Oh come on! What's with that looks?"she asked

"Are you okay, Momo unnie?"Dahyun asked worriedly

"Why'd you ask? Of course I am. You guys are just thinking too much"Momo shook her head, but that didn't buy Dahyun of course. She has a feelings for Tzuyu, she knows.

"What do you mean by that, Momo chan?"Mina asked, totally confused

"Congratulations guys! I think we should atleast celebrate?"Jihyo interrupted while looking at Momo, she also knows

"Sana, you okay?"Dahyun called her the moment she saw a tear falling through her cheek

"I'm fine"Sana weakly replied

"Pull yourself together. I know you can move out of this. Accept and forget, that's the only thing you can do for now"Dahyun said patting her back

"Dahyun ah~ can you bring me somewhere?"Sana half whispered. Her voice was already cracking as she was surpassing her tears. And if she will stay here for so long, she might let out all the tears she's been holding.

"Oh gosh! I forgot my things and-Sana I need your company"Dahyun pulled Sana along with her as the girls look at her weirdly

Soon they got to an empty hallway where few of students are going. Dahyun checked Sana still with that sad face of hers. She's indeed sad today.

Dahyun don't know what to do but she suddenly gave Sana a warm embrace that she will surely need in this broken state.

"Let it out. No one will saw us here. And I'll be your cry shoulder. Let it all out"Dahyun said caressing the latter's back

With that Dahyun heard Sana's crying. She's crying all her eyes out, taking a tight grip on Dahyun's shirt.

"If the two of you are really for each other, sure the destiny will brought you together. If it's not then let's accept that fact because maybe they just got to our life to teach us a lesson, they are there to got us strong"Dahyun said

A few moments Sana finally stops from crying. She's almost crying for 10 minutes.

"C-can I stay at your place for now, Dahyun ah?"Sana asked, sobbing

"Yes, of course. You can stay there until you're feeling okay"Dahyun smiled

"Thank you"

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