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Outside the campus, there the students are staying in. Why? They are waiting for the arrival of Tzuyu and for her so called boyfriend.

As days passed by, they become the main topic of this campus. Not to mention, Taehyung is also famous in his own school. He's also a Gucci Ambassador, making him popular all over the world. The Kim's family was one of the most powerful family in South Korea.

"Oh my goodness! Here they are!"one of the girl said

Also, Sana and her friends are also here. And that is because Nayeon insisted to, she wanted to meet Taehyung in person.

After that, the car stops right infront of the gate. All the students started to shout and the others are giggling.

The tall guy hop out off the car with his Gucci outfit. He's wearing a black glass and when he removed it, the students who is around them went crazy. And then he move to the passenger's side to open the door for Tzuyu.

"You don't need to do that"Tzuyu uttured, they heard it because they are just inches away from her

"But I want to do it for my future wife"Taehyung said, that just made the students went even crazy

"Gosh I hate crowds"Mina mumbled

"Can they please stop?"Momo frowned

"So noisy"Sana uttured

"They are just jealous"Nayeon whispered through Dahyun's ear, which she agreed

With that, Tzuyu immediately headed towards her friend's direction. They all greeted her cheerfully.

"I don't have a formal greetings to your friends so.. I'm Kim Taehyung, Tzuyu's fiance"Taehyung said the moment he got into them

"Yeah right. I just wanted to tell you this--"Jihyo gave her a serious look
"Take care of our friend here or you're dead"she continued

"Don't worry about it. Tzuyu's in good hands"Taehyung showed them his smile

"As Tzuyu's friends. You need to prove us"Nayeon folded her arms

"No problem, I will"Taehyung aaid

"Okay so with that, let's go to our respective classrooms! Students of TDOONG UNIVERSITY!"Mina said as the school's vice president and they all obeyed her. How did they heard her? She got to used a megaphone.

"I'll take my leave. Jagi? Call me when you need me to fetch you, okay?"Taehyung said and Tzuyu just nodded her head. Taehyung take his leave after that.

"Minari you're unbelievable. You really use that thing huh"Momo chuckled

"The students will not heard her if not"Jihyo joined

"Shall we go now?"Sana suddenly said with a straight face. She's not in the mood for today.

"We should"Mina said and headed first followed by the others

"How jealous are you?"Nayeon asked as she got next to Sana

"I think it was hundred percent"Jeongyeon chuckled, making Sana glared at her. But it got changed when she realized it was Jeongyeon who said that.

She knows?

"About that. I accidentally spill it"Nayeon scratched her nape

"Tsk tsk, that's why I don't trust Nayeon unnie with secrets"Dahyun said

"Aish! I just accidentally said that"Nayeon pouted

"Well, she can't hide something from me. But expect for that I won't tell this to anybody"Jeongyeon winked

"She also know about my plan"Nayeon said

"It's been a week and you didn't have told us your plan"Dahyun raised a brow

"I actually don't agree with her plan. I mean how can we ever juice any information from Tzuyu when she was too quiet and had her straight face all the time? Approaching her was already hard so how can we know if she's getting jealous or what?"Jeongyeon explained

"So your plan is to get Tzuyu jealous?"Dahyun asked

"You got it right"Nayeon smiled

"I can't with this plan"Sana frowned

"Let's just try okay? There's nothing to lose"Nayeon said

"Okay then I agree"Sana said

"See?"Nayeon smirked

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