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If this feelings are real then I'm ready to make her do the same. I don't really know what to do. How can I fall out of love to her when she's always here next to me. After a weeks of not talking or meeting her was like a hell for me, I can't get away from her. And now, I'm ready to fight my love for her.

Sana then went downstairs and met her mother and step sister enjoying their breakfast. Their father was not here since he got to work early this morning.

As when she was just meters away from them she heard them talking about something.

"Have you and your father okay? I'm sorry for his attitude towards you. I know he just wanted the best for you"her mother said

"You don't have to say sorry Mama. It's not you who said that words to me. And it's okay its not like I'm not used to it"Tzuyu replied and Sana take a seat across her mother

"Good morning"Sana greeted with a smile

"Good morning honey"her mother greeted but Sana was still staring at Tzuyu

"Morning"she said with a boring look. She was like that when Sana started to avoid her. It was also her fault after all.

"Sana honey. You two should get along. Tzuyu has been in a deep problem with her father and you're not helping"her mother said leaving her speechless

"It was just a small problem, Mama"Tzuyu said

"Even if it's just a small problem you two should fix it. We are family so you two shouldn't fighting"her mother said as the two just nodded their heads
"By the way I prepared a lunch for the two of you since Tzuyu chan has suggested me to cook some"she said taking a two lunch box and give it to them

"Thank you, Okasan!"Sana smiled

"Thank you"Tzuyu said


"How are you and Tzuyu?"Dahyun ask as they got to the gym

"For a weeks of avoiding her, nothing happened I still feel the same"Sana look down

"I told you. That feelings won't stop easily when you two are on the same roof"Dahyun said and got sit next to Sana

She already knows about Sana's feelings towards her step sister, Sana have told her since she trust the latter. Dahyun also got feelings for Sana but she decided to move it away when she knows the latter was inlove with her stepsister, for her best friend.

She's willing to help the latter if that's what it makes her happy. Sana's happiness was enough for her.

"I decided to fight my love for her. You told me I can't back out anymore so that's what I'll do"Sana smiled also Dahyun who patted her back

"Always remember that I'm always here by your side"Dahyun smiled. Sana quickly stood up and gave her a warm embrace. She didn't expect that coming but hugged the latter back.

"Thank you for always boosting my confidence, Dahyun ah. If you're not here, I think I can't do this"Sana let go of the hug with a wide smile across her face

"That's not a big deal and it was also you who get that confidence of yours"Dahyun smiled. That's enough for her. Sana's happiness.

"But still thank you"Sana said as Dahyun stood up

"Now let's go and make your step sister fall for you"Dahyun said making Sana froze

"Not now, not now that she's a bit colder than usual"Sana said afraid that Tzuyu might ignore her again

"I'm here to help you"Dahyun smiled

"What can I do then?"Sana asked

"Flirt with her"Dahyun answered making Sana frown

"You know she's not the person who flirts around"Sana said

"Yeah but can you atleast try? I'm sure she can't do anything with you since you're her older sister"Dahyun look down remembering the time when girls and boys flirting with Tzuyu

"What do you mean 'she can't do anything with you'? I can't understand"Sana frowned in confusion

"That was just nothing"Dahyun chuckled and pulled Sana with her without waiting for her to answer

They walked until they got to cafeteria where their other friends was. As they got to them, they all look at them suspiciously like they did something wrong.

"Be honest. Do you two have a relationship?"Nayeon started the conversation

"If they have then they won't tell us. It's a secret after all"Mina uttered which they all agreed

"Wait no! We're just friends nothing more. Y'all are just over dramatic"Dahyun frowned

"Right. She's like a little sister for me"Sana replied

"And I can't just be together with a senior like her"Dahyun added

"Let's see if you will then"Jeongyeon said with a teasing tone while glancing at Momo

"What are you looking at Motherfucker?"Momo frowned the moment she noticed it

"Is looking at you that bad, Momo unnie?"Chaeyoung asked

"No. But the way she look at me is just-- nevermind"Momo look away

"What if it's really you and Dahyun who are meant to be together in the end?"Nayeon teased making Momo screamed out loud. All the students there glance at their table.

"What the hell Momo ya?"Sana frowned

"Ashamed of you"Dahyun copied what Sana did

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!"Momo kept on apologizing to the people around them

"That's okay! Enough! You kept on apologizing! You're so funny!"Jeongyeon said while laughing

"It's not like you're not use to it, Momo chan"Mina replied

"By the way bedore I forgot, where is Tzuyu?"Dahyun interrupted which all the girls glance at her

"Why are you finding her?"Chaeyoung asked

"I have to talk to her"Sana said while fidgeting her fingers

"Oh. She's at the rooftop. I don't know what's in her these days and she wants to be alone in there"Nayeon said

"Okay thank you!"Sana then hurriedly run upstairs

Soon she got at the rooftop and find Tzuyu who was just sitting there. She immediately approach the latter.

"What are you doing?"Sana asked the moment she got besides Tzuyu

"Nothing"Tzuyu shortly replied as Sana sat besides her

"Can I do nothing with you?"Sana asked and Tzuyu can still see that she's smiling within her words even though she's not looking

Tzuyu then turn her head just to stare at the latter with a boring look.

"You can do whatever you want"Tzuyu replied and look away

"Sorry"Sana said as Tzuyu look at her with a questioning look
"Sorry if I avoid you these days. I—

"That's nothing"Tzuyu cutted her off making Sana's smile got widen

"So we're okay?"Sana said and Tzuyu just glanced at her without saying any word meaning it was a yes

Sana then rested her head to Tzuyu's shoulder until their free time ends.

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