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A weeks have already passed, Tzuyu and Sana were here at the park. The taller girl invited her to and who is she to say no? She will never say no to Tzuyu.

For now, here they come walking, letting their feet guide them. They are already in their fifth destination and Sana is just waiting for Tzuyu to bring her to somewhere.

Since Tzuyu was just quiet, Sana decided to ask her.

"Where are we going now?"Sana asked

"After this walk, I'll be directly going to the airport"Tzuyu said

"Already?"Sana'a heart raced. Her eyes started to water. She doesn't want Tzuyu to leave.

"I was supposed to do something important but it's okay I already got the most important thing today and that's enough"Tzuyu paused as she mumbled the last words
"Being with you is enough"she mumbled but Sana still heard it or it's just her hallucination?

"W-what is it again?"Sana tried to ask

"It's beautiful here, isn't it?"Tzuyu ignored her question as she look at the view as Sana did the same

She's right the view is really beautiful and breathtaking. Sana didn't have the courage to ask that question again anymore. She also don't know why. She knows she clearly heard it right but she still wanted it to come out right into Tzuyu's mouth again.

"Tzuyu ah"Sana called while fidgeting her fingers and Tzuyu just hummed in response
"Will you still visit here?"she asked

"I'm not gonna promise but I'll try"Tzuyu replied as she glance at Sana
"Hey why are you crying?!"she asked

Sana even didn't realized her tears are now already falling. With that, Tzuyu hurriedly wiped her tears with her thumb. She swears her heart almost comes out of it's socket when she felt Tzuyu's warm hands onto her.

"Why are you crying?"Tzuyu asked once again

"Because you're leaving"Sana said, sobbing

"Okay then, I'll visit here in vacation"Tzuyu caressed her hair. Sana smiled at her but her heart was telling otherwise.

Soon they are now here infront of the airport. Sana was just clinging onto Tzuyu all the way here. It feels like her hands is not letting go of her. She really don't want her to leave.

"Hey it's not like I'm staying there in the states for life time. I'm still gonna go back here"Tzuyu uttered

"I will miss you"Sana pouted

"Don't get sad now okay?"Tzuyu said and Sana nodded

"Take care of yourself there, Tzuyu ah"Sana said

"I will"Tzuyu said while fixing her things

Sana help her walk until they come to an end. Her hands was still holding Tzuyu and she don't want to let go of it.

"Hey? I'm gonna be left out here"Tzuyu said as Sana let go of it slowly

Tzuyu bid a goodbye and started to walk when Sana called her again.

"Tzuyu ah!"Sana shouted as Tzuyu stops from walking and turn her back to look at her
"Thank you"Tzuyu only nodded her head and continued to walk

I love you, Tzuyu ah. I will miss you.

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