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The moment they finished their practice, the players then went to their friends. Tzuyu, Mina, Nayeon, Momo and Jihyo then got to where Sana's company is.

"That was great Momo!"Jeongyeon said and at the other side Nayeon was crossing her arms since the latter did not even congratulate her.

"I didn't know you're good at that, Nayeon"Sana said with a smile

"You know what? I like you"Nayeon then linked her hands to Sana's arms

"What?!"they exlaimed especially Jeongyeon

"She just said she like her doesn't mean it was romantically"Jihyo shook her head

"Right. That's what I meant. You're really smart Jih"Nayeon smiled

"You forgot we're still at school, Nayeon"Jeongyeon said but Nayeon just rolled her eyes muttering 'whatever'

Meanwhile, Sana's gaze went onto Tzuyu who was wiping her sweat with the towel on her hands. The way Tzuyu take that towel on her skin was just wonderful. It felt like the world seems to slow and she can only see Tzuyu.

"Hey"Sana came back to her senses


"Let's go. We're having a dinner"Momo said as she pulled Sana

"Dinner?"Sana asked confusly

"Yup. Aren't you there when we talk about that?"Momo asked with a frown

"Uhh yeah but I didn't heard it"Sana scratches her nape

"Well, whatever let's just go"

Restaurant near their school.

"I'm sure you guys can win the final game!"Jeongyeon cheerfully said

"Tzuyu really brought our team"Mina said, smiling at the latter who is now besides her

"Yup and also the one who named Myoui Mina"Chaeyoung said making Mina blushed

"Mina unnie is blushing!"Dahyun said clapping her hands while laughing

"She's always like that when Chaeyoung compliment her"Nayeon said with a teasing grin

"No"Mina defended

"Denial stage. Well, that's normal"Jihyo teased and with that Mina stood from her seat

"I'm going"she said and about to leave when Tzuyu took a hold of her hand

"Where are you going?"Tzuyu asked

"This people kept on teasing me so I'll eat to another restaurant"Mina said and Tzuyu also stood up

"I'm going with you"she said

"Wait no!"Nayeon exclaimed

"We can just celebrate next time if y'all are not like that anymore"Mina said before she took Tzuyu's hand and leaves

"They are so suspicious"Jeongyeon said while drinking water

"No. They are just close"Chaeyoung quickly defended

"What if Tzuyu likes Mina?"Dahyun said earning a glare from Chaeyoung

"She isn't. Tzuyu is still not ready for that. School and volleyball is the only thing she likes"Chaeyoung said with a frown

"But Mina is not a thing, maybe--"Jeongyeon was cutted off

"Stop it, will you?"Chaeyoung said holding onto her head
"I hate this"she added

"Stop teasing our baby Chae, tsk"Nayeon gave the taller a death stare

"Excuse me, Momo. I need a comfort room"Sana then walked away

"You guys forgot that Sana is here. She's getting out of place"Momo made a dissapointment sound

"True. She's now our new friend so"Jihyo said

"Sana is really friendly. She can't just keep up with the conversation"Dahyun said which they all agreed

"Yup, Japanese people are very friendly that's why your crush sees you as a friend"Chaeyoung got her revenge and stuck out her tongue making funny faces to Dahyun

"Woah that was just--"Jeongyeon chuckled

"Gave me high five, kid"Nayeon said and they did

"I'm back!"Sana smiled

"Hi back!"Momo said making all of them laugh

"You're so funny"Nayeon said almost slapping Momo's shoulder

"But she's still cute"Jeongyeon said stopping Nayeon from laughing

"Who ask?"she said raising one of her brow

"I think she's just saying that to make you jealous"Sana said

"What? Hell no. It's an ew for me"Jeongyeon rolled her eyes

"Your face"Nayeon also rolled her eyes

"You two look like a cat and dog who always fought"Jihyo chuckled

"So true"Dahyun joined her

"That's how my mother and father got fall from each other"Sana said, making them laugh
"What's funny? It's true though"Sana chuckled

"What a great love story then"Dahyun said

"Can we just eat and order foods? I'm so hungry"Momo said tapping her stomach

"You're such a food monster"Dahyun frowned

"You two. You guys also fought as always"Jihyo said while shooking her head

"It's always her who was teasing me"Momo pointed at the small girl

"No it wasn't me, shut up"

"No it was you!"

"Hey! Stop fighting!"Jihyo shouted

"Y'all are fun to be with"Sana said as they look at her

"You too"Dahyun smiled

"When it comes to Sana unnie she's being sweet"Chaeyoung said

"True. Why are you calling her unnie by the way?"Momo said

"She's a senior and I am just a freshmen so that explains"Chaeyoung said

"Well, Momo unnie is always spacing out so what do you expect?"Dahyun said earning a glare from the latter

"Here we go again"Jihyo said

"I'll order food. Dahyun come with me"Jeongyeon said and pulled her along without waiting for respond


"Tzuyu, are you done?"Sana asked. It was already an hour since they got lunch together with her new friends. And now she's waiting for her step sister.

"Give me 5 more minutes"she said without looking at her and Sana just patiently waiting for her

Sana was just watching the latter doing her reading. She has been like that for an hour. She wants to invite Tzuyu to a bus with her. She still didn't ask yet but she was sure that the latter will say yes to her.

A few moments Tzuyu stood up and got out from her seat. Sana just followed her behind.

"Hey just borrow that book and let's get home"Sana said still following her

"Go home alone"she replied making Sana frown

"What?! You made me wait for an hour and now you're telling me to go home alone?"Sana said. She's definitely mad right now.

"Did I told you to wait?"Tzuyu said making Sana mad even more

"You know you're such a--"Tzuyu just stare at her with her stoic calm face
"Motherfucker, nevermind"she said while fixing herself

She get all her stuffs the moment they got to the table and leave Tzuyu alone at the library.

That girl. I'm gonna kill her.

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