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Tzuyu is currently inside her office when she saw her mother's photo. She always keep it inside her wallet. She treasures it a lot. She haven't met her mother since the day she was born.

Her mother died when she was giving a birth to her. They say her mother's heart was weak and she will make a difficulty for giving a birth to her. Her father even planned on aborting her, but her mother didn't agree with that thing. She was already there so she can't. It pains Tzuyu every time that crosses her mind.

She sometimes blame herself. Because of her, her mother died. If she didn't came to this world then for sure her mother were still alive. She rather die than to live this life.

Her mother's death has something to do with the way her father treated her. He somehow blame Tzuyu for her death. And that's when her father become so much strict.

Tzuyu's father also wanted her to be 'perfect' she needs everything to be perfect. At a young age, her father taught her the basics of how to handle their company. And if you fail in school, he won't let it slide, as much as possible her father want a high grade, a straight 'A' to be exact.

At a young age Tzuyu learned how to discipline herself. She become mature, especially when she turned into a teenager.

But then when she reached the age of 13, her father leaves her.

The reason? Her father love someone and she wouldn't even know if someone else hadn't told her. Her dad left her for the others sake. Her father really loves Sana's mother, but he can't even love her own child. Maybe it was because her mother reflected on her because Tzuyu is the reason of her mother's death.

How messed her life is. She already lost her mother and it feels like she had also lost her father.

She grew up in her grandmother's hand since then, just like her father her grandma treated her the same.

She is lack of love— family love.

Back then she used all of the pain she have been dealing for, that it caused her heart to feel numb. That also caused her to hurt someone who are really loving her.

Tzuyu's thoughts got interrupted when someone suddenly opened the door. She looked up and found Sana with her usual doings. She had her smile and a foods on her hands.

Sana is also the one who truly loves her. She don't know why she hurted her back then. She regretted it. She was so precious for her but what did she do?

"Hey? Is there something wrong? You're starting at me for so long"Sana uttered, that made Tzuyu snapped out to reality

"You cooked this?"instead of answering, she asked that

"Yup. I learned this from Miye—"before Sana could finish her sentence, Tzuyu cutted her off

"Can you please don't bring Miyeon's name everytime we're having a conversation?"Tzuyu said, trying to act calm

She don't know but she suddenly blurted that words out of her mouth. She, herself really don't know why she's acting weird these days. Gladly, she managed to act calm even if it is a complete opposite.

Well, Tzuyu was the type of person to fake her emotions and that was the one thing she hated about herself. She hated that she wasn't true.

"I'm sorry. I won't do that again"Sana scratched her nape
"Let's eat?"Tzuyu just nodded

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