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"Minatozaki Sana"the tall girl stops from walking and turn to look behind her which the smaller girl was

Sana just stared at her with a questioning look on her face.

The taller rolled her eyes before she took the latter's hand with her. She pulled the smaller until they arrived at the library.

It startled Sana a little bit, she don't know why but the way the taller held her hand makes her feel something weird around her stomach. And that unexplained spark that she never felt before by just being touch with someone you don't even know that well. 

But maybe it was just some scientific reason or something that she don't know.

"Hey?"the taller called as Sana came back to her senses

"I'm sorry. I've been spacing out"Sana look down 

"We're already here"she said looking at the front which the library was

"Oh"Sana look around and there she saw that they are already inside the library

Sana mentally facepalmed for spacing out. She then look at Tzuyu who was now far away from her, getting something on the shelves. 

She have already forgotten that she was here to borrow a book. 

What did that tall girl do to her and she got her like this?

How weird. That was only a touch from a stranger who happens to be her tour guide in this academy. 

She shook all her thoughts and went towards the Textbooks section since she's going to study the past few lessons she haven't catch up since she came to school a week late.

At the other side of the book shelves, there she saw the tall girl. She's busy looking for a book while Sana was busy staring at her face. She realized that the taller was really gorgeous with her simple looks.

Well, her expressions are just the same every time she talks to her. But maybe it is because they are not that close. 

Suddenly, the books from her hands fell. It made the taller look to her direction. She hurriedly got down to get the books as if the taller didn't saw her already. She was already caught. Damn that book.

It didn't got long and she run away from the other book section.

"I'm being weird"Sana mumbled to herself

Now, Sana was finding some Science book but it was too tall and she even can't reach it. She was trying to get it until she felt someone came besides her. She turn her head and find the taller looking at her without any emotion.

Sana cleared her throat and took all her courage to ask for her to get the book since she's tall.

"Can you take that book, please?"Sana pleaded. The taller didn't say something and just get the book that Sana was pointing

After she gave Sana what she wants, she then walk away leaving Sana alone.

The smaller just watch her walk until she got into the last table. She fix herself first and also got the last seat across Tzuyu. The latter didn't even bother to look, so she assumed it was okay for her to sit across her. It made her smile and continue to read.


"This is the principal's office"the taller said as Sana nodded her head

"What about that"Sana said pointing at the other room

"Prefect. Can you wait me here?"she said and Sana just nodded 

The latter didn't wait for her to answer and leave Sana from behind. Now, she was just alone sitting at the waiting area near the prefect.

Suddenly, she heard someone opens the door.

"I don't want to see your face here again Ms. Kim or else I'll report this to your parents"someone said

"Yes Mr. Lee. I'm sorry again"a girl with a sweet voice said

Sana turn to find out who it was and it turns out that it was the pale skin girl she just met days ago. 

Mr. Lee then go back inside leaving the small girl outside. Sana got caught staring at the pale skin girl. The small girl smiled at her so she also return a smile.

She's cute.

"Hi"she started as she sat next to her

"Hello"Sana cheerfully said

"I actually wants to introduce myself to you the other day and be friends but I can't found you. I'm Kim Dahyun"she said and reach out her hands for her. Sana gladly took it with a smile spreading across her face.

"Minatozaki Sana"Sana said

"So-- Can we be friends?"Dahyun ask while scratching her nape. Sana giggled.

"Yes of course"Sana smiled

"Are you fr--"Dahyun didn't able to finish her sentence when

"Minatozaki, we need to go"the taller came back wearing her expressionless face

"Oh. I forgot she's your tour guide"Dahyun stood up and tapped Tzuyu's shoulder

"Yeah she is"Sana smiled

"Take care of Sana okay? or you want me to smack your head"said Dahyun and the taller seems like she don't care 

"I can take care of myself Dahyun ah~"Sana said with a smile as Dahyun also smile to her

"Let's have some lunch together soon okay?"Dahyun ask and Sana nodded her head

"When we both have our free time, I guess"Sana answered

"Okay that's o--"someone cutted her off

"Are you two done talking?"Tzuyu asked crossing her arms

"Yeah. What's our next destination?"Sana asked

"Sorry to interrupt you guys. I think I need to go"Dahyun said and tapped Sana's shoulder with a sweet smile

"You better be"Tzuyu uttured

"Take care!"Sana said before Dahyun leave

As Sana turn to her back the taller was already walking away. She shook her head with a pout and just followed the latter.


"For the whole tour you didn't even told me your name"Sana pouted

"Tzuyu"the taller said making Sana's pout change into a wide smile

"You got a nice name. Are you a foreigner?"Sana ask and the latter just nodded her head

The taller didn't say anything and about to leave when Sana called her.

"Where are you going?"Sana asked

"I still have some meeting"Tzuyu replied

"What meeting?"Sana ask making Tzuyu frowned

"You have so many questions"Tzuyu said. Sana scratches the back of her nape, laughing awkwardly.

"Sorry for that. You may now go. It was nice meeting you by the way!"and with that the latter finally walk behind 

"She didn't even say it back"she mumbled with a pout

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