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Sana was now at the gym watching her friends playing volleyball. She can't join since she's afraid that the ball might hit her just like the first day she got here in school.

She didn't saw Tzuyu yet since earlier, even at home. She don't know what's wrong with her. She know to herself that she didn't do anything wrong so why is that?

And suddenly the ball was about to hit her. She got her eyes widen. She close her eyes tightly, waiting for the next scene to happen. It didn't end long and she felt nothing but their screams.


"That was close!"

"Good job, Dahyun ah!"

Sana slowly opens her eyes and found Dahyun standing right infront of her with the ball on her hands so she assumed she saved her. She met Dahyun's gaze and the latter gave her a sweet smile.

"It's always Momo unnie, tsk"Dahyun's gaze then went to the said latter

"Why are you always seeing me huh?"Momo was about to go to her when Nayeon block her way

"Calm down Momo ya~ just don't mind her"Nayeon said putting her arms over her shoulders

"That's suspicious. You're always teasing Momo unnie"Chaeyoung chuckled

"What do you mean by that small cub?"Dahyun glared at her

"You're also small unnie"Chaeyoung raised her brows

"I grew 2 cm"Dahyun replied

"Meanie"Chaeyoung pouted

"Aw our Changie is so cute"Mina said pinching her cheeks, that made Chaeyoung blushed

"Let's continue. Sana you should try"Dahyun smiled

"I'm really not into sports"Sana shook her head

"But you should atleast try. I'll teach you"Dahyun gave her a wide smile

"As far as I know you're not that good at volleyball"Momo sarcastically said

"Atleast I can play"Dahyun defended

"Oh really? When the ball hits you, you will just catch it so how is that?"Momo smirked

And with that Jeongyeon went into the middle before they might hurt themselves.

Soon they started the game again and Momo's team have won.

"Yes! We won!"Momo screamed in happiness while the three other girls just stay still

"Free foods for a week! Yes!"Nayeon jumped in happiness

"That's not fair. I challenge you to play basketball"Dahyun said making the three girls stop from celebrating

"Wait what? Are you serious?"Mina asked with a frown

"Deal?"Chaeyoung smirked, knowing they will surely win

"Tsk. Of course it is"Momo smirked

"You guys can't even reach the ring"Jeongyeon chuckled

"So as Chaeyoung and Dahyun"Mina fight back

"They can. They can jump and reach the ring"Jeongyeon said

"We also can"Nayeon raised a brow

"I don't think so"Dahyun smirked

"Hey! Can you just start the game?"Sana interrupted

"If we won, say goodbye to your free meal"Jeongyeon said before they get started

Soon Jeongyeon's team have won. Of course they are basketball players. Their opponents was a bit dissapointed for their bad luck today.

"Good game! You guys did a great job"Sana commented

"But they did not even took the ball inside the ring though"Chaeyoung chuckled

"Mina did"Momo defended

"That was just a luck"Dahyun said

"Say goodbye to your free meal!"Jeongyeon said as they got a high five

"I got you girls. I got your free meals"Mina said making Momo cling onto her arms

"Thank you Minari!"Momo said out of happiness

"You guys can afford your meals though"Dahyun frowned

"We do, but who will say no to free meals?!"Nayeon said

"None!"Momo answered

"Right no one. Mina unnie you should gave us free meal too"Dahyun said acting cute

"Yeah yeah. I got you all guys"Mina smiled so as the other girls

"Hey"someone then came

They all got to their back and found Tzuyu. Sana's smiled widened even more. They met each other's gaze before Tzuyu look away.

Sana was about to went towards her when

"Tzuyu chan~ Where have you been?"Mina asked approaching her

"Jihyo unnie got me something to do"Tzuyu replied

"You should come with us later at restaurant"Chaeyoung said but Tzuyu seems not interested

"It's my treat, Tzuyu chan. Come with us, please?"Mina pleaded. Tzuyu stared at her before she nodded her head

"Okay"Tzuyu shortly replied

"Dahyun ah?"Sana called the shorter girl. The latter just hummed in response.
"Do you think Mina likes Tzuyu?"she asked

"No? Tzuyu is like a younger sister for Mina unnie so that's very impossible. Same as Tzuyu, Mina unnie is also an only child. They got so many similarities so that's explain why they were so close to each other"Dahyun patted her back
"Don't overthink too much, Sana"she smiled that it calmed Sana


Nine of the girls are now going out to the said restaurant. Tzuyu wasn't really going out with nothing to celebrate, but there she is walking with them. No one even knows why she came along.

Sana on the other side approached the taller. She stand right next to her.

"How are you?"Sana started

"I'm fine"Tzuyu said but didn't even bother to look at her

"You don't look fine"Sana said not believing her. Tzuyu stared at her with a boring look.

"Then stop looking"Tzuyu said and walked passed her, leaving Sana mouth hanged open

"That's so--"Jeongyeon commented covering her mouth with her hands

"Savage"Chaeyoung chuckled

"What can you say about that Sana ya?"Nayeon asked more like teasing her

"You guys are being mean to Sana chan"Mina turn to look at them

"That's not being mean"Jeongyeon defended

"It is unnie"Dahyun defended as she went next to the pouting latter

"Here comes Sana's knight and shining armor"Momo chuckled

"Guys stop. We're in the middle of the road okay? Stop fighting, will you?"Jihyo interrupted

"We're not fighting, we're just teasing each other"Nayeon said

"That's just quite the same"Mina replied

"You guys are loud. I'll go with Tzuyu"Momo then approached Tzuyu and cling onto her arms. The said latter was not amazed and didn't even flinch. She's used with that anyway.

"She even let Momo next to her"Sana pouted

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